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23:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Clarence, Level 1 Human Druid

Initiative +3, Perception 19, Insight 19, Low-Light
HP: 25; Bloodied 12; Surges 8, Value 6
AC: 16; Fort 12, Reflex 15, Will 16
Speed 7

[M] Basic Melee (Standard; At-Will) * Basic Melee
Staff: +3 Vs. AC; 1d8+1 DMG
Unarmed: +0 Vs. AC; 1d4+0 DMG
Savage Rend: See Below

[R] Fire Hawk (Standard; At-Will) * Fire, Implement, Primal
Staff: +6 Vs. Reflex; 1d8+5 Fire DMG, Range 10.
Hit: Until the Start of My Next Turn, I can use Fire Hawk as AoO
on Target if it takes any action that can Trigger AoO.

[B] Grasping Tide (Druid) (Standard; At-Will) * Implement, Primal
Staff: +6 Vs. Fort; 1d6+5 DMG, Range 10, Area Burst 1
Target: All In Burst.
Hit: Until End of My Next Turn, If Targets leave Burst AoE can make AoO
with secondary attack.
Secondary: +6 Vs. Reflex; Knock Target Prone.

[M] Savage Rend (Standard; At-Will) * Beast Form, Implement, Primal
Staff: +6 Vs. Reflex; 1d8+5 DMG.
Hit: Slide Target 1.
Special: Counts for Melee Basic (And thus Charge).

[M] Pounce (Standard; At-Will) * Beast Form, Implement, Primal
Staff: +6 Vs. Reflex; 1d8+5 DMG.
Hit: Target Grants CA to Next thing to Attack it Before End of My Next Turn.
Special: Counts for Charge.

[B] Thorn Spray (Standard; Encounter) * Implement, Primal
Staff: +6 Vs. Fort; 1d6+5 DMG
Target: All in Blast.
Hit: Target takes -1-3(Dex)= -4 penalty to All Defenses until the End of
My Next Turn.

[R] Summon Pack Wolf (Standard; Day) * Implement, Primal, Summoning
Effect: Summon a Medium Wolf in an Unoccupied tile within range,
Wolf has Speed 6, 12 HP(my Bloodied), My Usual Defenses, If it hits 0 HP,
Wolf is Destroyed and I lose 1 heal surge, or half my bloodied value in HP,
I can give Wolf Special command, On turn I summon Wolf it is used for free.
Command: Standard; At-Will, Melee 1, +6 Vs. Reflex; 1d6+5 DMG
Special: If Wolf has CA vs Target, Target knocked prone.
Instinctive: If I have given no commands by end of my turn, Wolf...
Attacks Adjacent Prone Target, if can't then...
Attacks Adjacent Enemy if it can, it can't then...
Moves it's speed intending to get adjacent to an enemy.
Minor: As a Minor Action I can make Wolf if it can, Walk, Shift, crawl,
escape, fly, open/close door/container, pick up/drop item, run, stand, prone,
squeeze, Unsummon, ALL commands require Line of Effect to Wolf.

Alignment: Unaligned
Languages; Common, Elven, Deep Speech
 2 Acrobatics, 0 Arcana, 4 Athletics, -1 Bluff, -1 Diplomacy, 9 Dungeoneering,
 0 Endurance, 9 Heal, 0 Hist, 9 Insight, -1 Intimidate, 11 Nature, 9 Percep,
 0 Religion, 2 Stealth, -1 Streetwise, 2 Thievery
STR 10(+0)  DEX 16(+3)  WIS 18(+4)
CON 13(+1)  INT 10(+0)  CHA  9(-1)
Equipment:  Staff Implement, Hide Armor

Racial Attributes: Human. +2 WIS.  6 square speed.  2nd language Elven.  +1 to Reflex, Fortitude, Will.  Bonus feat, class skill, At-will power.

Class Attributes:
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged.
Implement: Staff, Totem.
Defense Bonus: +1 Reflex, +1 Will.
Balance of Nature: I must have at least 1, but no more than 2, Beast Form At-Will powers.
Wild Shape: Duh.
Primal Predator: When I am not wearing heavy armor, I gain +1 Speed.
Ritual Casting: Freebie with the Class. Get Animal Messenger for Free, and pick one lv 1 ritual for free. Can cast Animal Messenger without components once per day.
Custom Bonus:  I can cast Animal Messenger, OR my Free Lv 1 ritual without components once per day.

Background Benefit:  Explorer/Guide; Dragon 366.  Add Nature to C List, +2 Nature. Pick 1 Language of choice.

Critical: Nothing Special

Special: Can use Hunters Quarry once an Enc(MC Feat).

Feats: Ritual Caster(Class). Warrior of the Wild (Human, Ranger MC). Twilight Training(Lv1).

Rituals: Components: None
Animal Messenger, Lv 1 (Class). 10 GP Comp/Free
Banish Vermin, Lv 1(Class). 10 GP Comp/Free

Additional Equipment: Ritual Book, S.A.K, Climbers Kit, Torches(4), Dagger.

Equipment Page Entries:
Cash Etc:  Gold 46 Silver 6  Copper 0,  Platinum 0,  Astral Diamond 0.
Total GP Value: 46.6

Char BG: