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08:08, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Aeneas Karrde

Not too tall, not too big, and no outstanding physical feature, the only thing that makes Aeneas Karrde stand out is that he is rather handsome. This one defining feature is what got him into the trouble that forced him to run from his native home of the Magistracy of Canopus, as in a land where a woman can legally enforce her pick of a mate,  being handsome can be a curse.

When a woman, who was older than his own mother would have been, decided that Aeneas would be the right man for her, he made the decision that Federated Commonwealth just might be the right nation for him. Thankfully his background on the streets had earned him just enough friends to find a way out, it was only too bad that time hadn't given him the skills to be employable in the Inner Sphere.

With his Periphery heritage leaving him without a fair shake, Aeneas drifted for four years before finding himself on the Mercenary's Star where at least one group was willing to take him in. Quickly enlisting, for the past three years Aeneas has worked hard to become one of the best Scouts the 12th Star Guards could ask for. He also seems to have a certain knack for skills that certainly weren't standard, skills that have tapped him for a new unit program on Bensinger.

Appearance: Besides his eye pleasing physical nature, nothing about Aeneas especially stands out. His hair color a dark blonde, his eyes a warm hazel green, and a smile that usually endears him to most Karrde gives the impression of being what the ancient Terran's called an "All American Boy".

Personality: Aeneas is open and friendly, or at least he certainly seems that way. Quick to make friends, Aeneas is just as slow to anger, being able to take a joke as well as throw them around. When speaking of his past, Aeneas makes a joke of it, but the truly observant might notice that he glosses over large portions of his life.