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Welcome to Base Desires - An Anitaverse Game

17:20, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

David Mills

Name:  Wrath
Nicknames/Aliases: David Mills, Polmos Makhai, Mason Verger, Mike Teavee and many others. Also, affectionately called (by his family): Asshole, Anger Management, Sweetheart, etc..
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Weight: 190 - 210lbs
Hair Colour:  Blonde
Eye Colour:  Hazel
Body Type: Mesomorph
Profession/Role: Currently Unemployed
Species:  Lycanthrope - Golden Tiger
Rank:  Alpha
Powers/Gifts: Acute Senses, Fast Healing*, Physical Prowess**, Silver Vulnerability, Aura of Power***, Feel the City. Hybrid Form, Pass as Human***, Resist Master's Call, Awareness of Vampire Powers. Call Animal, Control Animals, Cosmetic Change***, Delay Moon's Call, Partial Change, Slashing Aura****, Summoning Cry, Quick Shifting. Calm the Beast, Lure the Beast, Bait the Beast, Fascination, The Call.
Character Model:  Charlie Hunnam

Martial - Being trained by members of the Harlequin themselves it's little surprise that Wrath is an expert in multiple forms of hand to hand combat; some say that he and his brother Lucifer were trained to be the Harlequin's own 'Wicked Truth'. By the time he was twenty-one Wrath had already mastered the 72 Shaolin Skills. Aside from hand to hand Wrath spent the majority of his melee training focusing on Eskrima and Sword fighting. He's a fair marksman, intermediate skills with most firearms but he finds the weapons too impersonal. His skill with Daggers and Short Blades aren't as strong as his brother Lucifer's, a fact which likely caused him to focus more on Eskima truncheons and Long Blades. He also has extensive tactical training, theoretical and practical, something he took to quite proficiently in contrast to what his name might suggest.

Mundane - Wrath is ambidextrous, a polyglot and while he's never been book smart, his memory and attention to detail have caused others to suspect he has an eidetic memory.

After losing a tough battle of Dominance to his brother Lucifer, Wrath learned at a young age that too much martial focus without complimenting 'mundane' skills would create too heavy of an imbalance within. So to help with his footwork and balance Wrath learned Ballet, Jazz and Swing Dancing. To help with his dexterity Wrath learned to play both the Guitar and the Piano. To better hone his agility and speed Wrath picked up gymnastics and acrobatics, finding that he was quite naturally talented. He used Yoga to help with his flexibility and control and finally, even though he's not always successful, he found an affinity for Meditation, to help him with his anger and patience.

Merits: A skilled melee fighter (claims to be the most skilled of the Golden Tigers). Is more intelligent than he leads on. Dependable. Mentally sound and tactical, even when enraged. Has mastered the finer control of his power. Learns quickly from his mistakes.
Flaws: Arrogant. Stubborn. Quick tempered. Struggles with expressing his emotions in healthy ways. Struggles with inner conflict. Not very tactful (doesn't always think before speaking).

Immediate goals:  Elude the Harlequin. Network. Find his siblings. Don't die.
Medium term goals: Get a job. Build a power/information grid. Begin striking back against his enemies. Don't die.
Long term goals: Eradicate the Harlequin and Mother of all Darkness. Eradicate the Vampire Council. Don't die.

Family and Friends:
Mephistopheles - Cousin (Presumed Dead)
Envy - Cousin (Presumed Dead)
Pride - Cousin (Presumed Dead)
Lust - Sister (MIA - Presumed Alive)
Duchess - Sister (Alive)
Sloth - Cousin (Presumed Dead)
Lucifer - Fraternal Twin Brother (MIA - Presumed Alive)
Greed - Brother (MIA - Presumed Alive)
Gluttony - Sister (Presumed Dead)
Good Angel - Cousin (Presumed Dead)
Faustus - Cousin (Presumed Dead)
Uncle Jake - Mentor and 'Uncle' (Presumed Dead)