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Welcome to Mittens' Dungeon

18:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Possible hybrid combos:
Hybrid Druid/Wizard (Str 10, Con 10, Dex 14, Int* 18, Wis* 16, Cha 10)
 -Hybrid Talent: Implement Mastery
Hybrid Druid/Ranger (Str 09, Con 10, Dex* 18, Int 13, Wis* 18, Cha 10)
 -Hybrid Talent: Ranger Fighting Style (Beast Master)

Alexis, level 1 Elf Warden
Age: 13, Height: 5' 0", Weight: 112 lb.
Initiative +1, Perception 20, Insight 13, Low-light vision

HP 30; Bloodied 15; Surges 10; value 7
AC 17; Fortitude 14, Reflex 12; Will 14
Speed 7
[M] Basic Attack (Standard; At-Will) * Melee or Ranged
Longsword: +7 vs. AC; 1d8+3 dmg
Longbow: +3 vs AC; 1d10+1
[M] ???? (Standard; At-Will) * Basic Melee
+0 vs. AC; 1d10+0 dmg
[M] ??? (Standard; At-Will) * Basic Melee
+0 vs. AC; 1d10+0 dmg
[M] ??? (Immediate Reaction; Encounter) * Melee 1
+0 vs. AC; 1d10+0 dmg
[M] ??? (Standard; Encounter) * Personal
+0 vs. AC; 1d10+0 dmg
[M] ??? (Standard; Encounter) * Personal
+0 vs. AC; 1d10+0 dmg
[M] ??? (Standard; Daily) * Melee Weapon
+0 vs. AC; 1d10+0 dmg
Alignment: Good; Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven
(* = Trained in that skill)
0 Acrobatics, 1 Arcana, 7 Athletics*, 0 Bluff, 0 Diplomacy,
3 Dungeoneering, 0 Endurance, 8 Heal*, 1 Hist, 3 Insight, 0 Intimidate,
12 Nature*, 10 Perception*, 1 Religion, 0 Stealth, 0 Streetwise, 0 Thievery
Str 16(3) Dex 13(1) Wis 16(3)
Con 13(1) Int 12(1) Cha 10(0)
Equipment: S.A.K., Hide Armor, Light Shield, Longsword, Longbow

Rituals: None.

01) Heavy Blade Expertise

Background Benefit: Explorer/Guide
Add Nature to class skill list
+2 Nature
Learn an extra language (Chose Dwarven)

Theme: Primal Guardian?

Character description/personality:

Combat tactics:

Character background:

XP earned: 0

Name: Alexis Godsent
Age: 21
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 100 Lbs.

*** Powers ****
00) Warden's Fury (Interrupt)
00) Warden's Grasp (Reaction)
01) Earth Shield Strike
01) Strength of Stone

01) Earth Spikes
03) Pressing Attack
07) Angry Spirits

01) Form of the Relentless Panther
05) Earth-Shaking Rend
09) Form of the Sirocco

02) Eyes of the Hawk (Enc)
06) Bear's Endurance
10) Elemental Warding

Current Stats:
Str 19
Con 13
Dex 14
Int 14
Wis 19
Cha 11

HP: 100
Surges: 10

  AC: 25 (+15, +1 shield, +4 Wis mod, +3 hide, +2 enh)
Fort: 22 (+15, +1 class, +2 enh, +4 Str mod)
 Ref: 20 (+15, +1 shield, +2 enh, +2 Dex mod)
Will: 22 (+15, +1 class, +2 enh, +4 Wis mod)

Attack: 5 (1/2 lvl) + 4 (mod) + 2 (enh) + 2 (weapon prof) = 13

Possible MCs: Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Warlord?, Druid,

Known Languages: Argon, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Giant

**** Feats ****
01) Inner Compass (Roll twice for Dungeoneering or Nature checks to find way)
02) Animal Empathy (+2 feat bonus to Nature. Use Nature in place of Insight for beasts)
04) Wild Sage (+5 feat bonus to Nature knowledge and to identify natural creatures. Also choose lvl 1 ritual from list. Chose Portend Weather)
06) Linguist (Argon, Dwarven, Giant)
08) Improved Bull Rush (+6 feat bonus to bull rush attack roll)

10) Thundering Bull Rush (rush 2 adjacent targets)
11) Agile Athlete

Skills Trained: Nature (+2 race, +2 background), Athletics, Endurance, Heal, Perception (+2 race)

Alignment: Good; Languages: Argon, Common, Dwarven, Elven, Giant
(* = Trained in that skill)
7 Acrobatics, 7 Arcana, 14 Athletics*, 5 Bluff, 5 Diplomacy,
9 Dungeoneering, 11 Endurance*, 14 Heal*, 7 Hist, 9 Insight, 5 Intimidate,
20 Nature*, 14 Perception*, 7 Religion, 7 Stealth, 5 Streetwise, 7 Thievery
Special: (23 for Nature Knowledge checks and to identify natural creatures)

**** RITUALS ****

Affect Normal Fire (125) (cc 25) Player's Handbook 2
Animal Friendship (250) (cc 50) Player's Handbook 2
Animal Messenger (50) (cc 10) Player's Handbook
Bloom (100) (cc 20) Player's Handbook 2
Call Wilderness Guide (360) (cc 144) Player's Handbook 2
Clear the Path (150) (cc 70) Forgotten Realms Player's Guide
Create Campsite (50) (cc 15) Player's Handbook 2
Dowsing Rod (50) (cc 10) Primal Power
Endure Elements (100) (cc 20) Player's Handbook
Inquisitive's Eyes (680) (cc 125) Eberron Player's Guide
Ironwood (360) (cc 75) Player's Handbook 2
Portend Weather (cc 10) Primal Power
 -Can use without expending component costs once a day.
Snare (150) (cc 25) Player's Handbook 2
Speak with Nature (250) (cc 80) Player's Handbook 2
Starshine (250) (cc 40) Primal Power
Summon Winds (125) (cc 50) Eberron Player's Guide
Tree Stride (360) (cc 50) Player's Handbook 2
Water Walk (100) (cc 20) Player's Handbook
Water's Gift (1,000) (cc 400) Primal Power

4,510 (cc 1,279) = 5,789 total

**** Equipment ****

Pan Flute of Deeper Slumber
This Pan flute has designs and elven texts etched into it. Once per day, Alexis can channel the magic of this flute to make a whole crowd drowsy.

Dynamic Weapon
Appearing as a normal dagger, this magical weapon is sheathed in a leaf wrapping. It can transform into just about any weapon Alexis may need.

Earthroot Staff
This staff looks more like a tree limb as it's head sprouts into more branches. The branches have flowers and leaves coming out of them.

Staff of Resilience +1

Shinguards of Adept Charging (Feet slot)
What appear to be shin guards with wing and leaf designs are actually magically enchanted and can allow Alexis to charge harder.

Feyleaf Sandals
To be polite, Alexis sometimes wears these on her feet. They are not simply sandals, though. Not just because they look beautiful, but because they can rescue her from great harm, should she fall from very high.

Hedge Wizard's Gloves
Usually stored inside the bag of holding, Alexis keeps these gloves for when a little extra magic is needed.

Water Bracer (Floating Shield)
Not only does this create a field of magical energy in a disc form that acts like metal, this weighty bracer with glowing blue designs can keep Alexis from ever sinking.

Crown of Leaves
This pretty arrangement of flowers and leaves that rests atop Alexis' head keeps her mindful of nature and the people around her. It is enchanted such that it will not decay. This crown has some sentimental value to Alexis.

Elven Battle Armor
Woven for Alexis by her home town, this hide armor is made from a mixture of both animal skin and specially treated plants. It covers her chest area, but has a special enchantment on it that allows Alexis protection all over her body as though it were covered in this armor.

Girdle of the Oxen
A simple belt made of hide, it has an ox head and two gems decorating it. It gives Alexis still more to her charging capabilities.

Mark of Destiny (Strikeback Tattoo)
Alexis was born with this mark on her back. It signifies her as the one from elven prophecies that would come and restore balance to all of nature and rescue the world. As a design of fate, Alexis has been given the ability from birth to have an advantage the moment luck smiles on Alexis' foes.

Bag of Holding
This otherwise simple bag can hold much more than it appears...

Badge of Berserker
This badge fastens the non-magical cape Alexis wears. It allows her to dodge and weave quite well when she charges through enemies.

*** Roleplay Details ***

It was an elven wood like any other, but had a relatively large community, having strong ties with other local elven communities and even an area that faded between the Prime Material and Feywild. Alexis was not only born at the heart of this civilization, but with prophecies and great signs behind her birth. As a child, she was already a hero equal to most adults. The community did their best to help her prepare for her destiny and ever since Alexis was able to sit up, the elves of her community frequently left her alone in the woods to speak with the trees, spirits, animals and all of nature in general.

But for all the pampering and insistence that Alexis was destined for greatness, the girl desired greatly to crush evil. Unlike most primal folk, Alexis had this desire less out of protecting the Earth (Though that is certainly a very strong desire of hers) and more out of a hatred for evil and all it stands for. Alexis wanted to see fairness all across the world and it's sister realms; the Feywild and Shadowfell. So she set out into the world to get to know it.

Alexis first desired to conquer her people's racism by conquering her own. Every sentient she happened across on her way to the nearest Dwarven settlement, she gave a chance to be friends or comrads. Orcs, Drow and other such "evil" races continually proved to be what everyone made them out to be: evil. But Alexis was determined to keep trying. When she was mistreated, made fun of and frequently mocked by the dwarves, Alexis was close to giving up. But she humbled herself before them anyway and the community she was visiting was so awed by the sight of a humble elf that they took her in as one of their own and trained her in their ways.

Alexis had strength the dwarves could respect. In only a year, they saw her capable of forging steel the same as any dwarf. She could weild axes and hammers all the same and gave even the toughest dwarves a challenge. When she finally left their community, they were both sorry to see her go and proud to see a hero go out into the world to show the beauty of their culture.

Now, Alexis has made her way to a human community recently, ready to learn about city people and how they live. Of course, while she is here, she plans to crush evil where it stands...

(Background Benefits: +2 to Nature checks due to an obsession on both her part and her people's.)
I’m the only one who can get you from here to Rythan Keep in less than two weeks. And I’ll make sure you don’t wind up in a gnoll tribe’s soup cauldron.
Ever since you saw your first map, you wanted to know what the lands beyond the margin looked like. And as an inveterate traveler, you’ve started to find out. What places have you seen on your journeys? How do you make ends meet? What’s the greatest danger you’ve ever faced? Is there a mythical place you’re particularly keen to visit someday?
Benefit: Learn an extra language of your choice, add Nature to your class skill list, and you gain a +2 bonus to Nature checks.
Good Background: Elf.

Alexis is a sincere, serious and firm elf. Even without knowing she spent time with dwarves, some people whisper of her being a dwarf stuck in an elf's body. This isn't to say she belches or tries knocking people over by slapping them on the back, but Alexis is quite capable of appreciating the same things dwarves do. That said, she is still a born elf and loves much of what she grew up with. Alexis is, as a result, able to get along with elves, dwarves and consequently, humans more so than any elf.

Alexis's tough exterior covers a tough interior. There is almost nothing soft about her, save her physical appearance and texture. But she does care a great deal and had the powerful loyalty one could expect from a dwarf (One of the things she learned and loved most of all about the dwarves). Her tolerance level is extremely low. Most people give two or three strikes, but Alexis gives one.

Alexis is still racist, but she knows this and hides it lest she be a bad influence on others. For as Alexis tries desperately to learn about the world around her, she would feel horrible if she knew she was responsible for spoiling people since they are part of that world she loves so much.

The concept of treachery is somewhat foreign to Alexis. She's heard about it, but has not seen it first hand and so is highly susceptible to being hurt by someone she loves or trusts. Finally, due to her upbringing, Alexis is proud without knowing it and is used to getting her way. She is similar to a princess who has decided on her own to go out into the harsh world. But in the end, her qualities make for a decent leader and inspiration. After all, she also believes she can not die until she has fulfilled her destiny.