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Welcome to Aberrant: A New Tomorrow

07:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Aberrant: Hero
Jason was born and raised in Seattle, Washington.  He was a profoundly geeky boy, had a high pitched voice, bad acne, and the physique of a famine victim. Still, he was smart and inquisitive, he got good grades, excellent in fact, and got enough scholarships to attend MIT, no small feat for the son of a washing machine repair man.  While studying for his undergrad degree in inertia based aircraft propulsion the engine malfunctioned.  Jason, trapped inside, was launched skyward at something well over 30gs of acceleration.  Just before he turned into red jam a terrible explosive pop behind his forehead filled his mind with... well, he has never been able to adequately describe the sensation.  He suddenly understood the energy crushing him, was able to manipulate it.  At the top of his arc he saw the curve of the earth.
That night he dreamt strange, terrifying, uplifting dreams.  He walked across the sun, held the moon in the palm of his hand and could see the movements of atoms.  When he awoke his body told him that something was horribly wrong.  Everything ached, screamed with pain.  A loud sound in his ears told him that  he was screaming out loud.  The strangeness of his voice made him stop.  it was deeper, more masculine, not wimpy at all.  He examined his body, it was bigger, heavier, harder.  Muscles rippled when he moved.  When he realized what was happening he laughed and laughed and laughed.
Since that initial giddy day Jason, or Impetus (Imp to his friends), has conscientiously worked to apply his powerful intellect to mastering everything he puts his mind to.  He also has become rather philosophical, and has taken to reading as many books on taoism and zen as he possibly can as long as it doesn't get in the way of having a good time.
Impetus stands 6ft 2 inches tall and is a muscular 200lbs.  he has perfect tanned skin, a warm, brilliant white smile, and twinkling green eyes.  He wears custom made eufibre suits tailored to flatter his already amazing body.  He is friendly, likable, and funny.  Imp is also known for being a Casanova.  He seems to be always bedding somebody, rarely the same woman for more than a couple of days at a time.
Aberrant: Demi-God
Impetus has moved far beyond the self centered hedonist he was when he came to Utopia.  He has grown into who he is and is what he is becoming.  He is the face of the juggernaut that is the Utopia PR division.  Much of each day is spent in front of the camera or in meetings with movers and shakers, guiding them towards the Utopian way of thinking.
When he arrived he was simply amazingly good looking, now he is almost painful to look at.  His personal magnetism has advanced apace and he is one of the most dangerous people in the world to talk to, almost anyone can be swayed by him, and as this becomes public knowledge his deployment to diplomatic meetings has decreased as world leaders can never be sure that the decisions that they reach are their own.
After a blitz of motivational speeches at schools across the Western US, Utopia has been pressured by the American Civil Liberties Union to ban him from doing so any more.  The schools that he visited have had experienced a massive drop in violence, test scores are way up, and the student body as a whole seems devoted to personal betterment.  Accusations of brainwashing and abuse of power haven't made him cease and desist, instead he now does his tours in disguise and occasionally in foreign languages.
He still enjoys getting away from the hectic schedule he has at Utopia, although he is now far more likely to visit remote places, and simply enjoy the beauty of nature, or to get some peace and quiet in the upper reaches of the atmosphere.
His playboy days are seemingly behind him.  His dedication to Caroline has quite literally reformed him, and while he can still seduce almost anybody, he never does so.  Prophetic, cryptic dreams have made him start investigating Utopia, and after several of his transhumanist friends have emerged from their chrysalises (even though they entered theirs weeks after Caroline did) he is growing increasingly worried.  Nobody has seen any sign of this in his demeanor, he is as adept as hiding his own feelings as he is at manipulating those of others.