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21:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Christof Ley

Christof Ley aka Zekk Reaver aka Krystofer aka Michael (My Mutation is Awesome)

Name:  Christof Ley  Movement:  6
Race:  Half-Elf      PInsight: 17
Class: Warlock       PPercept: 10
Build: Scourge
Level: 1

STR 8[-1] DEX 14[+2] CON 16[+3] INT 10[0] WIS 10[0] CHA 19[+4]

Initiative: +2
HP: 29  Surges: 11  Surge Value: 9
   Total = Base + .5 lvl + Armor + Shield + Dex + Magic + Misc
AC   14  =  10  +   0    +   2   +    0   +  2  +   0   +   0
Fort: 13 Reflex: 13 Will: 15

>Warlock's Curse: Deal an extra 1d8 dmg per round to one cured enemy, can curse multiple enemies, one curse cast per round
>Eldritch Blast: Range 10 squares
 Attack: +4 vs Reflex
 Hit: 1d10 + 4(Cha)
>Gift of Avernus: Range 10 squares
 Attack: +4 vs Will
 Hit: 1d10 + 4(cha)
 Miss: Option to take damage=level in order to reroll attack
>Dark One's Blessing: Range self
 Trigger-> cursed enemy drops to 0 hp
 Effect: Gain temp hp = level
>Energy Strobe: Range 10 squares
 Attack:+4 vs Reflex
 Hit: 1d10 + 4(Cha)
 Effect: Roll a d6 for energy damage type & gain 5 resistance from tha energy until end of next turn
  1)Cold 2)Fire 3)Force 4)Lightning 5)Radiant 6)Thunder
>Grasp of the Iron Tower: Range 10 squares
 Attack:+4 vs Fortitude
 Hit: 2d10 + 4(Cha); target can not move closer until end of my next turn
 Effect: Make second attack on different enemy
 Attack: +4 vs Fortitude
 Hit: 2d10 + 4(Cha); target can not move closer until end of my next turn

>Decree of Khirad: Range 20 squares
 Attack: +3 vs Will
 Hit: 3d10 + 3(Con); Target plus all enemies within 2 squares of target take -2 to attack bonus until end of my next turn.
 Miss: Option to take 5+.5[level] damage to reuse attack on same enemy next turn

>Shadow Walk: 3+ square movement grants concealment until end of next turn
>Prime Shot: +1 AB if I am closest to enemy
>Low Light Vision
>Group Diplomacy: +1 Diplomacy to group within 10 ft
>Killing Curse: Warlock's Curse does d8 damage instead of d6

Insight +7, Bluff +9, Streetwise +9, Intimidate +9

Acrobatics +2, Arcana, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering, Endurance +3, Heal, History, Nature, Perception, Religion, Stealth +2, Thievery +2, Athletics -1

Leather Armor, Dagger, Sling, Journeybreads (10), Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Belt Pouch (empty), Waterskin, Sunrod (2), Silk Rope (50 ft.)