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Welcome to Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant

12:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lt. (j.g.) Alana Sasha Rini

Personality: Alana is quiet and stoic upon first meeting people.
Once she gets a feel for them, she usually warms up.
She is good at maintaining professional relationships,
but finds it more challenging to let people get close.
She tends to make a small number of close friends and
keep other people at bay with her well practiced Vulcan disposition
(which she can turn on and off when needed).

When on board ship Alana enjoys reading fiction from various cultures
as well as  physical activities including martial arts & combat simulations.

When on shore leave she prefers the outdoors.
Mountain climbings, spelunking, and exploring ancient ruins are
among her favorite pass times.
She has been known to go out drinking with the guys if the offer is extended.
Her Vulcan & Batazoid physiology allows her to keep up with even Klingons.
A strange quirk of her mixed heritage.

As to dislikes, Alana is not a fan of Synthonol.
She prefers real food, but can't cook to save her life.
She's always wanted to learn, but never has.


Alana is Single with no intentions to do otherwise.
Her Vulcan father arranged for her to be married to a promising young Vulcan
in StarFleet named Ryl.  He died in the Borg assault of Earth several years ago.
Alana had only met him twice.

She is the middle of three childeren
with one older brother (Ky)
and one younger sister (Kayla).

Her uncle was once a member of the Vulcan high command,
but has in recent years retired and taken an ambassadorial post.
Her Father (Salyaek) pursued a career in Star Fleet, choosing to serve rather than lead.
Before retiring he reached the rank of Admiral.
Today he teaches astrophysics at the academy.

Her mother (Azuma Rini) is distantly descended from Batazoid royalty
but maintains a low profile outside her world.
On Batazet however she is a well known philanthropist, and a champion for many charities and organizations for good works.

Alana was born on Vulcan (the only of her siblings to be).
She was raised on Starships as her family traveled with her father's orders.

Alana's mother knows that deep inside Alana hides her Batazoid nature behind
a stoic Vulcan facade, and it infuriates her.  Although they get along it is a source of tension.
Her Father however Alana gets along with (as long as she does what he expects of her).  Deep down she resents having to play "the dutiful Vulcan Daughter".

In school Alana was a star pupil.  She learned early on from her father
to be polite and intent on her studies.
Shortly after the death of Ryl she joined StarFleet academy.
Her father wanted her to pursue a scholastic role (in the sciences),
or perhaps one that could lead to an eventual political career.
Alana instead choose security and tactical courses as her specialization.
It was difficult for her be at the academy with her father as an instructor.
Many people either shied away from her, or tried to butter her up
in the hopes to curry a good grade from her father.
Alana appreciated neither.  As is her way, she made a small handful
of good friends that she could trust, and kept other people at arms length.