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17:14, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lacey Duvenkova

Full Name: Lacey Duvenkova.
Nickname(s): Lace.
Gender: Female.
Age: 19
Apparent Age: Upon first glance at her, she could appear to be older, about in her twenties.
Sexuality: Bi-sexual.

Species: Were-bear.
Rank: Un-ranked.
Powers: Physical Prowess. Fast Healing. Acute Senses. Silver Vulnerability. Control animals. Hybrid Form. Pass as Human.

Height: 5'5.
Weight: 145 lbs.
Hair Color: Light honey wheat blonde.
Hair Length/Style: Her hair falls to her mid-back. Curly to straight.
Eye Color: Light moss green that mingles with blue, borderline amber when she's angry.
Skin Tone: Pale Caramel.
Body Shape: Athletic. A bit slender though.

Physical Description: Lacey has the appearance of a twisted vanilla girl, with the body of...well, a gymnast. There is something about her that radiates beauty, be it her intense wide almond eyes, or that light hair.

Her face is shaped rather nicely, thanks to the genetics of her mother, a model from Russia. She has the classic jawline that photographers love. Soft cheekbones, and a high forehead, but not overly dramatic. Her lips of a soft petal pink and full, pouty.  Her brows are pristine, and kept in check regularly, so that have that spacing and shape to them. Her nose seems to fit her face nicely. Her face naturally clear of scars or acne giving it that flawless sort of glow that people often envy.

Moving down, her chest is adequately sized for her smaller feminine frame. Breasts at size 34B. Her torso isn't overly long. Past the column of her ribs, her waist narrows inward. Her stomach is taut. The etchings of a faint six pack rest beneath her skin. Her navel is pierced, harboring a white diamond studded stainless steel curved barbell.

Her legs often give the illusion that she is longer than what she truly is. She has amazing legs that seem to travel for miles upwards. Toned, but not bulky in muscles.

Attire: She has a taste for the finer things in life. When she isn't working out, she is seen in designer clothing, even if she is going the casual way. Gucci and Versace are two of her favorite designers. She is a true fashionista, keeping up with the times as far as the style goes.

Scar or identifying marks: She has a scar on her left shoulder, from an emergency surgery that she had when she was sixteen.

In Bear Form: She has all of the structure of a Black Bear. Perhaps on the skinny side of the spectrum, with a smaller frame, she maintains the visage of a true Black Bear. The only oddity is her fur, which is snowy white, reflecting on her hair in human form.

Personality: It is hard to pinpoint who the real Lacey is.
She was forced into the spotlight from a young age, and at times it seems hard for her to remember that the light doesn't shine on her any more. She grew up in the lap of luxury, but until her infection, she had never been associated as a trust fund baby.

She had always been so happy with her life. She worked hard, trained, and absolutely loved it. She was a perfectionist to the tee, and she had to be. There is still a part of her that is meticulous with her daily life ,be it grooming or house hold organization.

Since the change, it seems that she has slipped back into the rebellious teenage years. She is a wild child now, constant parties, and seeking out destruction. The brat syndrome as her mother calls it. Now it's always Lacey's way or the highway, and she doesn't need anyone but herself. Her temperament changed as well, as her anger is quick to rear it's head.

Underneath it all, she just wants someone to care for her for who she is. Be it a friend or a lover. The main problem is, she doesn't know who she really is herself. She still has a lot of growing up to do.

Profession: "Retired" Olympic Gymnast. Currently Fitness Instructor.
Religion: Agnostic.
Merits: Athletic. Friendly face. Acrobatic.
Flaws: She's like a peacock, she has a tendency to show off a bit too much. Short-sighted. She doesn't think about the future much.
Vices: She listens to Nirvana and ear bleeding levels. Coffee, tons and tons of coffee.

Background/History: Lacey Duvenkova. She was born in Syracuse New York, to one Kat'ryna Duvenkova, Russian model. Her father, well, she never knew who he was, a random guy from a random town.

Despite growing up with out a father, Lacey had an amazing childhood. From the age of three she displayed talent for tumbling, and was often seen attempting to somersault, and flip around. Her mother instantly got the idea to put her in the Little Gymnast Class at a local daycare. That freed up Kat's time, and started Lacey towards one of the greatest journeys that she could ever ask for. It proved to be a good thing that Kat placed her in that class because that quickly became the little girl's passion.

By the time she was ten years old, she already had six years of gymnastics under her belt, and was displaying a flexibility and natural talent, that surpassed all others in her age group. She simply was made to be this. It was encoded in her blood, body and soul. She was advanced up into the classes with the expert tumblers and gymnast. She didn't even know it, but she was being scouted. Someone actually wanted to sponsor her to go to the Olympics. With her skills and the amount of time she had actually been doing this, it wasn't that far of a goal to reach for. Her mother agreed, as long as Lacey wouldn't be behind on her school work.

She managed both lives accordingly. The school girl, and the potential metal winner. She practiced hard and long after her school work, sometimes being up all hours of the night, to exhaustedly study, which at this point she was home schooled.

At the ripe age of sixteen she was off to the Olympics running with Team USA. She was competing with some top names. She did uneven bars, balance beam, and floor work. She received gold in all the fields she was in, thus putting Team USA on the map, placing them number two against competitor countries. They even surpassed China.  She was so incredibly happy. She had worked hard, and accomplished her own goals, in winning. She had graduated early, thanks to the studying that she did in her off time. She was living on cloud nine.

It was about six months later that her life changed. She still hasn't decided if it is for the better or the worst. She was coming home from a friend's house. Of course she was driving. She was used to the snow covered roads of New York, but she wasn't used to was the ice that covered the winter washed blacktop. She hit a patch of ice, sending her car into a telephone pole. She doesn't remember anything after the blinding red that coated her vision.

She woke up about ten hours later in the hospital. The front end of the car was smashed. A large shard of glass had struck her shoulder, and had halfway penetrated her body partially severing an artery. It was during her surgery that she got infected. A botched blood transfusion saw to that.

She had a feeling that her career in the gymnastics field was going to be over. She was still in her prime and was able to compete, after only god knows how many hours of physical training, but her sponsors and the U.S. Team didn't think it was a good idea.

It was the very night that she found she was kicked off of the team that she had her first shift. The emotion that tore through her was so intense. She panicked, because let's face it, she had no idea they were really out there. She never paid attention to the outside world much, it was just her, and the metals, her mother as well...but this, this was something that she couldn't recover from.

After her first transformation, her attitude, and her demeanor changed.  She called a press conference before the Team could gather one up, and announced her retirement. Her words were  brutal, and cold. " I've called everyone here today for something extremely important to tell you. I will no longer be an active member of the Gymnast society. I have decided to claim retirement. It's better this way because I'd rather not be side by side with a team would can't tell the difference between a double twisting, double somersault, and their ass. Team USA, welcome to failure."

From that day on, the only time that Lacey was in the limelight was when she was kicked out of local clubs for starting fights, or tabloid photos of her with beers in her hand, or the most embarrassing one in the eyes of her mother, at a concert, Lacey climbed up on stage, and started striping in front of the band.

There came a point when enough was enough. At the age of seventeen Kat'ryna kicked Lacey out. She didn't do too good of a job at it, because she had actually given Lacey 2.1 million dollars to get started. Not to mention all the money that she could access when she was 18.  Lacey gathered up her stuff, and set out into the world. She made several stops along the way. It was nice traveling around.

Recently she came into Washington. Seattle. The city of rain. She adores it. Perhaps this will be her home.

Relatives (Living/Dead/Undead): Father. ( Unknown.) Mother: Kat'ryna Duvenkova, New York City, New York. Limo Driver: Micha. ( Travels with her.)
Friends/Contacts: None, anymore