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Welcome to Sea Cliff Weyr

02:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name:  Janessa
Age:   25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hetero
Occupation: Rider (green)
Location: Rebel Weyr


Janessa is a free spirit.  Her slender frame and large green eyes make her appear quite the innocent, but as a natural redhead, she has a temper to match.  She is not easily roused to anger, being rather easy-going by nature, but when she has a reason to display that temper, it is wise to remain as far from her as is possible.

She keeps her hair long not in defiance of custom, but because she loves the feel of it.  It is naturally slightly wavy, and falls to the middle of her back. She often keeps it in a braid for the sake of ease in riding, but much prefers to have it flowing freely over her shoulders.

One will often see Janessa laughing and talking with those around her, even if they are new acquaintances.  She is easy to get along with and always ready to lend a hand as needed -- she definitely doesn't mind getting her hands dirty!  She loves animals, especially runners, as she was born and raised in Keroon.

Her parents, Janus and Areesa, were hoping to apprentice her to the Beasthandler craft at sixteen, but when Ista's Search dragon chose her at the age of fourteen, her course was clear.  When she did not Impress the first year, she elected to stay on until the next, at which time she Impressed green Minath.

Age When Impressed:  15
Dragon Age: 10

Dragon Description:  Minath is as lithe as her Rider, with hide of a cool emerald hue.  She is slightly small for a green, but perfectly proportioned.  She carries herself with a natural elegance that quite mirrors Janessa's grace.

Dragon Personality: Minath is quite complementary to her Rider's expansiveness.  She is not reserved by any means, but she will often act as Janessa's "better half".  Yet she is also playful, as ready to cavort in the ocean as to fight Thread. Her natural dragon curiosity is easily roused, and loves to explore new places and things. She is a very quick learner and a staunch friend to those Janessa trusts as well.