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Welcome to The Wolf's Head Tavern

21:02, 29th May 2024 (GMT+0)


Jack likes to call us his Farm-hands we do that of course he now has much more important things to worry about.  He is very pleasant to work for and we like raising our own vegetables.
   We worry about his illness and what it means, we have to hide what we are just as he now has secrets.  Alexander says the World has changed and we are just along for the Ride.
                               Yours truly;
                                     Chaplin of Bunny Base

   Jazz Rabbit of Jack Buck's Farm [Bunny Base]
From a distance the group hear voices approaching.
   A bright high brash voice broke the quiet of woodland sounds; "Watch that rock. kid."

   A higher yet softer voice tentatively followed. "this is hard."
   Coming closer through the brush "Yah, I know but the big folk don’t really take you serious if you don't, Jack's better than most though."

The female sounding voice;
"Are the big folk nice, this is kind of scary I've never been in this part of the forest."

   The first voice replies frankly
   “Some are pretty nice, though some are worse than Foxes. We don't show ourselves to them often and almost never like this.
    Don't worry your pretty little whiskers about that. The Great one is sure to like you he is very nice to rabbits.  We’re almost there I can feel it.
   At the end of the last statement two rabbits walk out of the brush hand in paw.

    One a gray-brown woods doe walks along carefully watching the ground ahead.  The second over one third taller than her, he has fur a light gray color which  was the dullest part of his "look".  He is wearing a massive for him leather backpack.  His poet style shirt was bright blue, a green velvet vest trimmed with beadwork and cross-stitch. As the thin rabbit walked the bottoms of his paisley bell bottoms swished in the forbs and shrubs. Loops of beads fell around his neck and down his chest ending with a peace sign. As he walked his eyes were turned watching the doe as he held her paw in his, she practiced walking upright.

    Hearing a sound of voices ahead the male turns looking around he sees Jack and the other bigfolk, Oops, Sorry for interrupting Boss He stops holding the little rabbit back, she looks up and a spike of fright appears on her whiskered face.