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Welcome to Heart of the Universe

21:37, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Finally getting around to putting this in the thread.

Name:  Blake
Age: Let's put it this way, he was the Death king between the official 2nd and 3rd ones.  (looks mid 20's)
Archetype:  Wrath
Symbol Attribute: Death

Description:  A tall person in a faded brown hooded cloak...  What, you want to know what's under there?
  Blake has medium length black hair, pale skin, and black irised eyes.  They are tall and broad, in the pro-wrestler sort of way.  His clothing consists of a simple brown long sleeved shirt and pants.  Worn but serviceable soft leather boots prevent him from going barefoot.  His clothing always ends up clean and whole again, but he often lacks the flesh over his knuckles unless he's making a point not to stand out as much.

Height: 7'1"
Hair Color:  Black
Eye Color:  Black Irises
Skin Color:  Pale and lifeless *rimshot*
Quote: "No, I would never eat someone's delicious brains...  I did not say delicious, your clearly imagining things."

Personality:  Rampage of vengeance some other guy got the credit for aside, Blake tries to be a bit more pleasant about things when he can/feels like it.  It's easy to forgive those trying to kill him for that alone, when it is only an inconvenience.  However the reasons for it can sway his opinion widely.  He's passed through bitter cynicism regarding all life shortly after his violent run as Death King.  The fact that most people are not jerks, or at the very least merely trying to simply live their life has given him a desire to cut most people some slack.
  He's really a nice guy.  He's just also a violent maniac.  However that works.
  He's conflicted when it comes to the worship of Deities.  His personal situation instills a deep by default faith in Osseousal, and accepts that Gods are around.  But reliance upon them (Dude, why didn’t you back up OUR army?), or unreasonable in scale demands from them (Worship me, and me only for your insignificant mortal life, or suffer for eternity by default) disgust him.


1.) Rip And Tear:  Where would many a slasher film be without the ability to punch off someone's head, or swing an occupied sleeping bag around as easily as a pillow?  The average shambling zombie can easily tear a person in half, while Blake can do the same to a Terminator.  No, he's not Superman.  However, Superman pitches around Oil Tankers and launches things into the sun.  By comparison Blake dual wielding a pair of tanks is downright reasonable.

2.) Your Hate Just Makes Me Stronger:  Less than benevolent (To Blake) methods and abilities that specifically target Death Symbol or Undead (or intangible when he's been kersploded)  heal Blake.  The Life>Death thing in general remains.

3.) You Call That Breaking My Spine?:  Like a Hockey mask wearing monstrosity, Piercing, cuts, and crushing that leave him mostly whole have negligible consequence.  Significant structural damage can be recovered from easily, so long as he hasn't been finished off.  The shock from a whole lost extremity takes about a third of his stability (though interestingly, a lost head is not as bad as a lost limb).  Being cut in half, fittingly enough, takes half.  Fire always has an effect on his stability, burns as a side effect ala 'lol, My Lightsaber is so awesome' get ignored.  While still having a physical form, he can't recover stability until nothing happens to him for several minutes.  Or if he opts not to reform lost parts and manages to put them back on.  He can release his full stability at will, but this doesn’t let him regain physical form any faster.

4.) I'll Be Back: - When Blake has been burnt/dismembered/etc enough, his body dissolves and all his belongings (aside from his monetary equivalents) end up in a pile/ashes/however well they would have held up.  A phantom of himself turns up a distance away in a semi-random direction that while unhindered by...  Well it's faster to say Don't bother.  He can't interact with the physical plane beyond conversations with those who can see such things.  He can be seen and heard by all in exchange for time otherwise spent regaining stability.  It takes an hour for him to recover enough stability to reform on his own, unless there is outside assistance.  But when he chooses to, he reforms with clothes and cash only unless he reaches his remains and they haven't been looted yet.

5.) Stabilized Existence: - Blake's own existence, along with objects and those in contact with him if he wishes are protected from transmutation, or he may keep their current state constant.  He could not be turned to Stone for example, his memories can not be altered, he could not be shifted through space or time without his consent.  A hot frying pan could remain so as long as he's holding it, wooden gates will hold up to a battering ram.  He can remove small alterations to reality easily, but more significant things require him to use up stability.

6.) Not Quite Dead:  A bit of a given, but Blake doesn’t have those pesky needs of the living.  He also doesn't have a craving for Brains/Souls/Blood/Kittens, but that doesn’t stop him from joking about it at times.  His body temperature is pleasantly average, if he forgets about that whole 'breathing and beating heart' thing a lot.


1.) Born King: - His initial manifestation being as the Death King has left some slight influence.  He can choose to have his phantom appear, or physically manifest in the Death Ruler's throne room (possibly a bad idea).  A combination of his Undeath, enforced stability, and traits of the Death Crown prevent more direct mental shenanigans.  But suggestions and more subtle things still work.  He does not have the aura of respect to those of the Death Symbol, but weaker beings of Death can at least sense their chances against him.
(Took some liberties assuming the Death Crown at least used to be a fancy 'Death Mask' )

2.) Masterwork Folding Chair: - A combination of his own strength, his Stabilizing influence, and inability to hang on to equipment very long have made Blake well practiced in putting whatever is handy to use as a weapon as durable as the finest forged magic weapon.  Though he's perfectly fine with actual weapons.

3.) Results Are In, Fast Zombies: - While he lacks the finesse of a trained martial artist, Blake is fast enough to get the job done without getting torn apart too badly.  Just because you can ignore a sword through your lungs doesn’t mean you should.

4.) Holy Undead Dude: - The position of High Priest of Osseousal has defaulted to Blake.  Unfortunately, Blake knows absolute zilch about how to go about this (Having only a weekends time in the temple before promotion to Osseousal's Vengeance).  On top of the fact Osseousal has never been a very hands-on deity and never cared for membership drives, this usually ends up more of a trivia detail about Blake that is a liiiitle hard to prove.  Would you believe someone was the Pope if they couldn’t even remember half the commandments, and you'd never heard of the religion?


1.) "Kill it with Fire!": (Nature) - Blake really hates hearing that.  While the Symbol doesn't add any extra kick, literal Fire hurts his structural stability regardless.  Again, burns as a side effect ala 'Lol, my Lightsaber is so awesome!' get ignored.

2.) Unnatural: (Death) - To the various sorts who sense that sort of thing as a specialty or quirk, Blake has the equivalent of a neon sign floating over him that says 'I'm a mockery of Life and Nature,'.  The cliche problem of dogs, or various animals in general hating the Undead/Terminators/Mailmen just because is a non-issue at least.  Don't confuse unnatural with Unholy, as he is not the latter.

3.) What Is This, Diablo?: (Chaos) – While Blake is capable of maintaining/replacing A) his clothes, and B) his wallet, when he's regained physical form, everything else he had on him is still in his old corpse/in his pile of ashes/pawn shop after someone looted it.

4.) Isn't Death The Final Order?: (?) - A quirk due his stabilized condition, Blake can not take advantage of the inherent superiority Death has over Order.  This even extends to any Death based equipment he may come across.  Things work as they tend to anyways, just without the extra oomph.


1.) Clothes: (Mundane) – Nothin fancy here.


A long, long time ago in the Life realm, there was a city... Wait, that could be anywhere.
A long, long time ago in the Life realm, there was a city, where the God Osseousal was casually worshiped.   That’s better.
A man with no family left, and nowhere else to turn went to the High Priest of Osseousal, who took it a bit more seriously, and was allowed to join the temple.
A short time after that, a small army lead by the Death King came for the one direct gift Osseousal had granted them, a scroll to manifest Osseousal's vengeance at the will of its reader.
Understandably, the High Priest and the people of the city did not want to hand something like that over.  Unsurprisingly (if unfortunately), the cliche jerkface king did not like that answer, and a localized zombie Apocalypse ravaged the city.
The young disciple considered fleeing the temple with the scroll as the High Priest and all he knew fell, but there was nowhere to run from the dead, and soon he and the scroll were brought before the Death king.  The ritual required a Holy one of Osseousal, and the young disciple was all that was left in that regard, as well as all that was left alive in the city.
And so, the Death king preformed the ritual, with the young disiple unable to do anything but wait.  He considered cursing out Osseousal, but knew the one to blame was right in front of him. And it would be a bit difficult to do anyways, as he was missing his tongue at the moment.

The ritual neared it's end, and Osseousal appeared before the Death king, armor of bone and body of bone.  And they asked,

The Death king of course said "Yes!", eyes glinting behind the mask of the Death King.  They really should have paid more attention to the instructions before using the ritual.
The Body of the disciple and the soul of the Death King were obliterated, as it was the will of the reader Osseousal's vengeance manifested.


Osseousal was gone.  The Death kings body rose.  They had nothing to say.

Osseousal's vengeance was not swift.  Even the mortal sin wrath of God given single form against an army of Death could only do so much.  But for two years it was very, very thorough.  Eventually the small personal army of the Death king gone, those unrelated attempting to stop it injured, the 'Mad Butcher King' was slain by the Life King.  For however long it was talked about, they said he did not even put up a fight as their remains dissolved.  The relics of the Death king alone on the ground.

But that was a long, long time ago.