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Welcome to Sea Cliff Weyr

07:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Tory
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Occupation/RankRider:  Gold Rider.
Location: Ista Weyr

Personality: Watch it Tory is around! Tory is pretty much unstoppable in everything she does. She is strong, she is tough and she knows it. Don’t try to tell her what she should do because she will show you that she won’t listen. She’s a big flirt and has made it her mission to show fellow women the women beauty. This often makes people think she prefers women, but she knows her way around men too.

Description or See Pic:

Tory has a toned almost muscular body, formed by a combination of natural build and living as a dragonrider. She’s average height and her skin is a little on the pale side for someone who lives at Ista. She keeps her wavy sun bleached hair short in a way that actually accentuates her femininity. Her sharp eyes have a soft sea blue colour, which are surrounded by short dark lashes.
Tory likes to dress comfortable in an almost manly way. It’s rare to find her in a skirt. She likes to wear strong, materials that don’t damage to easily, and she chooses tight fitted clothing that attracts the attention to her curves.

Brief History: Tory is born as the daughter of one of the smaller holders near Ruatha. Her parents had their hands full raising her. She was adventurous and sometimes annoyed the young workers by getting them to do all kinds of stuff for her. She was raised with the idea that she would marry a rich land owner or a lord holder. Tory herself didn’t really like that idea. She always wanted to become a dragonrider. She often slipped away from her lessons and often made contact with the younger dragonriders from High Reaches. She had been friends with riders of all sorts in a really short time. So when a gold egg was available at high reaches it wasn’t a surprise the riders came down to their hold.
She was only fourteen years old when she stood at her first hatching. The gold at High Reaches didn’t choose her and the moment when there was a new gold egg at Ista she moved there and Impressed Immeth.
As a weyrling gold rider Tory still sneaked out when they had lessons and didn’t seem to be the most reliable. But on the end of the week she knew what she needed to know. She didn’t change much when she was with Immeth as when she was living in the hold. She knew how to make people do stuff for her, and especially most young bronze riders did it with love. It wasn’t before her first gather (since impresses) that she got interested in women. It was back in Ruatha when one of the slightly older green riders asked her to dance. That was when she first saw the true beauty of women, and noticed she had been missing something special all these years.

Age When Impressed: 15
Dragon Age: 6
Dragon Description: Immeth is actually one of the smaller golds. Still pretty big off course, but for a gold she’s kind of small. Her colour is a soft light gold, that is gentle to the eyes.

Dragon Personality: Immeth is pretty much the same as Tory is. She’s strong, quick, a real charm and pretty much full of herself.