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09:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sogh Nuwox Hagan

Name: Nuwox Hagan

Race: Klingon/Betazoid


Physique: Appears to be a very large Klingon male with dominant head ridges.  His physiology has all the advantages of the Klingon redundant system known as brak'lul. His brain is more
like that of his mother's Betazoid species including a very large paracortex and a hyperactive psilosynine neurotransmitter production which is believed to be the cause of his telekinetic abilities.

Dresses like he can't decide whether he's about to leave for a battle or a nightclub. Goth style with industrial influences.

Eccentric and dark of humor is how most first describe Nuwox. He has numerous and ever changing habits, quirks, and hobbies. Usually a optimistic and inspired sort he has become quite moody since the death of his wife and best friend.

Technology of all sorts, hobbies and crafts of all sorts, and Italian food.

Dislikes: Most Klingon food, nosy or rude people, and tribbles.

Interests: Never ending and always changing. Nuwox is a Renaissance man...


Born after a one night stand between Kolloth and Ensign Jarot, Nuwox was raised by his Uncle Rax and Aunt Lor Haggan on Betazed. From an early age he demonstrated advanced ability with robotics and cybernetics becoming known as a prodigy. He showed no ability for empathy or telepathy even though he had been treated as a child for a hyperactive psilosynine neurotransmitter production in his paracortex. It was discovered when puberty began that he had developed the rare talent of telekinesis instead of the usual Betazoid abilities and he was given private tutoring to handle the unusual nature of his gift.

By special consideration he was allowed entry into the University of Betazed at the age of 7. He graduated with a Masters Degree in Engineering at the age of 11. From there he went to study by special invitation at The Daystrom Institute of Technology where he graduate with a Masters Degree in Holography and Associates Degrees in Communications and Epistemology (the philosophical study of knowledge and of processes of knowledge acquisition). He was

16 at the time. He was accepted at the Regulus III Science Academy where he went on to gain a Masters Degree in Positronic Technology at the age of 19.
Due to his unique background and abilities he was accepted as the new Assistant to Dr. Brahms,the  Senior Design Engineer of the Theoretical Propulsion Group after graduation. Her former assistant had left to teach at the

Daystrom Institute of Technology. Nuwox served in the position with an excellent record for the next three years. He then served as a Master Technician on the Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center until he left for Delta IV at the age
of 25 to join a group marriage and become an Independent Merchant on Delta IV.
This is what his record tells us. It has holes you could drive a Dreadnaught Class Cruiser through...

The story of Nuwox the person is a very different tale;

As a small child Nuwox felt abandoned by his birth parents. Martok didn't acknowledge him and his birth mother gave him away to pursue her Starfleet Career. He was picked on and treated poorly by other children for his Klingon appearance. So with no friends and little support he threw himself into his studies.

That was all disrupted when puberty hit and objects began to move around. It seemed he'd developed the rare ability of telekinesis. At the time he was attending the Daystrom Institute and thanks to new friends and fellow prodigies was helped through this difficult time. Kwan, son of Dorn, accepted him as a lost child of the Klingon Empire and helped him learn self discipline through the practice of Mok'bara. Selena Kline, a human child prodigy in her early teens as well, taught him Akido. Together the three were best friends, stayed in close contact, and took their vacations together.

Nuwox and Selena were reunited on Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center where she was going for special training as part of position as a Starfleet Engineering Ensign. When she was assigned to the Federation outpost on
Delta IV Nuwox moved with her. It was the happiest time of his life, with Selena and himself having joined a group marriage and everything seemed perfect. Then the Dominion war came, as did the deaths of first Kwan and then Selena.

Distraught over their loss he left the group marriage and once again threw himself into his work. This time it was to fill a promise made by Kwan, whose full name was Mak'Wan. Kwan had spoken often of his joy at being Science Officer on his uncle's ship when the war was done. Kwan's death made that promise broken. Yet when contacted the Captain agreed that in honor to Kwan; Nuwox could serve in his place.

date and place of birth:Betazed

parents: Kolloth and Ensign Jarot (deceased)

University of Betazed:
Masters Degree in Engineering

Daystrom Institute of Technology:
Masters Degree in Holography and Associates Degree in Communications and Epistemology (the philosophical study of knowledge and of processes of knowledge acquisition)

Regulus III Science Academy:
Masters Degree in Positronic Technology

Private training in Mok'bara and Aikido martial arts

martial status: Divorced from group marriage on Deltan
Position and rank: Science Officer

Trained   (+1):
Starship Sensors
Communication Systems
Security Procedures

Medical Treatments
Cloaking Devices
Energy Weapons
Unarmed Combat
Melee Weapons
Merchanting (running shop, volume buying/selling, local economics)(new)

Improved  (+2):
Tactical Systems
Mental Discipline

Advanced  (+3):
Utility Systems,
Robotics (cybernetics, positronics)
Holographics (Hardware maintenance & Holodeck programming)

Excellent (+4):
Racial Abilities : Telekinesis
+4 on skills (ie 4 more +1 skills, or raise exisitng skills)