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14:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Character Name: Mel
Age: Early to Mid 20's
Gender: Female
Character Model: Natalie Portman

Physical Description: Mel looks like your average early 20's girl. Her style ranges between what one might call goth and rocker tending towards blacks, grays and darker colors with short hair and makeup to match.  She's roughly 5'4" and holds an average build, lean but no real muscle definition that would suggest workouts or heavy amounts of physical labor.

She constantly seems to be on edge, eyes following shadows or movements that may or may not even be there. Her demeanor, while not outright cruel is usually on the cooler side and she tends to remain quiet more often than not. The clothes she wears are mixes of things she's collected, all shoved into a duffle bag that's seen better days. However, despite this she still manages to keep her look somewhat fresh, if not thrift-store chic.

History: Good question. Short from being trapped in one hell of a nightmare with a man who can't remember what he's done or how to fix it she can't say much about who she is or why she's there, only that she's going to stick with him until... well until they can fix the situation.

She's well aware of the otherworldly and tends to have a sympathetic view towards those who suffer, and a great fondness for sarcasm and wit. From the outside she seems to be extremely loyal to the man she travels with but if anyone were to look closer such loyalties might be called into question. She seems a little scattered and at best sleep deprived, prone to rattling off random facts or memories when near slumber. Her movements and reactions also seem a little bizarre, depending on the situation one might think she'd been locked up for some period of time or sheltered to the extent that she was unable to truly experience life in the real world.