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Welcome to An Inconvenience Rightly Considered (3.5/Pathfinder)

03:54, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Elijah Bradon Gladestron

Description: Elijah or EB to his friends, stands a little over 6'. Thin even by elven standards, he moves with a sinewy grace. His skin is tan from years out in the elements. Initially, little about EB appears to stand out in a crowd, other than this striking blue eyes. His hair and dress always seem to be slightly out of place, as if under the power of some eternal curse.

EB is defined by his contradictions:Scholarly yet rough and tumble, curious yet cautious, arrogant yet open, frequently patient but often rash, quick to laugh but serious, solitary but a born leader, he is slow to fight but his wrath once unleashed will burn with deliberate fury.

He can get lost in a crowd, but come chaos or should he choose to speak, there is a quality to him that shines and captivates all around him.