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Welcome to Heart of the Universe

23:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Katy Coloflower
Age: 20
Archetype: Wildcard
Symbol Attribute: Fire

A blond anthropomorphic raccoon. With brown rags for clothing.

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 130 Lbs.
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Fur Color: Brown
Quote: "You are either part of the solution or part of the problem."

In a word: Fiery. Indeed, Katy is as personified as the fire element gets. Not to be confused with Chaos, though, Katy tends to have the same objective every time. Destroy the opposition. Let nothing stand in the way. Do not compromise. Katy is not to be confused with aimlessness, even amidst her wanton destruction. She has her own agenda(s), but what they are is not widely known. Her loyalty is not to the City of Fire or anyone for that matter but herself. But she is known to sometimes do a favor for someone. How one earns Katy's favor, however, is anyone's guess. Katy does have other emotions besides rage, but those emotions usually show up as rage when negative and calm when positive. Katy is not to be confused with a selfish person either as she cares about people who don't annoy her. And that covers a surprisingly large number of people. Long and the short of it: Try to not make it on her naughty list.


1.) Temperature Control (Fire) - Katy has complete control over heat energy. She can absorb heat energy from something, causing it to become cold while Katy herself gains extra energy to expend. Conversely, Katy can expend heat or cause something to heat up a great deal. She can rise or lower the temperature of a given area very quickly, but the larger the area the longer it takes her.

2.) Pure Fire (Fire) - Katy is a fire starter and needs nothing to start a fire. She could even have a burst of flame in a vacuum for a very brief moment. She can make things spontaneously combust, create floating fireballs, you name it. If it has to do with fire, Katy can do it. While anyone watching Katy use this power to it's fullest would swear it is without limit, Katy does have limits. (See Weaknesses) However, Katy's attunement to fire is such that she is immune to the element itself.

3.) Active Adrenaline (Nature) - Due to her sheer level of rage, Katy is capable of tapping into her inner strength at any given moment without warning. While Katy is already as fit as a raccoon-person can be, this makes her able to tear otherwise tough things (such as a phone book) apart with her bare hands.

4.) Raccoon (Nature) - Katy is agile, strong and capable of hearing and smelling things most humans wouldn't. She can see decently in the dark and also does just as well staying awake at night as she does in the day. Just so long as she gets some sleep somewhere in there. Katy also has claws and some sharp teeth, both of which she uses in any given battle.


1.) Budding Scientist - Not a scientist at all, but while most of us forgot what we learned in grade school about physics and chemistry, Katy didn't forget. Katy knows the basics of said topics, capable of making some stable chemical combinations and figure out a few McGuiver tricks on her own.

2.) Architect - To help calm herself and to belay boredom whenever she isn't active, Katy has been building all kinds of structures with toothpicks. While it serves little purpose for anything other than giving Katy something "constructive" to do and improving her artistic side a bit, Katy has gotten decent at it and is starting to learn how to make something structurally stable. That said, Katy is in the process of learning where to hit a building to make the whole thing collapse.


1.) Purified Rage (Fire) - Katy, just like the fire she wields, is untamable and has no strategy in battle. Once set loose, Katy just charges at her goal with little awareness to herself or even her allies. She doesn't care about winning and losing; Only tearing the enemy apart. While this can be incredibly dangerous to her enemies, it also means Katy is dangerous to herself. This happens every fight. Finally, Katy isn't even aware of her limitations during a fight since she becomes numb the more she fights, making her not even realize it if she is gushing blood.

2.) Water (Fire) - While Katy enjoys a bath as much as the next woman, Katy would not stand much of a chance against someone of equal power who wields water powers. Even if she heated up a lake to the point of becoming a mist, it would still be humid and thus, weaken the amount of damage her fire does. It'd also take a good deal of energy to do something like that.

3.) Heat Energy Limit (Fire) - Katy has a limit to how much energy she can store and expend in a given day. While she could go nova and expend it all at once, Katy very rarely does. In a normal given day for Katy, she can expend the equivalent of a volcano eruption if she is fully charged. Conversely, she must have almost all her energy expended in order to do something like absorb a volcano's energy to stop it from erupting. Otherwise, she will just reach maximum capacity and the volcano will give off the remaining energy in it's eruption. When Katy is fully charged, the air around her tends to be hot, her ears, nose and mouth give off smoldering if invisible heat waves and her temperament is a bit worse than normal.


1.) Rags (Mundane) - Katy takes when she wants something. Then disposes of what she doesn't want. The one thing she holds onto on a consistent basis are the brown rags she wears.

Katy was born to human parents and taken off the streets by some scientists who did some cruel experiments on her, changing her into the creature she is today. Since then, Katy has been having an inner battle between her humanity and her beast side. But it's a battle she rarely wins nor even cares to. Somewhere along the lines, she found that nature gave her powers in order to strike back against those who went too far trying to pervert nature. While she will probably never be returned to her human form, Katy will forever continue in her quest to crush those who make her mad one way or another.