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Welcome to Heart of the Universe

17:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Miranda Murdock
Age: 2 months
Archetype: Spy / Espionage
Symbol Attribute: Water? Nature?

Miranda, first of all, appears to have light purple skin and red color in her eyes. She is wearing a purple helmet that has a dark red visor which can tilt up or down (it is usually up). Some black hair peeks out from under the helmet over some of her forehead. She also wears dark red shoulder guards, a pair of purple armbands, metal gloves that are a darker shade of purple than her helmet or armbands, some odd looking leg armor just below the knees, and a metal casing covering her entire torso. On her back, Miranda seems to have something almost looking like a jetpack, complete with wings that look kinda like a beetle's wings.

Height: 4' 2"
Weight: 56 Lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Skin Color: Light Blue
Quote: "There is always an alternative."

Miranda is cautious, but in a safety-minded way more than a paranoid way. She generally likes having fun as much as the next kid, but is subconsciously very calculating in her approach to things. Miranda has a great deal of curiousity about her and likes learning new things and exploring new places. Miranda likes mystery but likes solving mystery even better, so she doesn't like unsolvable puzzle very much. Miranda sees Eli as a friend, but also a father and loves him greatly in that dependent sort of way. Miranda gets angry when people contradict Eli and has even gone as far as drawing her weapon, ready for a fight when people speak badly of him.


1.) Flight (Wind) - Capable of anti-grav flight via use of both electro-magnetism and thrusters. In robot mode, Miranda can fly at speeds of about 80 MPH. Considerably slower than her alternate mode.

2.) Transform (Order) - Although Miranda can fly in robot mode, she can also transform into a small spacecraft that can fly at much faster speeds, hitting Mach 8 when in an atmosphere and approaching the speed of light when in space.

3.) Forcefield (Thunder) - As per being made by the same guy who made forcefields for himself, Miranda has a personal force field that is capable of withstanding as much punishment as a punch from Superman. This is so that she will always have an escape option. The forcefield has it's own power system so that if her main power fails, she can still be protected. And if all her forcefield's power is used up, Miranda still has enough power to herself to do things like escape.

4.) Recall (Order) - Probably the proudest moment for Eli besides inventing Miranda in the first place is making her recall ability. When Miranda needs help, she is able to open a vortex that pulls allies to her location. This is not a portal she can jump through and the recipients are usually caught unawares.

5.) Cloaking Device (Darkness) - Miranda can bend light around herself and anyone within 30 feet of her, causing them to be invisible.

6.) Un-Hackable (Life) - Miranda is more than a robot. She is a living being. One of the fail-safes her maker put in her is that her brain absolutely can not be hacked through the usual remote computer means. There are ways to enter and influence Miranda's mind, but they are more similar to how you would do so with a human than they are to how you would with a computer.


1.) Decent Shot - Not the kind to win any competitions, but certainly a decent aim, Miranda knows how to handle firearms, but especially how to handle her own. She can shoot with decent accuracey and could probabley hit a bullseye at 20 yards after taking time to aim.

2.) Hand Tricks - In order to test out Miranda's hands, Eli made them do various amazing things he's seen people do. Miranda can do most hand tricks people can, such as making a coin hop from one knuckle to the next, make a cigarette seem to materialize, and make a pencil seem to magically flip around on top of her fist (OOC: I first saw that trick on "Tenchi in Tokyo" via the character Sakuya).

3.) Arial Abilities - To make sure Miranda would be safe in the air, Eli designed her equalibriam to be such that Miranda feels as natural in the air as on ground. While she can't do fancy tricks yet, Miranda makes flying with a jetpack look easier than it really is.


1.) Battery (Fire) - Although Miranda's batteries have a large enough capacity for her to be a super hero for a full 16 hours without need to rest much, they DO have a limit. And often, being the child she is at heart, Miranda tends to want to stay up and keep going without sleep. This often leads to her being "tired" at times where she could really use "awake". Thankfully, she'll always have that "spare battery". But sadly, that just gives her the excuse she needs to go exploring when she should be recharging/sleeping.

2.) Hungry Hungry Hippo (Fire) - Speaking of batteries, Eli was able to create a "stomach" as efficient as the human stomach. But while that may be the case, Miranda needs more energy than the average human and eats like an athletic adult male would. She has 5 and sometimes 6 full meals a day. If she goes without eating that much, she runs on lower power. This means 3 meals will have her opperating at only 50-60 percent power. Thankfully, her appetite matches her needs, so she rarely skips a meal.

3.) </u> (Order) -


1.) <u>Suit
(Technology) - Miranda's suit is actually just as much a part of her as her limbs. The difference is she can take it off if need be. The only part that is perminantly attatched is the wings. The rest is detachable for greater maintenance flexability. The suit itself functions as a battery for Miranda's abilities as well as armor. Without the suit, Miranda can't really transform. So her suit is, in a way, her own personal spacecraft.

2.) Helmet Visor (Technology) - For learning purposes, Miranda was given a visor that allows her to see microscopic or telescopic. Meaning she can see an ameba with her visor, or she can see that punk on his motorcycle lighting a cigarette about 50 miles away.

3.) Stasis Weapon (Technology) - Miranda has a laser rifle that looks much like a high-tech super-soaker. But it doesn't shoot water. It shoots a focussed beam of energy that is similar to the stuff her forcefield is made of, creating a hardened shell of "force field" around the target, rendering them unable to hurt or be hurt. Obviously, some supers can escape from this... a few by sheer brute force (See Miranda's force field ability to see if you can break out). But either way, it only lasts for about 2 minutes. Though in battle, that is often more than enough time to turn the tide.

4.) Grenades (Technology) - Staying true to her designer, Miranda has no lethal weapons. But her appearance could fool a few since she has grenades mounted on her belt. One of them is a smoke grenade. Another is a stun grenade that sets off an electric charge meant to stun those in the immediate area. Another is a flash grenade that gives off a bright light. And finally, there is the spare battery that looks like a grenade. When Miranda is low on energy, she can drink from it's contents to gain an instant 10% of her energy back. It refills itself over time, but requires that Miranda fill it with water once she's drank from it.

5.) Laser Pistol (Technology) - Miranda has a laser pistol that doesn't harm anyone. It shoots a concentrated beam of light that doesn't do anything other than give off light. She mostly uses it to play laser tag with Eli.

6.) Communicator (Technology) - Obvious as the name suggests, this allows Miranda to stay in touch with Eli. He can see through her eyes via a monitor he has at home and hear through her ears. She, likewise, can open channels to hear him and see him.

A little while back, a boy genius named Eli decided it was time to tackle the ultimate challenge: Create a person. A lot of hard work and assembly later, Miranda was born. To make her truly a living being, Eli had to accept Miranda would have to develope on her own as a person and so, after setting a few personality perameters, Eli let Miranda learn and develope her own personality while he encouraged or discouraged certain behavior like a father would to his child. Miranda eventually developed into a full fledged person and a real background awaits her to explore it...