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Welcome to Mittens' Dungeon

12:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Mialee, level 1 Elf Shaman
Age: 23, Height: 4' 11", Weight: 80 lb.
Initiative +2, Perception 17, Insight 19, Normal vision

HP 28; Bloodied 14; Surges 7; value 7
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 12; Will 15
Resist N/A
Speed 7
[M/R] Basic Attack (Standard; At-Will) * Melee or Ranged
Dagger: +3 vs. AC; 1d4+0 dmg
Longbow: +4 vs. AC; 1d10+2 dmg
[C] Call Spirit Companion (Minor; At-Will) * Close burst 20
Requirement: Your spirit companion must not be present.
Effect: You conjure your spirit companion in an unoccupied square in the burst. The spirit lasts until you fall unconscious or until you dismiss it as a minor action. The spirit occupies 1 square. Enemies cannot move through its space, but allies can. When you take a move action, you can also move the spirit a number of squares equal to your speed.
    The spirit can be targeted by melee or ranged attacks, although it lacks hit points. If a single melee or ranged attack deals damage to the spirit equal to 10 + one-half your level or higher, the spirit disappears, and you take damage equal to 5 + one-half your level. Otherwise, the spirit is unaffected by the attack.
[S] Spirit's Shield (Opportunity Action; At-Will) * Melee spirit 1
Trigger: An enemy leaves a square adjacent to your spirit companion without shifting
Target: The triggering enemy
+4 vs. Ref; Wis mod (4) damage.
Effect: One ally within 5 squares of your spirit companion regains hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
[S] Claws of the Eagle (Standard; At-Will) * Melee spirit 1
Target: One creature
Effect: One ally adjacent to your spirit companion or within 3 squares of you can make a basic attack against the target. If the ally’s attack hits, the target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
[S] Protecting Strike (Standard; At-Will) * Melee spirit 1
+4 vs. Will; 1d8+4 dmg. Each ally adjacent to your spirit companion gains temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier.
Level 21: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
[C] Healing Spirit (Minor; Encounter) * Close burst 5
Target: You or one ally in the burst
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge. If the target does so, one ally adjacent to your spirit companion, other than the target, regains 1d6 hit points.
Level 6: 2d6 hit points.
Level 11: 3d6 hit points.
Level 16: 4d6 hit points.
Level 21: 5d6 hit points.
Level 26: 6d6 hit points.

Special: You can use this power twice per encounter, but only once per round. At 16th level, you can use this power three times per encounter, but only once per round.
Vigorous Spirit: When you use healing spirit, the target regains additional hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
[P] Speak with Spirits (Minor; Encounter) * Personal
Effect: During this turn, you gain a bonus to your next skill check equal to your Wisdom modifier.
[P] Elven Accuracy (Minor; Encounter) * Personal
Trigger: You make an attack roll and dislike the result.
Effect: Reroll the attack roll. Use the second roll, even if it’s lower.
[R] Thunder Bear's Warding (Standard; Encounter) * Ranged 5
+4 vs. Fort; 1d6+4 thunder dmg. Until the end of your next turn, you and your allies gain resistance to all damage equal to your Constitution modifier while adjacent to your spirit companion.
Protector Spirit: You or an ally within 5 squares of you gains temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (3).
[R] Blessing of the Seven Winds (Standard; Daily) * Ranged 5
+4 vs. Fort; 2d10+4 dmg and slide target 2
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The attack creates a zone of swirling winds in a burst 1 centered on the target. The zone lasts until the end of the encounter. As a move action, you can move the zone 5 squares. As a minor action, you can slide each creature within the zone 1 square.
Alignment: Good; Languages: Common, Elven
(* = Trained in that skill)
2 Acrobatics, 0 Arcana, 0 Athletics, 0 Bluff, 0 Diplomacy,
4 Dungeoneering, 8 Endurance*, 9 Heal*, 0 Hist, 9 Insight*, 0 Intimidate,
12 Nature*, 7 Perception, 0 Religion, 2 Stealth, 0 Streetwise, 2 Thievery
Str 10(0) Dex 14(2) Wis 18(4)
Con 16(3) Int 10(0) Cha 10(0)
Equipment: S.A.K., Leather Armor, Longbow, Arrows (30), Dagger, Totem, Money (23 gp)

Rituals: None.

01) Vigorous Spirit

Background Benefit: Forest Warden
I’m just part of the Whorlwood. But I’m its leaves, its branches, its trunk, its roots.
Type: Campaign
Campaign Setting: Scales of War Adventure Path
You regard yourself as part of the natural world—but you’re the part of the natural world that nurtures and protects the rest. You strive against dangers both mundane (like a rapacious woodcutter) and magical (a mysterious taint that kills vegetation by night). Why are you now an adventurer rather than still in your forest? How do you react when you’re taken far from the natural world, like the heart of a city or another plane of existence? Is there a particular enemy of the forest that you’re still striving against?
Good Background: Elf.
    Benefit: You add Nature and Perception to your class skill list, and you gain a +1 bonus to Nature and Perception checks.

Character description/personality:

Combat tactics:

Character background:

XP earned: 0

Full name: Turanathel Mialee Shinueli

Nicknamed Tu'Shi