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13:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Maximus Urser

Name: Maximus Urser
Age: 35
Archetype: Mentor
Symbol Attribute: Water


Height: 3'8"
Weight: 50 Lbs.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Light Blue
Fur Color: White
Quote: "Doing what's right is its own reward."

Upright, courageous and understanding without being too tolerant, Maximus may as well be He-Man. Max loves his people more than himself and loves his family even more than that. But above all, Maximus will always stick to his belief in doing the right thing. He believes that there is no such thing as "the lesser of two evils", so when confronted with such dilemmas, he creates a third option that doesn't involve evil at all. Maximus is not pushed around and stands sturdy like a stone wall, yet he listens in case there is a new lesson to be learned.


1.) Royal Glow (Light) - Due to being royalty among seabears, Max can glow from any part or all parts of his body. Eyes, hands, torso, tail, or all of the above... it doesn't matter. The luminescence can reach a brightness of 10 lumins, allowing sight in any dark area. Maximus normally only uses this in dark areas, but it is sometimes kicked off by emotion, such as embarrassment or even sometimes by anger.

2.) Dual Breathing (Water) - Maximus can breathe both water and air interchangeably.


1.) Melee Combat - Max trained hard in the use of Urser's main weapons: The Trident, the Sword and the Pike. He is quite skilled in all three, able to use them as if extensions of himself and can equal anyone in his army.

2.) Royal Training - Maximus was brought up to rule his kingdom. He has been taught etiquette, history, politics and just about anything you can think of for required training in the royal family. This gives him an advantage over rulers without such training (I.E. Mittens, Alexis, etc) as he can recall history's lessons and not repeat mistakes made in the past.

3.) Morality Expert - If there was ever someone outside of the Light Kingdom fit to rule it, it's Maximus. He read every book he could on the subject of morality and walked among peoples of all nations to learn how people feel about any given topic. This also means that above and FAR beyond his normal etiquette lessons, Max knows the "right" and "wrong" things to do in any nation, down to the smallest of customs. It is said, he is able to win the hearts of most any citizen from any given nation.


1.) "You're EVIL!" (Order) - Maximus may be understanding and empathic, more so than most, but he just can't tolerate "evil" people. This means he will refuse to team up with such a person or help them in a mission like obtaining an item. The only exception to this rule is helping an evil person rescue someone (such as a loved one).

2.) "But... that's just WRONG!" (Order) - Similar to the "You're EVIL" weakness, this prevents Maximus from doing things that need to be done. A great example is the old quote "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". While Maximus would gladly sacrifice himself for others, he would never sacrifice anyone else. To him, the needs of the many is equal to the needs of the few and nobody has the right to choose who gets to die. If something goes against Max's code of ethics, he simply WON'T do it.


1.) Sword (Technology) - At his side, Maximus keeps a highly conditioned short sword that is incredibly durable and can be split into two short swords. The sword also seems to have slots inside it for putting something in it.

  A) Pearl of Water (Magic) - An amazing pearl that's installed in the sword, this pearl enables the sword to turn into water and back, allowing it to effectively "phase" through objects and then re-solidify.

  B) Pearl of Fire (Magic) - This pearl allows the sword it is installed in to blaze with fire. The fire can not be put out except by the user willing it.

2.) Trident (Mundane) - Always held in his left hand so that his right hand is free for shaking hands (or drawing his sword), this trident never leaves Maximus' side. Like the sword, this trident is very sturdy.

Maximus was born during a time of war when the Fire Kingdom was laying siege to the Water Kingdom's capital "Urser". Max's father was trying to pull strings and get their allies, the Nation of Darkness to step up and defend them. While his father was busy handling the siege, Maximus was being cared for by the Captain of the Guard (named Coral), who's job was to protect the people inside the borders, not attack people outside of them. Max learned a great deal of combat from this man while under his care, but the biggest lessons he learned were moral. Coral taught Max how to care for others, how to be a real hero and how to be upright. When Max hit his 15th birthday, tradition demanded that the crown be passed to him. So it was. Max's dad watched his actions carefully and Max himself decided this siege needed to end for everyone's sake, especially his own people. In a confounding act, Maximus went out to the surface of the water with the Sword of Urser and promptly spanked those who were in that area. With that brief breach in the siege, King Maximus sent messengers through to get word to the Life King that he was going to really hurt the Fire soldiers encamping his realm. The Life King got the message and sent word to the Untouched who stood by, ready.

In an all out assault, which was quite uncharacteristic of the Water Kingdom, King Maximus Urser laid punishment on the Fire Kingdom the likes of which it had never seen. Millions were sent home maimed. Thousands died. The Fire King decided to save some face and retracted his siege on the Water Kingdom in favor of "Regrouping" and then declared his Kingdom was "uninterested in the Water Kingdom's feeble resources" or some excuse like that. The people who suffered at the hands of King Max were healed of their injuries and even their fatalities due to the Untouched knowing ahead of time that this would happen.... but they were never healed of their quite crippled pride. It put the Kingdom of Water on the map when it had always been mostly a side note. Everyone knew Fire Nation types were weak to water attacks, but nobody knew water would rise up aggressively to a siege. That day, the Fire Nation was beaten so badly, it made the other nations frightened of Water's power for nearly a decade.

A decade would not have to pass, however, before King Max married a young lady before Max even hit 20. The two had a daughter soon after, but after a few years, it was discovered the new queen could not have any more kids. It's rare for the Water Kingdom to be ruled by a Queen instead of a King, but in what seemed like the blink of an eye, Max's daughter Shelly had already sprouted to age 15 and he passed the crown on to his daughter for her to learn first hand how to rule a kingdom. Time will tell how well she does.