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21:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Durtendin, level 1 Wilden Druid (Protector)
Theme: Fey Beast Tamer
17 Years old. Height: 5’8” Weight: 165lbs.
Initiative +0, Perception 20, Insight 19, Low-light vision
HP 30; Bloodied 15; Surges 11; Surge value: 7
AC 17; Fortitude 14, Reflex 13; Will 15
Speed 6

[M] Staff (Standard; at will) * Basic Melee 2
+3 vs. AC; 1d8 damage (requires staff to be wielded two handed.)

[A] Grasping Tide [Druid] (Standard; at will) * Implement, Primal * Area Burst 1 within 10 squares
+5 Vs. Fortitude; Each Creature in the burst.
Hit: 1d6+4 damage. until the end of Durtendin's next turn, if the target leaves
the burst's area of effect, Durtendin can use an opportunity action to make a
secondary attack against it.
Secondary Attack: +5 vs. Reflex; Hit: Durtendin knocks the target prone.

[R] Magic Stones (Standard; at will) * Implement, Primal * Ranged 10
+5 vs. Reflex; Targets: One, Two, or Three creatures.
Hit: 1d4+4 damage and Durtendin can push the target 1 square.

[A] Wall of Smoke (Standard; encounter) * Implement, Poison, Primal * Area wall 5 within 10 squares
+5 vs. Fortitude; Targets: Each Creature in the wall.
Hit: 1d10+4 poison damage and you can slide the target 1 square.
Effect: The wall of smoke lasts until the end of Durtendin's next turn. The
squares of the wall are lightly obscured, and any creature that ends its turn
in the wall takes poison damage equal to Durtendin's Constitution modifier (+4).

[A] Nature's Growth (Minor; encounter) * Primal, Zone * Area burst 1 within 10 squares.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter.
The zone is difficult terrain for all creatures except Durtendin. Durtendin can
dismiss the zone as a minor action.
Healing Growth: Allies spending healing surges regain additional Con mod
(+4) HP when in or adjacent to Nature's Growth

[R] Summon Nature's Ally(standard; daily) * Primal, Summoning * Ranged 5
Effect: Durtendin summons a creature associated with the Primal Guardian Primal Aspect.
The creature appears in an unoccupied space within range. it is an ally to
Durtendin and his allies.
 The creature lacks actions of its own. Instead Durtendin can spend his actions
to command it mentally, choosing from the actions in the creature's
description. Durtendin must have line of effect to the creature to command it.
When Durtendin commands the creature, Durtendin and the creature share
knowledge but not senses.
 When the creature makes a check, Durtendin makes it using his game statiscis,
not including any temporary bonuses or penalties. (Unless those
bonuses/penalties are on the summoned creature.)
 The creature lasts until it drops below 1 hit point, at which point Durtendin
loses a healing surge (or hit points equal to his surge value if he has no
surges left). Otherwise, it lasts until he dismisses it as a minor action or
until the end of the Encounter.

[R] Air Spirit (Minor; at will) * Primal * Ranged 5
Effect: Durtendin conjures an air spirit in an unoccupied square within range.
The spirit lasts until the end of his next turn or until this power is used
again. When the spirit appears, it can pick up or manipulate an object weighing
20 pounds or less.
 As a minor action, you cause the spirit to pick up or manipulate a different
object of the specified weight. As a move action, you can move the spirit up to
5 squares. As a free action, you cause the spirit to drop an object it is holding.
 As a minor action, you cause the spirit to shed bright light in a 4-square
radius. You can extinguish this light as a free action.
Sustain Minor: The spirit persists until the end of your next turn.

[C] Call the Spirits (Standard; at will) * Primal * Close Burst 5
Effect: Durtendin can use this power to produce one of the following effects.
* Cause one candle, torch, lantern, or campfire in the burst to burn more
brightly, increasing the radius of its illumination by 1.
* Open or close a door in the burst that is not latched, locked, or stuck.
* Create a light gust of wind that can blow small, unattended objects in the burst that weigh less than 1 pound to any other location in the burst.
* Create sparks from your fingertips that can light one candle, torch, or campfire in the burst.
Special: Nothing done with this power can deal damage or hinder another creature's actions.
This power cannot duplicate the effect of any other power.

[P] Vine Rope (Minor; at will) * Primal * Personal
Effect: Durtendin draws a vine from the ground that is up to 50ft in length. The vine functions as a silk rope and lasts until the end of the
encounter or until you use this power again. Durtendin can cause the vine to
vanish as a minor action.

Nature's Aspect: Choose either the Aspect of the ancients, Aspect of the
Destroyer, or Aspect of the Hunter to be the active Aspect after an extended rest. * Racial

Voyage of the Ancients (Free action; encounter) * Teleportation, Personal, Racial
Requirement: Aspect of the Ancients must be active.
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a close or area attack. Effect: Teleport 3
squares. Choose a single enemy you hit with the attack. You and one ally you
can see gain Combat Advantage against that enemy until the end of Durtendin's next turn.
Wrath of the Destroyer (Immediate Reaction; encounter) * Personal, Racial
Requirement: Aspect of the Destroyer must be active.
Trigger: A bloodied enemy attacks Durtendin or an ally adjacent to Durtendin.
Effect: Durtendin either makes a basic melee attack the triggering enemy or
charges that enemy. If Durtendin's attack hits the enemy it is also dazed until
the end of Durtendin's next turn.
Pursuit of the Hunter (Immediate Reaction; encounter) * Personal, Racial
Requirement: Aspect of the Hunter must be active.
Trigger: An enemy within 2 squares of Durtendin moves on its turn.
Effect: Durtendin shifts 3 squares. Until the end of Durtendin's next turn,
Durtendin deals 1d6 extra damage to the triggering enemy when Durtendin hits
it, and Durtendin doesn't take the -2 penalty to attack rolls for attacking the
enemy when it has cover or concealment.

Fey Beast Companion
Trained Blink Dog (Thorn)
Medium fey beast
HP your bloodied value (15) Initiative equal to yours (+0) Low-Light Vision
AC 15, Fortitude 11, Reflex 15, Will 15 * Perception equal to yours +2 (+12)
(Add your level to each defense)
AC 16, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 14
Speed 7 * Low-light vision
Trait * Blinking Pack (Teleportation) * Aura 1
The blink dog or any ally in the aura can use a move action to teleport to another square in the aura.
Has 'Free Expertise' (Currently +1)
Blinking Bite (Teleportation) * Melee Basic Attack (Standard;At-Will)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); (+7) (level + 5 + 'Expertise') vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + one-half your level (0) damage, and the Blink Dog
teleports up to 2 squares.
Level 21: 2d8 + one-half your level damage.
Str 14 Con 17 Dex 20 Int 2 Wis 14 Cha 6
Special: If Durtendin dies or the Trained Blink Dog is
reduced to below 1 hit  point, the Trained Blink Dog returns to the Feywild.
To re-summon the Trained Blink Dog it requires a Minor action where Durtendin
gives up a healing surge and the Trained Blink Dog appears in an adjacent
square with hit points equal to Durtendin's healing surge value. If summoned as
part of a short or extended rest, the Trained Blink Dog has its full hit points.
When Durtendin uses his second wind, the Trained Blink Dog recovers the same amount of hit points.
After a short or extended rest, the Trained Blink Dog recovers all its hit points.
The Trained Blink Dog uses Durtendin's healing surges when it spends a healing surge.
The Trained Blink Dog may move when Durtendin uses a move action, or Durtendin
may stay put and the Trained Blink Dog moves. The Trained Blink Dog may take
free actions without Durtendin commanding it.
The Trained Blink Dog will act independently if Durtendin is knocked
unconscious or more than 20 squares away.

Summon Nature's Ally Options
Desert Hawk
Medium natural beast
HP your bloodied value (15)
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 15
Speed land 6, Fly 8
Standard Action * At-Will (Basic Attack)
Effect: Before the attack, the hawk shifts up to 2 squares.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 +'free expertise' (+7) vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + your Wisdom modifier (4) damage, and the hawk can slide the target 1 square.
Minor Action At-Will (1/round)
Effect: The hawk either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls.
Instinctive Effect
If you haven’t given the hawk any commands by the end of your turn, it attacks
an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square
adjacent to an enemy.

Giant Cobra
Medium natural beast
HP your bloodied value (15)
AC 17, Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 15
Speed land 6
Standard Action (poison) * At-Will (Basic Attack)
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 +'free expertise' (+7) vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier (4) damage plus 2d6 poison damage,
and the target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next
Minor Action * At-Will (1/round)
Effect: The cobra either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, or crawls.
Instinctive Effect
If you haven’t given the cobra any commands by the end of your turn, it attacks
an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square
adjacent to an enemy.

Alignment: Unaligned  Languages: Common, Elven
-1 Acrobatics, 1 Arcana, -1 Athletics, 0 Bluff, 0 Diplomacy, 4 Dungeoneering,
8 Endurance, 4 Heal, 1 Hist, 9 Insight, 0 Intimidate, 12 Nature, 10 Percep,
1 Religion, 1 Stealth, 0 Streetwise, -1 Thievery
Str 10(0)[0] Con 18(4)[4] Dex 10(0)[0] Wis 18(4)[4] Int 12(1)[1] Cha 10(10)[4]
Modifiers are in (), while ability checks are in [].
Staff (Implement)
Hide Armor (Worn)
Trail Rations (10 Day's worth)
Foot pads (+1 stealth when trying to move silently.)
Hunter's Kit (+2 to Nature checks when foraging.)

Racial attributes: Wilden
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Elven
Skill Bonus: +2 Nature, +2 Stealth
Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild, so you are
considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.
Hardy Form: Choose Fortitude, Reflex, or Will Defense. Gain a +1 racial
bonus to that chosen defense. (Durtendin has Hardy Reflex.)
Nature's Aspect: Whenever Durtendin completes an extended rest, choose
one of the following aspects of nature: Aspect of the Ancients, Aspect of the
Destroyer, Aspect of the Hunter.
Class attributes:
Armor Proficiency: Cloth, Leather, Hide
Weapon Proficiency: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged
Implement: Staff, Totem
Bonus to Defense: +1 Reflex, +1 Will
Skill Training: Nature, Endurance, Perception, Insight
Circle of Renewal: Primal Guardian: Use Con mod for AC instead of Dex or Int if not wearing Heavy Armor. Healing Growth: Allies spending healing surges regain additional Con mod (+4) HP when in or adjacent to Nature's Growth

'Free Expertise' (+1 to hit, does not stack with Staff Expertise.)
Staff Expertise (melee reach with staff, +1 to hit, ranged and area don't provoke AoO.)

Regional Benefit: Forest Warden.

Background Details: Durtendin has been raised in an area where the Feywild crosses over into the mortal world and after his natural aptitude towards nature was recognized he was trained as a druid, with his faithful Blink Dog companion never far from him.

Character description/personality:
Durtendin honors the primal spirits but does not worship any deity.
Durtendin's personality and appearance changes depending on which Aspect
The two traits that do not change no matter what aspect Durtendin is in are his
human-like curiosity that he adopted from being raised among humans and that he
knows his purpose is to protect both the Feywild and the natural world from
Durtendin is currently in the Aspect of the Hunter.
When adopting the Aspect of the Ancients, Durtendin's appearance changes as his
eyes and leaves become stark white. Additionally in this aspect, Durtendin
never refers to himself as an individual, but using plural forms such as 'We'
instead of 'I'. Durtendin is introspective, thoughtful, and cautious when in
the Aspect of the Ancients.
When adopting the Aspect of the Destroyer, Durtendin's appearance changes as
jagged spurs break through his skin and his eyes darken to a lustrous black.
Durtendin is aggressive and easily agitated by strangers when in the Aspect of
the Destroyer.
When adopting the Aspect of the Hunter, Durtendin's appearance changes as his
body becomes camouflaged with alternating green and brown patterns while his
eyes take on a bright emerald color. Durtendin becomes secretive and withdrawn
while in the Aspect of the Hunter.

Durtendin is a tall and lean Wilden. Wilden are fey creatures with plantlike
characteristics such as hardwood bones. His normally brown bark-like skin
trails into viny tendrils and a cloak of normally vibrant green leaves grows
and is draped across his back. The color of his eyes are determined by which
aspect he is currently in.

Durtendin wears well-made hide armor, a badge near his neck, matching gloves
that incorporate the claws of a panther, and clear crystal vambraces. He also
wears a backpack under his 'cloak' of leaves and two pouches on his belt. He
typically carries two staffs in his hands that he will often use as walking
sticks when in the wilderness.

Money: 0pp 0gp 9sp,
Effective Weight Carried: 55lbs.