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06:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ellis Kieta

Name:  Ellis Kieta
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 148lbs
Hair: Black (shaved at temples)
Eyes: Dark Brown
Status: Desceased

Physical Appearance: His mixed race is apparent as he has the eyes and cheek bones of Oriental stock, but the paler skin and broader build of his father. His black hair is kept short and shaved at the temples, as is the case with most Mech pilots. He is very fit and lean, practicing martial arts every day. He has a small scar on his chin from a training accident.

Personality: As a young boy, Ellis found it hard to fit in with the other children on Shionoha, his obvious mixed heritage being a barrier to the racially proud Combine children. Rather than becoming introvert however, this caused the young boy to redouble his efforts to excel at everything he did in an attempt to prove his worth. He won over some of the local children, but found he mixed better with the children of the Star Guards servicemen.

Ellis tends to be very confident of his ability to handle himself both in and out of his (or any other) 'Mech. Some would say he is a little to sure of himself and they are probably right. His big mouth has already gained him an enemy he could do without, in the shape of a Kuritan military officer.

Background: Born in 3029 on the planet Shionoha, Ellis Kieta is the son of James Anderson, a mechwarrior from the 12th Star Guards and Asa Kieta a civilian doctor from the Combine world. The pair met and fell in love during the Fourth Succession War when the 12th fought for the Lyran Commonwealth and invaded Shinoha. Ellis’ parents lived on Shionoha until the massive Kuritan attack of ’39 when the 12th was forced off world and the Draconis Combine took back most of the worlds lost in the Succession war.

His father was killed during the retreat, leaving his mother to look after their son. The surviving members of the 12th Star Guard made sure Ellis and his mother were provided for and she now serves as a doctor with the unit.

After his fathers death one of his old friends (now Colonel) Len Bouncer took the young boy under his wing, becoming a guardian angel of sorts. While he doesn't interfere with the day to day routine, if he or his mother find themselves in trouble Col Bouncer would lend a hand.

On Febuary 14th, 3048, Elias was murdered in the streets of Flekkefjord by parties identified as a rising partisan gang. Their focus of ire tends towards Combine citizens, and have had several clashes with the members of the 12th Star Guards who have been stationed on Bensinger. Going out alone against recommendations, Elias was unfortunately assumed to be a citizen of the Combine and shot with a hunting rifle, his death instantaneous. Local Authorities have closed the case, though there have been no confirmed arrests, causing further unrest between the Guards and the locals of Flekkefjord.