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Welcome to Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant

13:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lt. (j.g.) Jocelyn Ferris

Rank: Lieutenant, junior grade
Serial Number: EC-223-315
Current assignment: Medical Officer, assignment pending
Room assignment: Space Station K-10, Pylon Z, Deck 1, Room 43
Full name: Jocelyn Ara Ferris
Date of birth: July 17, 2354
Age:  26
Race: Human
Place of birth: Centauri VII, Alpha Centauri system
Parents: Saul and Riala Ferris
Siblings: Jana (older sister), Artan (older brother)
Education: Starfleet Academy and Medical School, 2372 - 2378
Specialization: Genetics
Marital status: Single
Children: None

Physical description:
Height: 1.6002 m (5'3”)
Weight: 58.2 kg (128 lbs)
Build: Slender
Hair color: Chestnut Brown
Eye color: Green
Ethnic background: Caucasian

Starfleet Career Summary
2372 - Joined Starfleet Academy and Medical School.
2375 - As cadet, assigned temporarily as Assistant Medical Officer to the U.S.S. Ares during the Battle of Cardassia.
2376 - As cadet, assigned temporarily to the U.S.S. Blackwell (medical ship) to aid in aftermath on Cardassia Prime.
2378 - Graduated as Ensign from Starfleet Medical.
2378 - Accepted to Central Hospital on Altair IV for medical internship.
2380 - Completed internship under Doctor Henri Roget, Central Hospital of Altair IV.
2381 - Promoted from Ensign to Lieutenant, Junior Grade.

Records / Honors

Psychological Profile: Report by Starfleet Medical, Lilani Worthing, Counselor General
SD 7203.15

It comes to no surprise to me to see Cadet Ferris struggling during her first year in the Academy.  I can only imagine how much of a shock all of this must be for her, having come from a small family with little or no contact with cultures other than her own.  Though she makes friends easily with those of similar background and upbringing, she's found it extremely difficult to connect with non-Terran species on any level.  One might even call her timid around them.  Though she seems to be out of her comfort zone, I have often witnessed her attempting to make friends with those of other races, which seems promising.  Having spoken with her about her feelings, I have determined that there is no bias or discrimination on her part, only an insecurity in knowing how to relate to other cultures.

Psychological Profile Addendum by Lilani Worthing, Counselor General
SD 7303.15

A year later and I am truly amazed by the transformation Jocelyn has shown in her acceptance of other races and cultures.  Not only has she made several non-Terran friends, she had made a true effort to understand their diversity.  Our intergalactic social sciences courses have helped her immensely in that regard, but her true initiative shines as she begins preparing for career in Starfleet medical.  Her understanding of alien anatomy and biology, along with intense study of genetics and genotypes, has helped her to better relate to those around her.  She’s excelled in all inter-species cultural courses along with the introduction to alien languages.  If she continues in this vein, she will be on her way to treating anyone, no matter the race, culture, or creed.

Medical File: Report by Triana Veris, M.D., Assistant Medical Officer, U.S.S. Ares
SD 7512.22

At twenty-one hundred hours today, Cadet Jocelyn Ferris was severely injured by an exploding conduit in our makeshift cargo bay triage unit.  During the battle, the ship was hit in the port nacelle, causing power fluctuations in all areas and many nodes to overload.  While tending to a patient, Jocelyn was struck by the full force of one of the damaged units.  The concussive blast ruptured her liver, spleen, and caused some bruising to her spinal column.  There was also some soft tissue damage as the shrapnel lacerated her lower back.  The lacerations were superficial and easily repaired after the offending metal was removed, but the internal damaged required surgery.  I can report, however, that Cadet Ferris is recovering nicely.  She is awake, alert, and free of pain for the moment.  We have her medically paralyzed for the time being so she does not jar her injured back, but the CMO will likely remove that restriction within twenty-four hours.  If her scans show clear, she could be back assisting in triage in a limited capacity in less than forty-eight hours.

Professional Assessment: Report by Mikal Hoffman, M.D., CMO, U.S.S. Blackwell
SD 7602.03

Though I do not normally approve of throwing unseasoned cadets into combat situations, we had little choice but to do just that in the war.  There were so many injured and so few to tend to them.  Not only were we required to treat Cardassian civilians from the planet, but injured Dominion forces were also transferred to the ship for medical attention.  With that said, I should report that Cadet Ferris had more than shown her worth on this ship.  She was assigned to me a month ago to assist the Blackwell in post-war aid.  Her knowledge of alien anatomy is quite extensive and makes her an invaluable asset on this mission.  As she has yet to finish her term in medical and has some years yet until the completion of her internship, her technique is sometimes unpolished and crude, but the end result is usually sound.  She had saved countless lives, with no regard to race or what part each individual played in the war.  I have seen her treat Breen, Jem’Hadar, and Vorta as easily as Betazoid, Terran, or Trill, and all with the professionalism one would expect of a doctor.  She is calm in hectic situations but knows how to hustle when needed.  With a few more years of experience on her record, she will be a most excellent doctor.

Professional Assessment: Report by Henri Roget, M.D., Chief of Surgery, Central Hospital, Altair IV
SD 8006.12

With mixed emotions, I must report the successful internship completion of Ensign Jocelyn Ferris. She has been an immense help to us and we will certainly miss her expertise.  She has truly been an invaluable research assistant, aiding the staff here with our genetic disorder modification program and gene therapy experiments.  With Jocelyn’s help, we have made great strides to eradicate several genetic disorders currently existing on Altair IV and hope to expand our study to the disorders of other races.

I have observed Jocelyn to be the best sort of doctor. She has a way about her that puts people at ease, even when they are afraid to receive treatment. Neither her small stature nor her unassuming nature seems to interfere with her ability to command authority when needed.  She does have a habit of working too long and pushing herself too hard, but in a laboratory where many of the doctors never see the light of day and can barely keep track of the solar cycle, I can hardly blame her.  Though I regret to see her leave, I wish her well in Starfleet and know that she will make a fine medical officer on any ship to which she is assigned.


Command Skills
+3  Administration (includes Logistics, Strategic planning)
+1  Command
+1  Diplomacy
+1  Espionage

Ship Operation Skills
+1  Starship Sensors
+1  Communication Systems
+1  Piloting
+1  Security Procedures
+1  Engineering (warp core, warp nacelles, impulse, fusion reactors)
+1  Utility Systems [aka Ops] (replicators, transporters, life support)
+2  Computers (Operation, Repair, and Programming)

Science Skills
+4  Life Sciences (biology, botany, pathology)
+2  Planetary Sciences (geology, ecology, weather, terra-forming)
+4  Social Sciences (anthropology, psychology, sociology)
+4  Medical Treatments

Personal Combat Skills
+2  Energy Weapons
+2  Unarmed Combat

Other Skills
+2  Hobby - Swimming