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19:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dark Sun Narrator

Click on this link for the Current DS thread googledoc map.

Characters in the Dark Sun Campaign have earned: (Same for all characters)
 Experience Points    : 1260 XP (Group has reached level 2!)
 Gold (Ceramic) Pieces
Seluku  : 33gp 3sp 4cp 6 Residuum.
Trace   : 73gp 3sp 4cp 6 Residuum.
Shardon : 132gp 3sp 4cp
Fletch  : 60gp 3sp 4cp. 6 Residuum.
Tread   : 110gp 3sp 4cp
Surya   : 64gp 3sp 4cp. 6 Residuum.
 Total Value of anyone's Magical Gear: 526 GP (As Residuum)
(Includes Caravan payment and XP for safely getting Caravan to Altaruk.)
Other items/stuff the group has acquired:
Tread claiming 1 Obsidian Shortsword, Surya claiming 1 Bone Dagger, and Shardon is claiming other 2 Bone Daggers
2 Bone Longspears, 2 wooden daggers, 2 blowguns, 38 blowgun darts, two belts, each with an empty belt pouch that look like they once contained poisons.
Carved bone and sinew snake toy (1gp & no significant weight)
Bags of stone marbles (treat as a bag of ball bearings - 10gp & 1lb) - Claimed by Shardon if no one else speaks up.
1 fire Opal worth 100gp
20gp worth of ancient gold coins
816gp worth of Residdum

(The money and residuum has been accounted for as individual shares above.)

Bone Bastard Sword, Bone Shortsword, and 4 bone longspears (Does anyone wish to claim any of these items, or previously unclaimed items above. If not gear will be vendered/bartered/

Dark Sun Character = Surges max/left & Surge Value & Hit Points Remaining/Maximum (Temporary Hit Points)
Seluku  = Surges:  8/ 9 & Surge Value:  7 & HP: 31/31
Trace   = Surges: 10/10 & Surge Value:  8 & HP: 35/35
Shardon = Surges:  8/ 8 & Surge Value:  7 & HP: 31/31
Fletch  = Surges: 10/10 & Surge Value:  8 & HP: 35/35
Tread   = Surges: 12/13 & Surge Value: 11 & HP: 44/44
Surya   = Surges:  7/ 7 & Surge Value:  6 & HP: 27/27

Dark Sun Character Defenses:
Seluku  AC: 17 Fortitude: 15 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
Trace   AC: 19 Fortitude: 16 Reflex: 18 Will: 15
Shardon AC: 18 Fortitude: 14 Reflex: 18 Will: 15
Fletch  AC: 18 Fortitude: 17 Reflex: 16 Will: 15
Tread   AC: 21 Fortitude: 18 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
Surya   AC: 16 Fortitude: 13 Reflex: 16 Will: 18

Action Points Left
Seluku  :1
Trace   :1
Shardon :1
Fletch  :1
Tread   :1
Surya   :1

Expended Encounter Abilities:
Seluku :
Trace  :
Fletch :
Tread  :
Surya  :

Expended Daily Abilities:
Seluku :
Trace  :
Fletch :
Tread  :
Surya  :

Dark Sun Character - Weight Carried/'Max w/o encumb.' - Living Construct Survival Days [L.C.S.D.] & Normal Survival Days
Seluku  -96/130- L.C.S.D. 5 & Normal Survival Days 4.
Trace   -73/100- L.C.S.D. 4 & Normal Survival Days 2.
Shardon -73/80- L.C.S.D. 1. & Normal Survival Days 2.
Fletch  -130/160- L.C.S.D. 8. & Normal Survival Days 2.
Tread   -123.25/180- L.C.S.D. 1. & Normal Survival Days 10.
Surya   -97/100- L.C.S.D. 10 & Normal Survival Days 2.

Dark Sun Character - Initiative, Passive Perception, Passive Insight, Base Endurance.
Seluku  - Init. 2, Pass. Perc. 22, Pass. Insight 15, Endurance +13
Trace   - Init. 1, Pass. Perc. 10, Pass. Insight 10, Endurance +12
Shardon - Init. 5, Pass. Perc. 16, Pass. Insight 16, Endurance +5
Fletch  - Init. 1, Pass. Perc. 12, Pass. Insight 12, Endurance +9
Tread   - Init. 1, Pass. Perc. 12, Pass. Insight 12, Endurance +10
Surya   - Init. 1, Pass. Perc. 15, Pass. Insight 20, Endurance +4

Note: Fletch has 136 Bolts left. Fletch has fired 0 bolt(s) this encounter that might be recoverable.

Lasting Effects on any Dark Sun Character: (Such as a Disease.)

Known acquaintances: (NPCs)
   Birk Suntouched - This wide-eyed dwarf wanders Alturak making his living by begging. He is constantly mumbles nonsense regarding Kalak’s “secret prophecy” in order to make most of the people in Alturak believe that he is just a harmless loon. However, you all have learned that Birk Suntouched is actually a member of the Veiled Alliance cell of Alturak that has been tasked by Arisphistaneles himself, who is also a member of the Veiled Alliance, to lure out any secret members of the True, which is a conspiracy group made of Kalak’s remaining followers, who might try to cause trouble in Alturak.
   Corrin - A halfling Dune Trader (Bard). He is on friendly terms with the Crystal Cloister and its allied Halfling tribes. He also has a reputation among the Caravan masters that have been to Tyr for being able to guide Caravans to their destination quickly saving a day or more of travel time during a journey, so long as the Caravan obeys two simple rules, 1) Everyone in the caravan rides in a wagon, and 2) that there are no more than eight wagons in the caravan. Corrin explains that caravans so large as to require more than eight wagons are to risky due to threat from raiders, and by having everyone ride in the wagons, with the proper formations, Raiders can be denied learning information about the Caravan's size as well as having a harder time keeping up with the Caravan.
Corrin's abilities appear to be Primal in nature, although beating an Arcane DC of 20 (As Corrin is considered to have a Bluff result of 20 for this purpose) would reveal that they are in fact Arcane and not Primal.