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Welcome to Heart of the Universe

22:08, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name:  Darkthorne

Archetype:  Kasketon Scout

Age: 67, Looks early 20's.  Kasketons haven't been given the chance for death by natural causes yet, but the oldest are 300ish with no signs of slowing down.

  Darkthorne looks about average for a Kasketon.  But that's not helpful to those who don't know what that is.  You've got you've basic six foot thinly muscled humanoid gig going for starters, so lets list what's different than say, the usual Human.
  Short black hair isn't anything noteworthy, and his skin being dull gray is the lesser quirk and a common cliche for aliens isn't it?  The solid red glowing eyes and literal shark toothed grin on the other hand, seem to have been borrowed from a different genre of monster movie.

  Having some moment of brain failure, so here's some of the only decent X-com art I've seen,  left look along with enclosed helmet, and right look.

  Darkthorne has a rather low key outlook for a Kasketon.  This is helpful in his task to explore new worlds, as 'Violently slaughter them before they do it to us' is a highly useful survival skill the Kasketons realize is in dire need of a dimmer switch.  As such, Darkthorne has the patience to usually ask first, sometimes second when attacked, but still resort to 'bite that dragons skull open' desperate measures when its needed without hesitation.
  Sarcasm and straightforward honesty are frequently interchangeable.  Going from 'So I'll just walk up and ask them nicely not to kill us all then' to 'If I thought you were an idiot you'd be the first person I told' without skipping a beat... Wait, which one was an example of which?
  His outlook on Magic and those who use it is that 'I don't hate them any more than they hate me'.  And While grasping he isn't perfect when it comes to double standards, he hates it when people can't admit to them.  Or worse, people who demand he 'keeps an open mind' then go on to claim there is only one specific way something can be, ever.

Symbol Attribute)  Chaos (Of course)

  -???: Kasketons are slaves to their 'Masters', Mystics drawn to Kasketon to take advantage of the inherent increase in Arcane power the world provides along with others intent on taking advantage of it.
  -473: Groups of Kasketons escape, intent on freeing their world and themselves but lacking mystical aptitude.
  -300: Crude tech weapons are developed by the free Kasketons.
  -200: High tech weapons are developed by the free Kasketons.
  -127: 'Mortality Effect' theory established.
  -97:  Prophetic requirements to entity extermination bypassed via 'Mortality Effect' for first time.
  -1:  The former Masters summon a pair of Deities to Kasketon intent on ending things.  The inherent increase in Arcane power on Kasketon allows them to fully manifest and leave the 'Masters' influence.  The 'Masters' flee Kasketon sure their former slaves will die in the chaos.
  -0.5:  A group of Mages and Clerics arrive on Kasketon and attempt to stop the Deities.  They fail in death.  Kasketons figure it's the thought that counts.
  0: A God dies at the hands of the Kasketons, the second flees back to their realm.
  2: All surviving Kasketons of age are armed and trained, a tradition to continue.
  10: The first 'Mortal City' is completed, their first permanent sanctuary from the Supernatural thanks to large scale Mortality Effect Field.
  78: Kasketons clear out the worst of the devastation from the pair of Deities.  They shift focus from reactive survival to systematically closing still existing dimensional rifts.
  112: Kasketons neighboring planet is Terraformed.  Roughly half the population remains on Kasketon in order to continue its reclamation and to prevent further attempts at taking advantage of its Arcane enhancing properties.
  135: A rift is opened by the Kasketons to the surviving Deity's realm and an assault team enters.  An hour later they return having finished the job left undone 135 years ago with many wounded but none dead, surprised to report the Deity as stronger on Kasketon than their own realm.
  136: Darkthorne is born.
  151: Kasketons reach a point of stability on Kasketon, through a lesser degree of rift occurrences due to their own reputation compared to the Arcane benefits of their world and finally clearing out existing problems.
  153: Rift research is turned towards exploration, just for its own sake as their first activity not based purely on their survival.
  158: Darkthorne completes Scout Training.
  203: Present time.  Darkthorne enters the 'Heart of the Universe' as part of the Scout exploration program.


Mental Sanctity:  Kasketon minds are safe from intrusion, as well as able to recover from mental trauma and go 'meh' to someone trying to show off how fancy infinity is.  This does make them often oblivious when attempts at anything ranging from telepathic communication or someone trying to tear their mind apart is attempted.

Biological Efficiency:  Kasketons have a stack of cliche perks usually associated with near immortals.  Dieing of old age? It hasn't come up yet, though not until recently have any survived past 300ish without being killed.  Natural or unnatural poisons and diseases?  Not a problem.  They don’t need to eat, drink, take a restroom break or sleep.

So Long As They Live: Kasketons are able to heal from any Non-Fatal injury given enough time.  Limbs grow back in a week, broken bones heal in a day, organs in hours, cuts and bruises in minutes.  They'd survive a missing heart just as well as a Human would.

Eyes Glow For A Reason:  It seems those glowing eyes are not just for show, as Kasketons are able to see even in the complete absence of light, as well as deal with pesky 'do not look directly into retina frying flash'.

Physical Capacity:  Kasketons have the capacity for great physical feats.  The rise in technological prowess and countermeasures to the Arcane have resulted in most soldiers less personally capable than in the past.  Modern Scouts focusing their training on personal skill surpass this, able to lift a single Ton and mildly embarrass Olympic acrobats.  However this is still nowhere near past capability.


Make No Promises:  Kasketons do not give their 'sworn word'.  They feel that because they can not be absolutely certain they will keep to it, then it would be foolishly arrogant to do so.

Magically Lacking: It may have been precautions leftover from their former masters, or an effect of their reluctance to use such themselves.  But Kasketons are not very capable at directly using magic themselves beyond developing a sixth sense variety of 'detect magic' despite their knowledge in its workings.


Kasketon Scout:  Darkthorne is a Scout.  His usual Job before the dimensional exploring was to do the obvious, aid in repairs and emergency medical situations to isolated facilities, and make up for the lack of powered armor and fusion cannons with skill, better physical capabilities, and sheer personal violence.
  Combat:  Scouts are trained to hit hard, fast, and hopefully not have the same happen to them.  Specific Kung Fu or Military combat is a bit difficult when enemies come in all shapes and sizes.  To make up for this, More violence.  Violence and guns, and low tech weaponry (just in case).
  Repairs:  While they can do a quality repair job on most things they can take a good look at, patching things up into serviceable condition in a hurry is a strong focus.  This is because a dragon doesn’t care if you would like a bit more time to get a shield generator up and running again.
  Combat Medic:  some days 10 doses of all purpose generic health packTM isn't quite enough to get by.  As such Scouts are trained to try and keep people alive through situations where that’s a bit of a snag before they can get some real medical attention.
  Solo Recon:  A lot of people can notice what's going on.  It's a bit more tricky when you want to pull this off without being noticed yourself.  Traditional recon and tracking methods are mixed with the knowledge of the Arcane to determine and hopefully avoid the notice of threats, again to lower their reliance on equipment.

Arcane Research:  You don't spend an untold amount of time enslaved by, then centuries fighting the supernatural without picking up a lot of things fast.  Kasketons do not use the Arcane arts themselves, but Scouts develop the sixth sense equivalent to 'detect Magic' on top of their academic learning.

Dimensional Theory:  Every Kasketon is taught at the very least the details on closing dimensional rifts.  They grasp the mechanics of dimensional travel just fine.  However only just recently have started exploring unknown worlds with Scouts.

Gear Recall: A Scout is never truly unarmed.  When you deal with dimensional rifts popping up every other minute, your kind picks up a few things.  While opening rifts and traveling between worlds is beyond them without aid, Many Kasketons have learned to 'reach' into a physical plane layered above others. A reliable means to access personal equipment regardless of what world, dimension, or time they are in.  However, just as this access is secure from those they would not want to reach or prevent it, a Kasketon can only 'find' what they have placed themselves.  As such they still highly value mundane storage means.  While such items are easily shifted back and forth at will, initial placement takes uninterrupted time and attention to accomplish.

Grasp Of Language:  Often taken for granted as Kasketons have not really had many to talk to beyond themselves with their single language.  They quickly grasp spoken, written, and body language being able to put together the rest through complete BS educated guesswork.  Of course, there needs to be some example of such.  A little hard to pick up on a secretive language if they never see or hear it.


Current Gear Recall Items;Itself not Magic, Not Tech:  A pair of each Equipment entry, but only one Scout Cycle.  Several Kasketon Military jumpsuits (fancy word for functional clothes with pockets a plenty), boots.  Scout Pistol cartridges and charger (charger cant work while in Recall space).  A pair of Non-Combat Environmental suits. Duh misc items any RL person could easily have.  Repair kit,  A pile of 'Clockwork' themed parts, and schematic for a Clockwork Guass Bolter.

Scout Suit;Fancy Mundane/tech:  An environmentally sealed light combat armor.  The environmental seal is backed up by a personal version of how the hell they manage not to get sucked out into space in every open space dock ever in case of suit breach.  Can take a plasma cannon shot and live, but that also results in 'oh sweet mercy! Where did my skin go!' ouch and lacking armor there anymore.  The helmet is tougher and can link up with scanning and communications methods the user has.

Scout Pistol;Tech:  Scouts make use of a heavy laz pistol, offering enough firepower harm armored beings.  Aside from it being easier to use one handed, it occasionally provide the short lived advantage others underestimating it's firepower, and to make the assumption it's his preferred means of combat.
  Provides Semi-Auto and Burst fire, along with a beam function at greater energy usage. (100 Full charge, 10 for a beam).

Scout Knife;Fancy Mundane:  Sometimes you need a literal edge when more complex weapons fail and brute strength isn't enough.  A combat knife with hand-guard and insulated grip, it is shaped from a plate of dropship armor able to withstand combat against energy weapons and similarly durable physical ones.

Pile of Tech
Com System: Duh
Zoom/thermal/cliche package view: Helmet and gun scope, able to link with eachother.
Motion Scanner:  Not the kind on convenience store doors, the 'Why's it work through solid objects?' kind outa Alien or X-com.
Arcane Scanner:  Detects and analyzes Supernatural stuffs.

Medical Kit;Tech, Mundane:  A small emergency Medical device designed for one handed usage to the wounded area or Medical Ports in Kasketon Suits.  Not able to deal with that 'decapitated' or 'your heart is missing' issue.  It has enough supply to mix 10 usages before it needs a refill.  A more traditional medical kit is also handy, but that’s a bit hard to put to use mid combat on yourself.

Grappling Cables;Tech, Mundane? DUH.  Comes in underarm and batman grapple gun style varieties.

Contact Shades;Mundane:  Because glowing red eyes tend to show up in the dark.  Soft contacts along with more traditional shades are handy when not wearing a helmet.

Scout Cycle;Tech: An unarmed flying cycle constructed from Kasketon Dropship materials (Even if Darkthorne dies from orbital bombardment/volcano/Swedish Chef accident, his ride will remain).  With advanced versions of scanners, Subspace 'trunk' alongside storage hatches.  Environmental field generator, more advanced medical setup, and repair setup.  And of course tow grapples.