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20:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Fletch, Level 2 Warforged Artificer
Theme: Alchemist

Initiative +1, Perception 12, Insight 12, Normal Vision
HP: 35; Bloodied 17; Surges 10, Value 8
AC: 18; Fort 17, Reflex 16, Will 15
Speed 6
Saves: +2 Vs Ongoing DMG.
Resistances: N/A

[M] Melee Basic (Standard; At-Will) * Melee Basic
Spiked Gauntlet: +4 Vs. AC; 1d6+2 DMG

[R] Ranged Basic (Standard; At-Will) * Ranged Basic
Superior Crossbow: +4 Vs. AC; 1d10+2 DMG, Range 20/40

[M/R] Magic Weapon (Standard; At-Will) Lv 1 * Arcane, Weapon
Superior Crossbow: +9 Vs. AC; 1d10+6 DMG, Range 20/40.
Spiked Gauntlet: +9 Vs. AC; 1d6+6 DMG.
Hit: Each Ally Next to Me gets +1 To-Hit, and +Con(4) DMG Rolls,
Until The End Of My Next Turn.

[CB] Thundering Armor (Standard; At-Will) Lv 1 * Arcane, Implement, Thunder
Target: You or One ally in Close Burst 10.
Effect: Primary Target gains +1 AC until End Of My Next Turn, Secondary Attack.
  Secondary Target: One Target next to Primary.
Superior Crossbow: +6 Vs. Fort; 1d10+6 Thunder DMG.
Hit: Push Secondary Target 1.

[M/R] Scouring Weapon (Standard; Encounter) Lv 1 * Acid, Arcane, Weapon
Superior Crossbow: +8 Vs. AC; 2d10+6 Acid DMG.
Spiked Gauntlet: +8 Vs. AC; 2d6+6 Acid DMG.
Hit: Target takes -2 AC until End Of My Next Turn.

[R] Punishing Eye (Standard; Day) Lv 1 * Arcane, Conjuration, Implement, Psychic
Effect: I conjure an Eye in a tile within 5. It lasts until End of Enc.
Enemies within 3 of Eye do not benefit from concealment.  When an Ally attacks an enemy within 3
of Eye and Hits, Enemy takes Int(4) Psychic DMG. I can move Eye 3 as a Move Action.

[CLASS] [CB] Healing Infusion: Curative Admixture (Minor; Encounter) Lv 1 * Arcane, Healing
Target: Myself or one Ally in Close Burst 5 (CB 10 lv 11, CB 15 lv 21).
Effect: Target regains HP = Target Surge Value+Wis(1), and I expend an Infusion.
Special: Infusions can only be used twice per Enc, once per round.
Must have infusions to use, and can be used 3 times an Enc at lv 16.

[CLASS] [CB] Healing Infusion: Resistive Formula (Minor; Encounter) Lv 1 * Arcane
Target: Myself or one Ally in Close Burst 5 (CB 10 lv 11, CB 15 lv 21).
Effect: The Target gains +1 AC until End of Encounter, and I expend an Infusion.
Target can end bonus as a Free Action to gain Temp HP= Their Surge Value+Con(4).
Special: Infusions can only be used twice per Enc, once per round.
Must have infusions to use, and can be used 3 times an Enc at lv 16.

[RACE] Warforged Resolve (Minor; Encounter) LV 1 * Healing
Effect: I gain 3+Half Lv(3+1=4) Temp HP and can make a single Saving Throw vs Ongoing DMG,
If I am Bloodied, I also regain 3+Half Lv (3+1=4) HP.

[WILD TALENT] Mental Tools (Minor; At-Will) LV 1 * Psionic
Effect: I create a simple tool I can hold in one hand, tool appears in my hand or at feet.
I can not use tool to attack or hinder, object lasts until end of Enc, or until power is used again.

[UTILITY] Fast Hands (At-Will; Free, Special) Lv 2 * Personal, Utility
Effect: I can draw or sheathe a weapon, pick up an item In my space or
adjacent to me, or retrieve or stow an Item as a Free Action.
Special: I can only do this once per round.

Alignment: Unaligned
Languages; Common, Thri-Kreen.
 1 Acrobatics, 10 Arcana*, 1 Athletics, 0 Bluff, 0 Diplomacy, 2 Dungeoneering,
 12 Endurance*, 7 Heal*, 10 Hist*, 2 Insight, 2 Intimidate, 2 Nature, 2 Percep,
 5 Religion, 1 Stealth, 0 Streetwise, 6 Thievery*
STR 11(+0/+1)  DEX 10(+0/+1)  WIS 13(+1/+2)
CON 18(+4/+5)  INT 18(+4/+5)  CHA  8(-1/+0)
Equipment: Superior Crossbow. Spiked Gauntlet. Wrist Razor. Leather Armor. Desert Clothing.
Filter Mask.

Attached: Leather Armor(armor), Backpack(Back), Belt Pouch(Fannypack), Bolt Case.
Embedded: Nothing.

Racial attributes: Warforged. +2 CON, +2 STR/INT. Size Medium. 6 speed. Language Common. +2 Endurance, Intimidate. +1 Will.
Warforged Resolve: See power
Living Construct: As a living construct, you have the following traits. You can us attached components and embedded components made for warforged. You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe, but this doesn’t render you immune to any effect.
Unsleeping Watcher: Rather than sleep, warforged spend 4 hours refraining from any strenuous activity. You need to spend 4 hours in this state to gain the same benefits other races gain from taking a 6-hour extended rest. While resting in this low-exertion state, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
Warforged Resilience: +2 Bonus to Ongoing DMG Save Throws. When reduced to 0 hit points, you are less likely to die.  When you make a death saving throw, you can take the better of your die roll or 10.  You still die at the normal negative hit point total.

Class Attributes:
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged.
Implements: Rods, Staffs, Wands.
Bonus To Defense: +1 Fort, +1 Will.
Arcane Empowerment: You begin each day with one Empowerment, and gain one every Milestone. Must spend at least a short rest with an item to empower it. Options are 'Augment Energy', and 'Impart Energy'.
Arcane Rejuvenation: Whenever an ALLY uses a party owned item's day power, they get Half Lv+Int (0+4=4) Temp HP.
Healing Infusion: you can create Healing Infusions. At the end of an Extended Rest, you create two Infusions that last until the end of your next Extended rest.  At lv 16, you make 3.  You choose effects when you use an infusion, and expend one to use a Healing Infusion power.  During a Rest, you or an ally can spend a healing surge to replenish one of the Infusions expended (up to 2, or 3 at lv 6).  Powers are 'Curative Admixture', and a choice between 'Resistive Formula' or 'Shielding Elixir'.  See Powers.
Ritual Casting: You gain Ritual caster feat as a bonus feat.  You get a Ritual book containing Mastered 'Brew potion', 'Disenchant Magic Item', 'Enchant Magic item', and 'Make Whole'. You can use Disenchant without components.

Artificer Feature Details:
Augment Energy: Using your empowerment during a short rest, you charge a weapon or implement which lasts until it is used or the end of your next extended rest.  After making an attack roll as a Free Action, the wielder can expend the charge to gain a +2 To-Hit bonus on that roll.  You can only Augment an item once per day.
Impart Energy: Using your empowerment during a short rest, you recharge a single Day power of a single item.  An item can be recharged only once per day.

Theme Benefits:
Level 1: Free Alchemist Feat.  Free Lv1 Forumla that I don't need skill to use.   For Known Formulas of My Level or Lower, during a Short Rest I can create one for free.  Only one Free Creation can Exist at a time.
Level 5: Learn One Formula of My Level or Lower.
Level 10: Learn One Formula of My Level or Lower.  +2 To-Hit with Alchemical Attack Items I create.

Background Benefit: Regional Benefit: Crystal Cloister (Counts as Windrise Ports +1 language and add one skill to class list. Endurance, Thri-Kreen selected.

Critical: +1d6

 I can use a Superior Crossbow as an Implement for Artificer and Artificer paragon Path powers (Feat).

Feats:  Ritual Caster(Free). Alchemist (Theme). Crossbow Caster(Lv1). Proficiency; Superior Crossbow (Lv2).

  Brew Potion.
  Disenchant Magic Item.
  Enchant Magic Item.
  Make Whole.

  Clearwater Solution (Theme Pick).

Additional Equipment:  Ritual Book.
Dagger, Bolts(136).
Backpack, Belt pouch, Fire Kit, Waterskin, Crowbar, Climber's Kit, Hemp Rope(50ft), Miner's Helmet, Torch(5), Lantern, Oil(5), Signal Ammo(5), Iron Spikes(10).
SD(2). WFSD(8).

Cash Etc:
PP: 0
GP: 60
SP: 3
CP: 4
Total GP Value: See Above
Weight: 130/160 (110 Normal, 160 Muleback)

Char Desc:  When not wrapped up to a nearly excessive degree in concealing clothing, Fletch is a Warforged of Red Brick and gray hide.  Fletch's head is the size and general shape of the average Mull's with near featureless face.  There are only small pits for eyes and bare minimum for a functioning mouth (if it wasn't for consumable items, Fletch would lack even that).  The rest of his red brick formed body follows similar minimalist lines with the exception of his hands.  Gray Baazrag hide is mounted into place to form Fletch's joints and more frequently in need of flexibility areas.
  Fletch's clothing consists of Hide armor of the same material his joints use (Baazrag are big, so why waste?).  Not that you could see it very well underneath the light brown robes.  His hands and feet wrapped in ragged cloth boots and gloves respectively.  His head and face wrapped in a similarly colored scarf.
  Yes, Flecth is dressed like a freaking Tusken Raider minus the stupid facemask.

Short version, Tusken Raider minus the stupid mask.   Worn by a mostly carved red brick with 'joints' of Baazrag hide Warforged.

Char BG:  The Naturally occurring and Deliberately occurring population of the Crystal Cloister are significantly higher up the alignment ladder than many denizens of Athas.  Even then, their continued existence comes with the knowledge that they need to be on watch for those out to kill them, and to be ready and capable of doing it to those sorts first.  Add in their ability to create Warforged, and you have the incidental population of Athas reaching the more common to other Campaign setting reason they exist themselves in the first place.
  To fight their battles for them.

  Fletch was crafted with the minimalist design of one not expected to survive, but still considered above expendable.  At the start, he was merely another of those who took part in patrols and tasked with managing the spare equipment during these times.  Fletch came to know the harsh sun and sands of Athas around the cloister as his home, with the cloister itself merely being a place to restock supplies and to keep dangers away from.
  In the cold nights, Fletch would maintain the gear of his patrols and repair the goods scavenged from those that justified the need for such patrols.  Clumsy assaults with crude spears made way for Carrikal and Trikal, those more adept at combat were given weapons suited to their skills repaired of made from scratch by Fletch.  He himself would graft the short blade given to him his first day of life into his own body as both a reminder, and a means of ensuring he was not helpless when face with a situation the bow he had begun to use primarily was of no use.

  Time passed, the Sun burned in the unforgiving sky and nights brought their deep cold.  A mission of deep importance to the survival of Crystal Cloister in planning.  There would be those who left the only home they had known.  Fletch would merely be traveling farther into the one he knows.