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Welcome to (Exalted) The Five Pillars of Creation

23:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cynis Arkio

Age: 25
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190lbs
Appearance: 4 Cha:3
Reputation: Commanded a power armor talon.  In an attack on a Dark Solar manse his twin sister was captured.  Arkio against orders attacked the Manse with his talon and saved her, his unit was decimated and massive amounts of resources lost.

Physical description:
Tall, lean and blonde of hair Cynis Arkio is a dragon of fire.  His yellow hair being lighter at the root and darker at the tips no mater the length it is a yellow hot flame.  He is the first fire dragon to descend from the main line of Cynis Falen.  When he is not armored he wears a variety of clothes depending on the situation.  The first is for formal occasions is a dress uniform of the Imperial Legion, showing his rank as Talon Commander.

When not at a formal social function he wears a pair of black cotton or wool pants (depending on temperature outside) and a white silk shirt often with a blue vest or jacket.

lastly at a house Cynis functions he wears a simple robe and light colored pants.  With simple adornments.

he is currently on suspension pending investigation into conduct unbecoming, and wasting resources

Cynis Arkio, was not what was expected of him.  Born in the blood line of house Cynis of the Dynasty, his mother is Cynis Chizono and his father, is speculated at being either Cathak Lelandro, or Seus Li this is unknown because both he and his twin sister Kastalin were conceived during one one of house Cynis's famous parties.  Fortunately for genealogists this time there were only two men at the party which was supposedly held in their honor for both were returning heroes of a long and deadly wyld hunt, of whom the hostess, Chizono was eager to attend to. The true reason for the party though, the one not mentioned to the attendants of it was that it was being thrown by Chizono's sister, Suzuka and it secretly doubled as Chizono's bachelorette party.  Thus the twins were born to one of Cynis Falen's great grand daughters.

 It was later that month that Chizono married her true love, who also happened to be the perfect political target, a wood dragon of a branch family of the V'neef House.  He believed that Kastalin and Arkio were his children and raised them as such not knowing that his wife had been with both men just weeks before their wedding.

 Kastalin is ambitious and naturally skillful, eager to please her parents.  Gifted in music as well as archery becoming as skilled with the Saxtan as she was with the bow, and so skilled she could move crowds to tears with her music.  Her brother Arkio had to work hard at both but had little interest in the Saxtan and instead took up the Violin.  Though no where near as skilled as his sister in music, to say he was unskilled or ever clumsy with his music would be a lie.

 Arkio loved the blade, and spent many hours practicing forms with wooden swords learning the intricate motions of the master swordsman.  Soon it became obvious he would become a swordsman.  It wasn't until he was away as school and the letter came that the eldest of the twins (Kastalin by 1 hour) had exalted into a wood dragon, and both of her parents rushed with pride as their eldest child proved to be perfect.  Though they worried about Arkio, who had yet and did not follow his sister as closely as he had in birth, this worried his parents.

 When Kastalin returned home on holiday she was thrown a great Cynis party in her honor, and did her heritage proud again as was a natural at being the hostess of such a party, and at the lovers arts.  By now her father had integrated into the Cynis lifestyle and did not think twice of his daughter attending such a coming of age event.

 A year later the letter came.  The second of their blond haired twins exalted.  Arkio had stood up to a pair of exalted who were bulling a patricians daughter. Arkio was a fire dragon, the school told them and the reason he did not Exalt was he was trying to be something he wasn't.  Otherwise the school theorized he would have exalted right beside his sister.  The letter crushed Arkio's father of whom no fire dragon had ever been in his family tree, nor in his wife's so the blood of Hesiesh should not have been in his son.  This news reduced him to a shell.

 When Arkio returned home there was no party to celebrate his Exaltation, there was only awkwardness.  His father had trouble looking at him and behind his back called him a brood parasite, an egg laid in the nest of another.  He struggled hard but finally his father came around when he watched his son reject both the Sues and Cathak houses at a gathering that he had arranged to give his son to either of the heroes to raise.  Saying that he was the son of Cynis Chizono, and V'neef Balthis not of either of the houses, and he would never accept either hero as his parent as V'neef Balthis raised him, loved him, tended to him raising him as a fire flower in his garden and he would be his father's son long after he died.

 Shortly there after it was time for secondary school, Kastalin went on to the Heptagram. Arkio went to the House of Bells, hoping to earn his father's respect and love back, not realizing he had it.  He studied long in hard in the House being the perfect student, for the most part.  His grades were fine but his Calibration parties were what one would expect of the infamous Cynis house.  It was in the house of bells that he discovered the true path of swordsmanship, the Even Blade Style.  He drank it in, and when his parents came to observe their eldest son (there youngest in Chizono's arms at the time barely a half year old) his father caught fire emotionally.  His heart again bloomed with pride in his eldest son upon seeing his anima banner.  It was a beautiful display of fire in the form of roses and Arkio over heard the words.  "That's my son" spoken with such pride at first he didn't think they were about them but about his baby brother.  It took a moment to for him to realize it.
 The twins both received a true Cynis party to celebrate their graduation, after which gifts were given, artifacts given to his sister in recognition of her success and prowess as an archer and a future leader and member of house Cynis were heaped upon her.  Arkio did not resent his family's love of his twin after all she was everything they expected, he was the brood parasite.  He rejoiced for her and he hoped to get a spot in the legion and some issued equipment.

 When it came his turn, to receive his gifts he expected maybe some very well crafted luggage (A hit to get out), a suit of mundane armor and a book of vouchers for restaurants, inns, and brothels owned by the house (not for free meals and accommodation mind you just a humble percentage off).  Instead lady Cynis Falen who was in attendance had her servants bring out a suit of Power Armor, for leading troops to battle with, more over it was fire dragon armor named Lover of Roses; it was once a gift from of one of lady Falen's lovers, whom she fell into a dislike of so regifting it down the family line made sense.
 As well he was given a Jade Reaper Daiklave forged in his honor given the name Flame Rose Heart, a gift from his father and mother a remembrance that though he was not born of his father's seed he had grown in the garden of his heart.  His sister also gave to him a masterfully crafted Violin and a Red Jade Powerbow but sculpted into the fire motif of the red jade was again the image of flowering plants, this time his sister's favorite, the passion flower.  She had thought her gifts to be the only ones he would have received so she had used all of the connections she had to get them, and have them made.
 As a final (mystical) graduation gift he given stewardship over a 3 manse complex.  Called House of the Burning Rose, a nickname he found he had earned in house Cynis, not being the first fire dragon born into it, but the first to be of Lady Cynis Falen's direct bloodline.  The set of 3 manses built into one complex would act as his armory, weapons supply, home and repair bay.
 It was his sister who introduced him to another graduate of the Heptagram, Mourning Dove, who as it turned out was fascinated by, with, and probably a little too enthusiastic about power armor, doubly so for armor of the Immaculate Dragons.  She has been seeing to Lover of Roses and keeping it in good repair.
 Recently though Arkio has fallen on hard times his unit in the legion was decimated  when an attack on an Abyssal Manse went wrong.  The Legion has revoked his rank pending investigation, his marriage was called off, because his bride received another offer from a better reputed house, and he is left now with one goal.  Getting his honor back, and punishing the Anathema who slaughtered his men, and ruined his twin's beauty.  Kastalin is currently living with her husband as she recovers from her wounds, but the Abyssal took great glee in the way he wounded her and with the damage to her face, legs, and chest all of which are now heavily scarred and her confidence in her beauty gone.  He is now motivated by one goal, one thing drives him.  Becoming the best swordsman to ever live so that he can defeat even the greatest anathema swordsmen.