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Welcome to Academy of Celestial Learning (Exalted 2e DotFA) *On Hiatus*

01:36, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rana Jinan

Fifteen years old and average-sized, if as sturdily-built as any young woman who grew up working and fairly well-fed, Rana Jinan is not a particularly imposing creature. She wears her straight, red hair cropped jaggedly short. Striking green eyes glitter in a face that's remarkably fair for that of a girl who spent most of her childhood outside. She favors practical clothing that wouldn't look out of place on a mountain goatherd -- usually slim cotton trousers, sturdy sandals, and a close-fitting, short-sleeved tunic that fell to the middle of her thighs.

Rana is a generally good-natured, moderately clever and practical girl.

Born the daughter of a family of goatherds in a southern rural region of no importance, Rana had no greater expectation than to follow in her mother's footsteps, raising healthy, happy children.

Fantasies turned to unexpectedly inadequate reality when a small gang of bandits menaced the group of younger children she was supervising in the hills above the village. Luck placed them close enough to what she instinctively recognized as a defensible position that Rana was able to send the children running there where they could hold the bandits far back with slings until help could come. She sent the child she thought both clever and quick enough to avoid any bandits back to the village to get help. Then she led half of the bandits chasing after her, suspecting they would eventually catch her, but willing to take the risk for the sake of the others. The bandits cornered her eventually, but with the bandits numbers halved, the villagers were able to rescue the children without any losses. Fighting off the bandits with the staff she used for herding goats, she Exalted and the last few bandits wisely fled.

Appearance 3