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Welcome to Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant

21:07, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lt. (j.g.) Wyatt Davidson

Physical Description:

Ensign Wyatt Davidson is a stout, above average height (5'9"), young human male of about 200 lbs. His chiseled features and fairly good looks garner him some attention but not to the point of extreme. He's been told that he has the look of the high school football quarterback. He has blonde hair with blue eyes and a dimpled smile. He has a purposeful and strong walk that exudes confidence without arrogance.


Easygoing and slow to anger. But once there it takes him a while to cool down. Is fairly open and honest in his dealings with others and enjoys the diversity that the Federation provides. Likes other cultures, especially Klingon, and puts everything into his work. But once off-duty he enjoys letting go, getting out, and meeting other people.


While Wyatt graduated Starfleet academy just at the end of the Dominion war he doesn't see it as a missed opportunity. He feels that there are ample opportunities for people of his talents. Especially in the aftermath of such a conflict. The highlight of his life, and the reason he decided to join Starfleet, was watching the launching of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E from the Starfleet San Francisco Fleet Yards in 2372. That one encounter gave him the urge to explore and seek out new things leading him to Starfleet Academy. Wyatt prefers physical challenges to mental ones even though he is quite intelligent. Hence he has excelled in positions that feed off of this. Security, Tactical, Unarmed combat, and Melee combat. Positions that require a more forceful approach rather than finesse. He is also an accomplished pilot. He's one of those guys you wouldn't mind having around in a scrape.

Wyatt has 3 older brothers. None of which are in Starfleet. They all reside on Earth as do his parents. His father was a 4th generation Starship construction worker. He worked for one of the largest contractors that helped in the construction and design of multiple classes of ships. Having now since retired at the age of 76 Wyatt's father and mother live in the San Fransisco area as do his brothers. His father does some public speaking on Starship construction here and there for the Academy.

Wyatt made a large number of friends during his stay at the academy. But like most academic universities when it comes time to graduate he lost touch with a number of them. He only keeps in contact with three of those aquaintenances whom he truly calls friends. Ensign Rule Ty (A Bejoran male), Ensign P'oul (Vulcan male), and Ensign Jonie Lafferty (Human female). The four of them spent quite a bit of time together in classes as well as having fun together. They were all heading into Starfleet by way of becoming security officers. Ty was heading for DS-9, P'oul for a Starship in the Alpha Quadrant, and Lafferty for base duty somewhere near the Klingon homeworld.

Wyatt's last post was Starfleet Academy. He is a fresh recruit just out of those hallowed halls. Besides parties and tests nothing exciting really happend to Wyatt. While he likes to have fun and party he's not a renegade or wildchild. He follows the rules while still having fun.

Davidson excels at physical combat. With or without weapons. As a youth he took quite a few martial arts styles as he liked the discipline and clarity of mind it brought him. Plus it came as naturally to him as breathing. As he always kept his body in top shape he found it a good way to combine staying physically healthy with being mentally healthy.

Command Skills
1-Ship Tactics (Star Ship Combat)
1-Planetary Tactics (infantry, vehicles, small units, large units etc)
1-Intelligence Analysis (high level study of different information sources)

Ship Operation Skills
2-Starship Sensors
1-Communication Systems
3-Security Procedures
3-Tactical Systems (shields, phasers, torpedoes, ablative armor)
2-Utility Systems (replicators, transporters, life support)
2-Computers (Operation, Repair, and Programming)
1-Engineering (warp core, warp nacelles, impulse, fusion reactors)

Science Skills
1-Planetary Sciences (geology, ecology, weather, terra-forming)
1-Medical Treatments (+1 = first aid, +2 = field medic, +3 = med tech, +4 = experienced doctor)

Personal Combat Skills
2-Energy Weapons
4-Unarmed Combat
3-Melee Combat

Other Skills
2-Klingon Culture (includes their language, history, customs)