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00:37, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Kodlack Ironmaw

without knowing his half orc heritage one could not tell he is one util close inspection a lifetime of hiding it has made him blend into human society quite well most think he is simply a large human. but some can tell him apart almost imedintly . his brutish sise , deep voice and tendency to solve problems with thumps.he has long black hair an attempt to seam more human hes tall and muscular with a light green to brown skin color. his large green eyes are another giveaway to his orc heritage.

kodlack was born to a orc clan high in secluded mountains the war-chief was breeding
halforcs for there increased intelligence over there brutish green brethren
to increase the clans strength by being able to plan attacks on nearby towns
and rival clans born by a less than willing mother he never fealt the love that
even a orc child knows. one day the chief set up fights to death for the
half-bloods the chief only wanted the strongest of them to live for weakness has
no use for a orc. kodlack was to go against gromm the chiefs own half blood son
kodlack was the smallest of the children in his young age so the chief beleaved it
it would be a easy win for his son to show the other orcs his blood is can even make
a half blood a warrior among orcs. kodlack ended this fight on top but refused
kill the young boy who was beaten and crying at his feat the chief told him to
kill the boy and take his side to be raised into his personal body guard kodlack
seeing that the boy was no threat refused to kill the weak and defenseless boy

when he refused to kill the boy the chief became enraged at the arrogance of the half blood
whelp he was banished from his clan thrown aside in the mountains with no food or water
being a young boy he did now know how to fend for himself. he wandered for a time until days
and nights passed but he only found himself more and more alone this went on for a time
evently he became to weak to walk he had made his way to some dirt road used by the
humans it looked as if it was not traveled in some time. but he was to tired and to hungry
to go any further so the boy calapsed it was dark for a time until he awoke to the sound of a
horse grunting under a heavy load. he also saw a man in heavy shining armor of steal and silver

eventuly the 2 came to a stop the man asked if he was hungry and presented carefully rapped rations
kodlack being completely void of manors from having to fight for food his entire life
snatched the food and began throwing it in his face the man started to laff at this
" my boy the food wont be going anywhere if your that hungry there is more where it
came from" he asked the man why he would help a half-blood runt the man said he was
a paladin of Sirilius. he said it was his life duty to help those in need and protect those who
cant stand on their own power kodlack was amaised by this that such kindness could be real in a cruel world
kodlack begged the man to alow him to travail with him and learn from him. the man
was reluctant " son i go where to sun cannot see. where the undead raise thier bones
and evil has a foothold this is not a safe place for a boy" kodlack instantly said "then i gess you will need a
strong hand to help you". the to traveled together for many years and kodlack began to grow into a strong
lad lead by this mans strong conviction and kind heart.

kodlack asked him many times what his name was
but the man said he didnt have one that he was a tool of Sirilius to be used for his will
such things are not for himself. eventuly the man reseved a message that he said was urgent and they needed to be off
the the city of Gurdikar. the man leaded them to the local temple of Sirilius. the man told him that this is where they must
part ways but that he would return to him...he promised kodlack fought with him asking
why he could not accompany him anymore the man simply replied "where i go u cant fallow me this is a trip for one"
the man rode off on his trusty horse goldmain who had kept kodlack company on many journeys
while the was in many a dungeon but he always returned.some time passed and the man never returned
one day kodlack would sit in front of the temple everyday and wait for the man to return
until one day he saw something over the horizon he saw a man in shining steel armor approach
but it wasnt the same it was missing the shinning silver that seamed to reflect light brighter than the sun
kodlac didnt understand. the man aproched him very slowly showing he had something to say that pained
him.the man spoke softly to show sympathy...his name was ingram a paladin of sirilurs he said he was on a mission
with the silver paladin i traveled with...he said thr silver knight saved his life
that they wer on a mission together and that the silver paladin spoke of kodlac fondly
as if he was his own blood sun. kodlack begged the man to tell him where the silver paladin was
the man said he didnt know. that the silver paladin bought him time to retreat with important information for the temple
he said they wer overrun by powerful necromancers who had summoned a legion of undead horrors "the silver paladin saved my life
and i plan to repay him with the only think i beleved he valued" the man said his name was ingram and that he planned to keep an eye
and to train him into a strong and just man

years have passed since then and kodlack has grown into a large and strong man
he had perfected many things tought to him by ingram over the years kodlack began to belave in the same things tought to him by
the silver paladin he had become a paladin for the temple and pledged to become the strongest of the paladins he continually fought to prove himself
to the temple elders this sometimes got in the way of good busness it would seem they would send him on little missions for the temple
but this has bored kodlack he has become restless until he met a strange group of adventurers
Name  :kodlack ironmaw | Race  : half orc           | Height:6'4
Player: jimmy                 | Gender:male         | Weight:205
Update:                       | Age   : 20          | Eyes  :green
Align : chaotic good           | Size  : m           | Hair  :black
Deity : Sirilius              | Speed :30ft         | Hand  :right
       Ability   |   Temporary   | Class fighter          Level 4
     Score   Mod |  Score   Mod  |
STR  18       +4 |               |
DEX  14       +2 |               |
CON  18       +4 |               |
INT  12       +1 |               |
WIS  13       +1 |               |XP  :3100               Char Level:4
CHA  14       +2 |               |Need:                   ECL       :
        Total   Current   Subdual |         Total   Dex   Misc
HP    :   50     50         50   | Init  :       =     +
        Total         Armour   Shield   Dex   Size   Natural   Defl   Misc
AC    :  24     =     + 9       +   4 +  1 +   m   + 10       +      +
        Total   Base   Str   Size |         Total   Base   Dex   Size
Melee : 28    =   4  + 4    +   m   | Range :       =      +     +
SAVES      Key                    Ability
         Ability   Bonus     Base   Mod   Magic   Misc
Fort  :    Con       +4=      +     +3      +          1d20+7
Ref   :    Dex       +1=      +     +       +
Will  :    Wis       +1=      +     +       +
A half-orc’s starting Intelligence score is always at least 3. If this
adjustment would lower the character’s score to 1 or 2, his score is
nevertheless 3.

Medium: As Medium creatures, half-orcs have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
Half-orc base land speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision: Half-orcs (and orcs) can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight,
and half-orcs can function just fine with no light at all.

Orc Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-orc is considered an orc.

The fighter’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str)

Skill Points at 1st Level
(2 + Int modifier) ×4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level
2 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor
(heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).

Bonus Feats
At 1st level, a fighter gets a bonus combat-oriented feat in addition to the
feat that any 1st-level character gets and the bonus feat granted to a human
character. The fighter gains an additional bonus feat at 2nd level and every
two fighter levels thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th,
and 20th). These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter
bonus feats. A fighter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat,
including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class
 gets from advancing levels. A fighter is not limited to the list of fighter
bonus feats when choosing these feats.

power attack
- base ataks bonus for more dam

- if i killed a monster i can attack another only 1nce per round
great cleave

+3 hp

weapon focus +1 to hit with longswords
SKILLS                    Max Ranks (3 + Level):     CC Max Ranks (/2):

                           Key    Skill Ability                    Misc
CC TRAINED               Ability   Mod    Mod     Ranks    Synergy  Mod
 Climb (Str)                               +4       3
 Craft (Int)                               +1
 Handle Animal (Cha)                       +2       1
 Intimidate (Cha)                          +2       5
 Jump (Str)                                +4       4
 Ride (Dex)                                +2       1
 and Swim (Str)                            +4       2

Warhammer 12 gp          1d8       x3        —       5 lb.       Bludgeoning
Longsword 2400 gp        1d9       19–20/x2  —       4 lb.       Slashing
  ^+1 to hit
                                                  TOTAL WEIGHT: 24       LB
                        ARMOUR CHECK    MAX  SPELL
full plait armor          +8     –6     +1   35%    20ft   50
towershield               +4'3   -10    +2   50%           45
                                               TOTAL WEIGHT:95       LB

COIN:    49PP:  GP:146.   SP:5    CP:5

                                                  TOTAL WEIGHT:        LB
GEAR                                                            WEIGHT LB
backpack                                                                2                                                                                                                            0                                                         0
bedroll                                                                 3
whammer                                                                 4
longsword                                                               5
plate armor                                                            50
tower shield                                                           45
5 c l wounds pots

                                                  TOTAL WEIGHT: 1oo somthin       LB
50       70  LB      LB           /    LB        LB           LB

without knowing his half orc heritage one could not tell he is one util close
 inspection a lifetime of hiding it has made him blend into human society quite
 well most think he is simply a large human. but some can tell him apart almost
 imedintly . his brutish sise , deep voice and tendency to solve problems with
thumps.he has long black hair an attempt to seam more human hes tall, wide and
muscular with a light green to brown skin color. his large green eyes are
another giveaway to his orc heritage.

he is a man of action he would rather act on what should be done now then
the "best" plan to late. he strives to help those in need and to protect the weak
his way of life is the one of a protector weather that be charge the dragon to
by his small and scwishy friends time to get out or smiteing the undead in a local
kodlack was born to a orc clan high in secluded mountains the war-chief was breeding
halforcs for there increased intelligence over there brutish green brethren
to increase the clans strength by being able to plan attacks on nearby towns
and rival clans born by a less than willing mother he never fealt the love that
even a orc child knows. one day the chief set up fights to death for the
half-bloods the chief only wanted the strongest of them to live for weakness has
no use for a orc. kodlack was to go against gromm the chiefs own half blood son
kodlack was the smallest of the children in his young age so the chief beleaved it
it would be a easy win for his son to show the other orcs his blood is can even make
a half blood a warrior among orcs. kodlack ended this fight on top but refused
kill the young boy who was beaten and crying at his feat the chief told him to
kill the boy and take his side to be raised into his personal body guard kodlack
seeing that the boy was no threat refused to kill the weak and defenseless boy

when he refused to kill the boy the chief became enraged at the arrogance of the half blood
whelp he was banished from his clan thrown aside in the mountains with no food or water
being a young boy he did now know how to fend for himself. he wandered for a time until days
and nights passed but he only found himself more and more alone this went on for a time
evently he became to weak to walk he had made his way to some dirt road used by the
humans it looked as if it was not traveled in some time. but he was to tired and to hungry
to go any further so the boy calapsed it was dark for a time until he awoke to the sound of a
horse grunting under a heavy load. he also saw a man in heavy shining armor of steal and silver

eventuly the 2 came to a stop the man asked if he was hungry and presented carefully rapped rations
kodlack being completely void of manors from having to fight for food his entire life
snatched the food and began throwing it in his face the man started to laff at this
" my boy the food wont be going anywhere if your that hungry there is more where it
came from" he asked the man why he would help a half-blood runt the man said he was
a paladin of Sirilius. he said it was his life duty to help those in need and protect those who
cant stand on their own power kodlack was amaised by this that such kindness could be real in a cruel world
kodlack begged the man to alow him to travail with him and learn from him. the man
was reluctant " son i go where to sun cannot see. where the undead raise thier bones
and evil has a foothold this is not a safe place for a boy" kodlack instantly said "then i gess you will need a
strong hand to help you". the to traveled together for many years and kodlack began to grow into a strong
lad lead by this mans strong conviction and kind heart.

kodlack asked him many times what his name was
but the man said he didnt have one that he was a tool of Sirilius to be used for his will
such things are not for himself. eventuly the man reseved a message that he said was urgent and they needed to be off
the the city of Gurdikar. the man leaded them to the local temple of Sirilius. the man told him that this is where they must
part ways but that he would return to him...he promised kodlack fought with him asking
why he could not accompany him anymore the man simply replied "where i go u cant fallow me this is a trip for one"
the man rode off on his trusty horse goldmain who had kept kodlack company on many journeys
while the was in many a dungeon but he always returned.some time passed and the man never returned
one day kodlack would sit in front of the temple everyday and wait for the man to return
until one day he saw something over the horizon he saw a man in shining steel armor approach
but it wasnt the same it was missing the shinning silver that seamed to reflect light brighter than the sun
kodlac didnt understand. the man aproched him very slowly showing he had something to say that pained
him.the man spoke softly to show sympathy...his name was ingram a paladin of sirilurs he said he was on a mission
with the silver paladin i traveled with...he said thr silver knight saved his life
that they wer on a mission together and that the silver paladin spoke of kodlac fondly
as if he was his own blood sun. kodlack begged the man to tell him where the silver paladin was
the man said he didnt know. that the silver paladin bought him time to retreat with important information for the temple
he said they wer overrun by powerful necromancers who had summoned a legion of undead horrors "the silver paladin saved my life
and i plan to repay him with the only think i beleved he valued" the man said his name was ingram and that he planned to keep an eye
and to train him into a strong and just man

years have passed since then and kodlack has grown into a large and strong man
he had perfected many things tought to him by ingram over the years kodlack began to belave in the same things tought to him by
the silver paladin he had become a paladin for the temple and pledged to become the strongest of the paladins he continually fought to prove himself
to the temple elders this sometimes got in the way of good busness it would seem they would send him on little missions for the temple
but this has bored kodlack he has become restless until he met a strange group of adventurers
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Bonus feat
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Bonus feat
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Bonus feat
5th +5 +4 +1 +1
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Bonus feat
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Bonus feat
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Bonus feat
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 Bonus feat
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 Bonus feat
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 Bonus feat
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Bonus feat
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Bonus feat