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Welcome to Heart of the Universe

04:25, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Eli
Age: 8
Archetype: Inventor
Symbol Attribute: Order


Height: 4' 2"
Weight: 56 Lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Fair
Quote: "The more you know, the more you realize you don't know."

Eli is a somewhat normal kid personalty-wise. At least on the surface. What sets him aside is his nigh-immunity to being egotistical from his accomplishments. Proud to a degree, but Eli stands in awe of what he faces ahead of him: The things he has yet to learn. Nature is so well understood by Eli that it keeps him feeling humble in the presence of the creations of the one who made it all. Holding no religion in particular, Eli recognizes there is one God who at least started everything. Whether the other gods are real or not, he isn't sure yet. Eli is shy and usually hides behind his powerful inventions to keep people from discovering this. Eli's hatred of those who use technology to destroy the world around them is great and it is only matched by his respect for those who are capable of either respecting nature or show signs of understanding physics. Eli does not like violence and has a natural inclination to hate chaos for chaos sake. For evil sake is worse, of course, but Eli still understands chaos has it's place. That doesn't mean he has to exsist in the same place.


1.) Genius (Order) - It is as though every power of the universe that has anything to do with order concentrated their efforts on making Eli as smart as he is. Anyone seeing what Eli is capable of would say there is nothing he can't invent. But as Eli would tell you, while he is able to comprehend fully the physics of the universe and just about everything in it, his comprehension pales in comparison with what is left out there to learn. Eli is capable of reverse-engineering any technology, but chances are he's already invented something at least similar... and probably better. Finally, while he himself may not even realize it sometimes, Eli is capable of figuring out order from chaos. This means if there was a lottery number, he could predict it. Were he to use such an equation, he could unravel, dissect and reassemble the universe in his mind, predict the future and become a god himself.

2.) Order (Order) - Eli's constant assembly of the puzzle pieces of physics is so immense that he exudes order in the form of an aura of sorts. Chaotic abilities are useless against Eli. People who are of the Chaotic attribute feel either weakened or at the least uncomfortable by his existence ( If you were the Joker and suddenly found yourself wanting to make sense and think logically more than just fooling around or doing things at random, I think that would make you uncomfortable.). If someone of the Chaotic attribute uses an ability on Eli that is not Chaotic, it will work and even at it's full potential.


1.) Inventing - Through curiousity and imagination, Eli has exercised his mind to be able to constantly think of new ways to modify known technology or make brand new tech. Eli is an inventor at heart and is always excited by the idea of making something new.

2.) Vast Knowledge - Eli's sponge-like brain has soaked up a good deal of information. Mostly stuff that's vital to what Eli specializes in, obviously, but also a good deal of other things. However, outside of robotics, electronics, inventing, physics and other such scientific knowledge, Eli is about as knowledgeable as any kid.

3.) Dexterous Hands - Eli's practice with inventing has gotten such a hand-eye coordination and careful precision with his fingers that he is capable of making surprisingly small things with his bare hands before having to resort to tools and microscopes.


1.) Shy (Water) - Eli is very shy, bordering on being incapable of socializing. He doesn't lock eyes with people he's just met and tries to hide from them if possible. Like anyone, Eli is much more social online. But in person, he just freezes up and stutters. Thankfully, as he warms up to someone, Eli eventually gets over his shyness around the individual.

2.) Overly Cautious (Darkness) - Eli is so afraid of his technology winding up in the wrong hands that he goes to immense lengths to prevent such a thing. This includes setting up serious walls on his internet connection along with sometimes just plain not inventing certain inventions until they are absolutely necessary.

3.) Sissy (Chaos) - Eli's pretty passive. If a complete stranger barged into Eli's house and started ordering Eli around, he's do what the stranger said. Mostly. While he will cringe in fear from someone being violent even with his force field tech up and protecting him, Eli does have this limit: He refuses to be violent or to allow / promote violence. Also, Eli never ever gives his technology to a stranger.

4.) Anti Violence (Life) - Eli will not invent guns. His abhorring of violence has gotten him to avoid any violent methods to anything. However, since it's more a fearful hatred, Eli usually runs away from violence rather than confront it. Also due to the fact confrontation isn't very him and usually involves violence anyway.


1.) Body Suit (Technology) - Eli wears a full body suit that fits like tights on him. It has tech weaved all throughout it and has a number of functions.

2.) Identifier (Technology) - Eli's identifier is one of his earlier inventions and he carries it with him everywhere. It tells him everything about anyone or anything that he points it at. Genetic composition, power capability, danger level and, of course, any files in cyberspace that may be on the individual (Even if it's just info on the person's race).

3.) Robots (Technology) - Eli loves making robots. He puts a good deal of effort into them and has a number of special robots who are quite easily his "best" bunch.

  Overlord: Eli's first really good robot, Overlord looks like a flying monster with tentacles hanging from it. It was originally built to simply gather and collect parts for Eli and bring them back to him so he could build more things. But as time went on, Eli continued to upgrade the thing and now it serves as a sort of "pet" like a couple other bots...

  Charlotte: Named after the spider in "Charlotte's Web", Eli built a robot spider which is capable of everything a real spider can do except reproduce. The bot serves as both an in-depth study of nature and a valued pet. Charlotte also understands basic commands like "Say hi" or "Fetch". She likes to perch on Eli's shoulder or head and tends to wave a leg when she sees a new face.

  Spy Fly: Like Charlotte, Spy Fly can do everything it's natural counterpart can do except for reproduce. But what's more is that this fly transmits what it sees to Eli's supercomputer and consequently, Eli's goggles. Spy fly also understands basic commands, but doesn't know as many "tricks" as Charlotte.

  Miranda: A full fledged android, Miranda is Eli's most proud moment in inventing. Capable of the full spectrum of emotion and reasoning that any sentient being is, Eli not only went all-out on Miranda, making her like people, but he also took the effort to look for ways to make her genuinely "alive". More detailed info of her can be found in "The Cast" section of this forum.

Eli was born to a pair of caring parents who believed in pushing a child's full potential. When they found out they had a prodigy, Eli's parents were proud, excited and a little intimidated. That intimidation reached new heights when they began to understand the extent of Eli's intellect. Eli unraveled many mysteries of science under their care and would continue to do so. All his parents could do after a certain point was just watch, cheer him on and show love to him. Eli needed the parents he got, for he was an easily discouraged boy. As time passed, Eli learned of certain equations about the universe that pointed to a central point outside of the Milky Way Galaxy. He investigated and soon learned of the Heart of the Universe. With this knowledge, he traveled there, using a long-range teleportation device he invented. Once there, the people of Order sensed Eli's presence and went to see him.

Eli is considered by the people of Order to be the Universe's order essence incarnated as a person and so they now guard him with great jealousy, going to great effort to keep Eli from exploring the Heart of the Universe while also keeping others from getting to Eli. But no secret can stay completely secret forever. Rumors have since reached the ears of the rulers of the various attributes that the people of Order are zealously protecting a secret and guarding it with great prejudice. Currently, Eli is only able to explore the Heart of the Universe through his robots.