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Welcome to Heart of the Universe

21:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name:  Bamzor
Age: Older Than Kup
Archetype: 1/10'th Scale Super Robot
Symbol Attribute: Water

Height: 8'0"
Eye Color: Green
Primary Paintjob:  White and black with blue trim.
Quote: "For the last time, No I am not piloted by a little space man."

Personality:  What does a robot do when they are built for revenge, but it proves to be out of reach?  Mellow out considerably in Bamzor's case.  You thought Voltron had it bad not skipping straight to a sword?  One can hardly protect other Clans if you slice a row of buildings in half with a Phased Beam Cannon or add a fusion dug crater where a hospital wing used to be if you miss, and sometimes even if you hit.  Just because Shenhanigan building code accounts for the kind of machines that make Bamzor look like a Speak And Spell by comparison doesn't mean you shouldn't mindful of that sort of thing.
  Bamzor doesn't have issues with understanding emotions any more than organic beings that come with them by default... We all know how well that can go at times of course.  Lead your sentient existence decently, but be prepared to end risks to others as swiftly as necessary.  It's been easy to balance the need to fulfill his creators desire for revenge against protecting those still alive up until now by virtue of said revenge being out of reach.  Now, with a possible lead accessible in the Heart, Bamzor is uncertain if his actions will be driven by the reason he exists, or the existence of others.

Desc:  Is a robot. To lazy to read desc? Close to this bot.

  Bamzor is a robot standing eight feet tall, with a time and battle worn paintjob primarily of white and black.  His head is an angular affair with a near featureless 'face', blank white where a jaw would be and trailing up the sides of his head.  The 'face' and rest of his head are black, with a dimly glowing green dot shining through and a blue diamond shape embedded in the forehead.  Bamzor's torso looks more streamlined in design than the rest of him, Black across the upper half and white down the rest with a blue inverse triangle in the centre and a blue stripe leading from it up to their neck.  Between his shoulder joints and main torso are similarly colored trapezoid shapes, the small 'top' facing forwards with worn and faded hazard stripes dead centre in them.
  Blocky arms end in four fingered hands, white structure with black armor frames around the forearms, a blue stripe trailing down the forearm and inch width silvery discs embedded at strategic intervals.  His legs follow a similar design style attached to a black pelvis (is there ANY dignified way of mentioning that area?), ending in ye old block robot feet standard.


Electromagnetic Machine: Bamzor is powered by a self sustaining Electromagnetic *cough*technobabble*cough* Reactor.  While they are incapable of wielding Electromagnetism as a direct weapon or 'And then Magneto did whatever he wanted' ability, they are protected against the standard issue easy methods of Robot Obliteration.  This includes Machine Empathy, Haxors and Nanites are outright destroyed automatically, adjustable to a large distance.  Well, okay.  So they can fly at Sub-Light speeds with it too and launch specialized replicated chunks of metal.  Some days firing an old fashioned cannonball with high technology is the best moment of the day.

Metaphysical Compensator:  The realm of advanced theoretical crazy physics can be just as hazardous as ancient eldritch ways.  Sudden alterations to reality, existence and timespace location upon Bamzor are negated.  If you want to kick his ass, you have to literally do so.  Not turn him into a frog, stone, or slide him sideways into another timestream.

Flicker Drive:  Space is really, really really, etc big.  Entire worlds while not as mind boggling huge in scope, are also big and often a location in need of defense can be on the opposite side of it.  The Flicker Drive is an accurate self correcting (to prevent appearing in a spray of gore as you suddenly displace some poor sucker) teleportation system capable of up to One Lightyear Per Second.  Gravity wells combined with the need to compensate for safe location vastly slow the calculations and rate of teleportation upon planets and space colonies.  This of course, implies the needed scanning and calculations capability needed for FTL travel and navigating through Dwarf Tunnel cities or whatever.

Heal Bot:  The materials of Bamzor's construction are capable of limited self repair, however significant damage requires repairs.  When proper facilities are not available, Bamzor houses storage and manufacturing capabilities for a pair of durable disk drones that can slowly repair any damage.  In DnD 4th Ed Terms, Bamzor generates then uses a free Heal surge every short rest.

Restricted Replicator:  Bamzor possesses a limited function matter replicator.  Uses are limited to ammunition replenishment, parts for Bamzor's origional design, and shaping magnetically Inert Polysilicate Alloys into Melee weapons.

Super Robot:  Bamzor's Magnoceramic body is stronger than a Forklift, tough enough to shrug off generic mook fire, able to leap condos in a single bound! This comes packaged with Generic Terminator Vision.


Astrophysicist Astrogator:  All that time porting around and exploring deep space has given Bamzor time to learn up on the sciency workings of the cosmos, as well as become a walking encyclopedia of locations and directions.

Getting Medieval On Someone:  When you can replicate a battleaxe as large as you are tall, you tend to pick up a few things even if you're an example of Sufficiently Advanced Technology.

Robotics Specialist:  Keeping yourself in off the assembly line specs can be harder than just fixing and upgrading as needed.  Also just because he refuses to Upgrade himself doesn't mean he can't fix up other Sentient Machines if the opportunity and materials present themself.


  Old Fashioned:  It is possible to attain upgrades from sources other than their creators, and many of their Thinking Weapons have done so.  Bamzor refuses to seek out or accept upgrades in respect to them.  Any emergency maintenance that does involve a notable 'improvement' will be replaced as soon as possible to match their original design.
(What's the big OMG power creep for half the SMT cast? Tech upgrades.  What can Bamzor not do? Tech upgrades.)


Anti-Capital Weapons Array:  Housed in armored retractable mounts at the shoulder joint, Bamzor has weapons intended for large slow moving targets like buildings, starships, and Godzillas.  A pair of Lancer beams, fixed mount Phased Beam cannons.  As well as variable Torpedo tubes capable of firing tracking Fusion torpedoes, and dumbfire Gluonic bursts capable of penetrating deflectors and energy absorbers.

Point Defense And Anti-Personnel Lasers:  Arrayed across Bamzor are small emitters capable of firing small bursts of swift, accurate laser fire to intercept incoming slow projectiles.  As well as deal with any small Aliens trying to crawl up him to find the Cockpit that isn't there.

Ultraviolet Beamer: A sustained Ultraviolet Laser fired from a forehead emitter.

Plasma Chakkar Emitters:  Versatile Plasma emitters in Bamzor's hands allow for a few methods of use.  Bolts of plasma can be 'spun' to fire discs of armor shredding plasma, or sustained for an energy buzz saw.

Rocket Fingers:  Bamzor can shoot sciency warhead rockets out of his fingers.  Like a proper Super Robot.

Pocket Computer:  Bamzor bought this at a Mall.

History:  The Shenhanigans are a technologically advanced civilization spread across many worlds.  This goes for most Pulp Sci-Fi style civilizations, though there are two primary focuses when it comes to them.
  1)  Their proficiency and enthusiasm for the design, construction, and use of gigantical Mecha, most commonly sixteen times their size.
  2)  The shenhanigans average Six Inches tall.
  Those of you caught up on the Board's backlog should remember the Cyborasaurus.

  Long ago in the Shenhanigan's history they did not pilot their machines into battle and war.  At first, advanced remote guidance was used.  In time, designs grew more and more autonomous and eventually culminated in the great weapons of the various tribes.  Thinking Weapons, alone able to defend against and lay waste to the lesser drone armies.  As much a symbol of the Tribe that built them as a weapon.  As is a common occurrence with ancient history, details become lost and hazy.  However in current times two irrevocable laws across all Shenhanigan worlds remain.
  To Create Thinking Weapons Is Forbidden.
  To Upgrade Thinking Weapons Is Forbidden.

  Bamzor is an older model Thinking Weapon, rushed to creation in order to protect a Tribe dead and gone before his Startup Sequence completed.  A robot built from scraps and desperation compared to it's peers.  His tribe lost to some unknown menace from out of the Black void of space.  The first ages of his existence were spent in a futile search for any trace or clue of the source of his creator's destruction.  Creating more Thinking Machines becoming forbidden and the reasoning for it having come and gone in his travels.  Eventually, Bamzor took to aiding in the defense of newly colonized Shenhanigans worlds.  Weapons and technology had long since progressed to greater heights, but a Thinking Weapon could still often hold it's own with technically inferior design.
  The most recent events in the Elementally Themed Empires was known to the Shenhanigens.  The news coverage helped there.  The Rulers and Ex-Rulers themselves were gathering to enter the Heart, a place of answers.  This was the best opportunity Bamzor has had to find a chance to avenge his lost Tribe.  The rest should be obvious.