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Welcome to Heart of the Universe

17:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: J'Renn of Garendi from Farell  (J'Renn)
Age: 25
Archetype: Technological
Symbol Attribute: ?

A sky blue skinned humanoid, her hair is long, white, and divided in three sections on her head by a pair of bare skin tentacles that start at the forehead above her eyes, and flows down the back of her head with her hair to the middle of her back, or rest on her shoulder and on her chest, depending on if she feels formal, or casual.  Her hands have three thick fingers, and a thumb, her feet, plantigrade with two large toes on each foot.  She stands tall at all times. On her vessel, which ia also her home, she is usually in a leotard with an open belly and back, and bare feet, when off her vessel she wears a black jumpsuit, and a pair of long gloves that conceals her weapons, on her feet a pair of black traveller's boots.

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 160 Lbs.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: light blue whites, and dark pupils.
Skin Color: Solid sky blue all over, can turn as dark as cobalt blue if exposed to sunlight for long periods of time.
Quote: "How can you expect to hear my thoughts when you can't even hear your own?"

Species info: Garendian
Garendians are a blue skinned uni-gendered species, who communicate solely through telepathy.  They cannot make any sort of vocalizations, aside from the whisper of thier breaths through their mouths, but their hearing is as sharp as your average humanoid.  Telepathic communication is also how they interface with thier technology, even their long range communications is a form of machine created telepathy.  Garendians are technologically advanced, possessing vessels with FTL drives that sends thier vessels thousands of times faster than light.  Full spectrum particle weapons, one shot may be a charged nadion beam, the next a positron stream, the next a common laser weapon, fully customisable to fit most enemies.  Shields that can withstand their own weapons.  Vessel control systems controlled by telepathy, so even medium and large vessels can be controlled by a single pilot.  Garendians, being unisexual can mate with any member of their own species.  Mating takes place when two Garendians take hold of each other's hands and thousands of nematocysts activate, impaling each other's palms delivering a fair amount of genetic material via hypodermic injection.  After genetic material is exchanged, both participants become pregnant.After the first year the telepathic abilities emerge, and the child's education begins, in eutero.  Mothers carry the larva for 3 full years, when the larva separates itself in a cocoon from the parent.  The cocoon continues to grow for another two years before a fully developed Garendian emerges.  The young adult continues to grow, and gain muscle mass for another year.

Garendi had just come from a decades long war with the Hur'Q (Hurk) leaving the Hur'Q homeworld in ruins, and their military in tatters, barely able to keep the pirate activity away from their own space.  Once the Garendian catch wind of the Hur'Q's last desperate effort for revenge they send a single, well equipped vessel to intercept the Hur'Q.

This is a person on a mission.  J'Renn is in a race to reach the core, the competition she knows of is a species her people narrowly defeated in a costly war.  Figuring their enemies are desperate enough to make the trip all the way across the universe J'renn was sent to stop the enemy of her people, or to destroy the core if her enemy cannot be stopped.  She's normally in a good mood, willing to engage in conversation, and tends to trust beings she can hear and read in her mind,


1.) Telepathy (Order) - J'Renn communicates solely via telepathy.  She can read anyone's unshielded thoughts as if they were speaking them aloud, but if she needs to dig up thoughts buried deep in someone's mind she can with effort, and with physical contact, peel away the curtains of someone's mind.  This can be dangerous depending on how much resistance the victim puts up.  She can also project her thoughts onto unshielded minds, her opinion, her feelings, even a piercing scream.  She can also selectively ignore minds that she dosen't care to hear from, she can also block out other telepaths to a ceartain degree.

2.) Moderate strength (Nature) - She has been given the usual military strength and endurance training and is about as strong as human male athlete of the same size.

3.) Sex is a weapon (Nature) - Both of her hands contain thousands of nematocysts, that can be activated, and inject a few hundred CC's of genetic material.  While not specifically toxic, or deadly, but it can cause quite the allergic reaction as an alien's immune system gets rid of the foriegn body fluids.  This would be an embarrasing last ditch effort, as it is a very intimate act to her.


1.)  Garendi pilot:  She can pilot any Garendian vessel from fighter to battlestation by herself.  A pilot is also capable of affecting field repairs, and regular maintainance of thier vessel.

2.) Garendi warrior:  She is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and is well trained in the use of Garendi weapon gauntlets.


1: Telepathy reliant (???) - Should her telepathy fail due to neural trauma, or some kind of telepathic ward she would be unable to communicate, or use most of her technology.  She'd also be cut off from her vessel, and the significant backup it can provide.  Also she will have great difficulty communicating with those immune to telepathy.

2. No backup - She is far from home, and has no allies at the center of the universe, also as of yet no enemies.  She cannot afford to make enemies in this area of space.  Her ship is powerful, but not powerful enough to take on multiple ships of the same class.  Also with her technology being quite a bit difrent from the local technologies she's her only supply of spare parts, and repairs for her vessel.

1.) Pel'Rae: (technological/biological) Her vessel: a 3 story 60 meter radius perfect semi-sphere containing the vessel tree Pel'Rae.  The tree is the heart of the ship as well as the main power supply, and computer.  Pel'Rae keeps contact with it's pilot via a telepathic link.  The link is strengthened by a telepathic amplifier, keeping the pilot in full controll of the vessel even if they are separated.  Distance does play a factor in command delay.  Even though contact can be maintained from a lightyear away, the pilot needs to be within 500 miles for the pilot to be able to take manual piloting cotroll.  Maximum effeciency is gained when the pilot is in physical contact with the ship.  The ships weapons and defenses are formidable, capable of taking on single ships one or two hull classes larger.  Enemies the size of battle stations, and dreadnaught/carrier groups can take it down with some losses.  Pel'Rae also is equipped with matter/energy conversion technologies  such as transporters, and matter replicators.  The replicators can perfectly replicate any object it has a pattern for, the more complex the matter the longer and more energy it takes to replicate.  the replicator, however cannot replicate life.  Give it a person, or even a single cell organism it can replicate its corpse perfectly, but it cannot make a living thing.  Though it can make a pretty convincing steak dinner.  The vessel also contains a full array of sensors and scanners to look around inside, and outside the vessel.

2.) Gauntlets: (Technological) A pair of elbow length gloves that conceal several types of weaponry.  On the palms of each glove is a plasma burst emitter that are capable of firing a plsma pulse that explodes on impact.  Firing rate is slow, one shot per hand every 3 seconds.  On her 3 fingertips for both hands 6 inch beam claws can be extended, the claws can cut through most common metals with ease.  Specialized, heat resistant metals, and force fields will take longer to cut through.  On the back of her hands are shield emitters, a single glove can stop small-arms fire up to the equivalant of a rocket propelled grenade.  Used in tandem the gloves can stop a single blast from a fighter ship's laser cannon.  the gloves can only use one function at a time per glove, and are controlled via her telepathy, should her telepathy be negated, the gloves will be useless to her. The gloves use a regenerative power source, after being depleted the gloves need a few hours to return to full efectiveness.  The shield is the biggest energy hog.

3.) Scanner: (Technological) A PDA sized device that scns for normal things.  Life forms, chemical makeup of object, and other tricorder stuff.  It has no screen as it also is interfaced via telepathy.