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Welcome to Pathfinder - Legacy of Fire [On Hold]

10:40, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Race:    Human (Badawi nomad)
Age:     Mid to late teens
Height:  5'9" (1.75m)
Weight:  Approximately 145 lbs (66 kg)
Hair:    Black (long and straight, often braided or tucked under)
Eyes:    Brown/Hazel
Skin:    Smooth, tanned

Let this be a warning,
Said the magpie to the morning,
'Don't let this fading summer pass you by...'

                                    - Neko Case, Magpie to the Morning, Middle Cyclone

Tanit is a young Badawi woman, but one that travels without the rest of her tribe.  She is taller than average and thinner than average; and is fairly attractive in a slightly exotic, oriental way.  Her slight frame moves quite gracefully and her long, thin fingers quite dexterously.  Her skin is smooth, but quite tanned from plenty of time in the sun.  Tanit's hair is long and black, curling only when it cascades off of her shoulders; it also has an iridescent sheen to it - one that is exacerbated when she exercises her powers.  Her eyes are a light brown, with a strange hazel-green tint to them; they sparkle with a keen, if fierce, intelligence barely seem to be able to contain the sharp, rough edges of her personality.  Her smile, when it can be seen, alternates between slightly mischievous and slightly maniacal.  Though more often than not, especially in public, her lower face is covered by a niqab, effectively an embroidered taffeta scarf.

Life is what happens to you,
While you're busy making other plans,

                                    - John Lennon, Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy), Double Fantasy

Tanit's body is covered with a number of colorful ritual tattoos that also peak out from under her clothing and mark her face (she also has the common black marks under her eyes to ward off the desert glare).  Like her hair, the pigments on her skin shimmer and glow slightly when she exercises her powers; windows into young woman's internal energies.  Any Badawi tribesman (or possibly a well-traveled individual) could tell you what the skin markings might mean, or at least, that each one marked a specific event or rite, even if the actual details varied from tribe to tribe.  In Tanit's case, a number of the tattoos have been defaced or destroyed, covered with scars from claws or bites.  Tanit is not shy about either the tattoos or scars, but she is not very forthcoming about the origins of either set.

No one in sight for fifty miles,
sleeping fields sigh as I glide across their spines
If I could just reach the crest of that hill
this whole day will tumble and out the night will spill

                                    - Cowboy Junkies, Miles From Our Home, Miles From Our Home

Her voice is rather low and husky for one of such slight frame.  Its timbre, while actually quite pleasant, may have something to do with the scars and burns around her neck - especially the one particularly wicked looking scar that runs from just below her right ear to tip of her chin.  Similar markings can be found on her wrists and ankles as well - when those areas peek out from under her wonderfully, embroidered silk and taffeta garments.  The garments that she wears have a beautiful sheen to them and the edges are covered in typical swirling Badawi motifs.  Their colors seem to shift and twist in the light breeze that often seems to surround her.  Though, the garments used to be threadbare when she was younger, that is no longer the case; her arcane magics have been used restored them to their former glory.  And she has added to them now that she has come into some coin.  Used to riding as a nomad, Tanit generally wears tunics and breeches, though they are usually light and voluminous to allow for proper heat dissipation.  An elegant, silver, filigreed circlet rings her forehead and brow, often keeping the long, black hair from her face.  And a bracelet adorns each of her wrists - leather strops with a number of gnoll teeth and claws strung through it.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill,
that we shall pay any price, bear any burden,
meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe
to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

                                     - John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961

Driven by a number of passions, Tanit believes in living her life to the fullest.  A bit capricious; she is quick with her laughter and praise and equally quick to anger.  She can be both brutal and brutally honest - valuing both as true virtues.  This bravado likely masks deeper issues and traumas from earlier in life; though she rarely, if ever, speaks of such things.  The young Badawi maiden seems well aware that given the path she has been forced to tread in this life that any day might be her last in this mortal coil.  And as such, intends to stand tall before the Triumvirate of the Maid, the Matron and the Crone (how she and her people often refer to Sarenrae, Shelyn and Desna in various confounded aspects) in the afterlife and recount her life's deeds with her head held high and little, if any, regrets for her actions.  Though she isn't necessarily a braggart, modesty isn't always a virtue with Tanit.

...Follow men's eyes as they look to the skies
The shifting shafts of shining weave the fabric of their dreams...

                             - Rush, Jacob's Ladder, Permanent Waves

Courtesy of our wonderful GM.  Linked to with his permission (Carakav).  All rights reserved.

Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it?
That's what it is to be a slave...

                                    - Roy Batty speaking to Rick Deckard, Blade Runner