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Welcome to No Guts, No Galaxy.

22:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Heidi Vuorela

Name: Heidi Vuorela, of the Federated Commonwealth (Lyran)
Age: 24 (born 4 April, 3024)
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110lbs
Hair: Medium length (currently) brown hair (shaved temples)
Eyes: Hazel
Planet of Origin: Wotan
Homeplanet: Toland

(Thank you, Jaina, for the following image!)

Service Record:
Military Academy of Somerset 3040-3043
-Basic Training (graduated 5th)
-Mechwarrior Training (graduated 3rd)
-Officer Training (graduated 2nd), Commissioned 3043
--Additional training in Infantry Operations and Special Operations (not certified)
5th Company, 2nd Regiment, 3rd Lyran Guards 3043
-Excess Personnel/Mechwarrior
7th Company, 3rd Regiment, 11th Arcturan Guards 3044
-Excess Personnel/Mechwarrior
3rd Company, 1st Regiment, 2nd Lyran Guards 3044
-Excess Personnel/Mechwarrior
3rd Company, 1st Regiment, 5th Lyran Regulars 3045
8th Company, 2nd Regiment, 12th Star Guards 3045-3047
10th Company, 2nd Regiment, 12th Star Guards 3047-Present
-Gunslinger Program Graduate 3047

Lieutenant, December 3047

Awards & Decorations:
Combat Ribbon (Erewhon, January 3048)

Campaigns and Combat Actions:
Erewhon, January 3048

Negative Personnel Actions:
Minor Reprimand, January 3048 (see sealed file)

Physical Description: She has a rather petite frame, yet strong and athletic build. Her fair skin (lightly tanned from time in the sun), oval face, high cheekbones, and slightly upward canted eyes reveal her Nordic heritage. Her nose, although relatively straight, shows indications that it may have been broken in the past. Her generous mouth is home to straight and relatively white teeth.

She dresses appropriately to whatever activity she is engaged in. Her off-duty clothes are well made and tend toward the comfortable or practical such as jeans or cargo pants, t-shirts and jackets. Boots make up the majority of her footwear. Athletic wear is also a common theme as she is often found either going to or coming from the gym.

3)Background- Born from near squalor, this young woman, with a mix of luck, the right people supporting her, and her own significant work ethic, managed to earn herself a spot in the Military Academy of Somerset. Further, her dedication and no holds barred attitude put in a position to take one of the Mechwarrior training slots available for her class.

Although more recently established and not as prestigious as other academies, they had a solid reputation and produced good Mechwarriors and Aerospace Pilots. Despite the newness of the academy, she still found a fair amount of prejudice based on her low upbringing. Despite not being a premiere institute, a majority of the cadets still came from better established families, perhaps on decline or currently rising in status.

Again, a mix of her hard work and incredible support of those around her, she managed to not only succeed, but excel. She graduated 3rd in her class, and took pride in the fact that the 1st in her class also came from more humble beginnings. After making it so far, it hardly mattered to her that she hardly cared that her lack of a family owned mech meant she would be placed at the needs of the Commonwealth.

She was sure that with her ranking she would get something, and whatever that was, it was better than where she came from. So it was a surprise when she was passed over in placement in any of the FC regular units, especially when Mechwarriors of lower class rank but better heritage found their slots. Discouraged, but not giving up, she pulled in what few favors she had acquired and was picked up by the 12th Star Guards.

She had every intent to use the opportunity to glorify the unit that accepted her. Whatever Mech they gave were would be treated as if it were her own. It would be ridden hard, but always given the utmost attention in maintenance and care.

She still maintains frequent contact with her parents, Mattias and Hannah, and sends home what money she can to improve their lifestyle.

Personality: She is driven almost to the point of neurotic. Courageous almost to the point of recklessness. She is crafty, funny, and smart with a mind for tactics and remarkably charismatic. She is confidant, as is the nature of Mechwarriors and Aerospace pilots, but always bear in mind her beginnings to keep her grounded.