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07:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Surelia Aquitaine

Full Name: Surelia Aquitaine
Nickname/Alias: Suri
Age: 890
Age apparent: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Languages: French, English *with a heavy French accent*
Species: Vampire
Rank: Advanced Master Vampire
Powers: Powers: Aura of power(8); Super human strength(7); Super human speed(7); Acute sense (5); Silent movement(6); unaging(5); vampiric bite(6); mass hypnosis(6); Basic Glamour(7); Awareness while sleeping(5); Levitation(7); Servant creation(6); Rise early *to be discussed*(5); Drain power (2 this I seeing as being a fairly new power which is why it is so low); telekinesis (2

Overall Appearance: Suri walks and talks with an old world grace, her hips generally swaying seductively as she moves through a room. She has an hourglass figure that can make a man drool and a woman despise her.  She has adapted to current world clothing, though there are times she will wear her  favorite clothing from varying time periods she has lived through as she still has them in her closet. Her lips seem forever ruby red as if she is constantly feeding, but she desires a less, noticeable approach to her existence. She is a beauty beyond compare, pale skin, hazel green eyes with flaming red hair. Her eyes, though always green in color can vary between the shades of green, hazel green being the most common.  She has perfectly round 44B cup breasts, that while are not too big for her body, are not too small either and had enticed a man, many a times to come to her even when she doesn’t use her powers to draw them in.

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 130
Eye Color: Hazel green or varying shades of green.
Hair color: Red hair
Hair Style:  usually curly and hanging to the middle of her back
Complexion: pale, almost alabaster
Body shape: hourglass
Clothing: She normally wears clothing that is for the current decade, but she can choose at times to wear clothing from other decades, generally for Halloween.
Character Model: Elena Anaya

Basic Personality: Surelia is very forward, tends to speak her mind and won’t hesitate to kill you if she feels you are a danger to her, her people, her friends. Basically, if you don’t want to get on her bad side, you leave her and the above alone. Because when she is enraged, she will not stop until she has destroyed you. She is however not quick to temper usually, she can keep her cool when it is called for. Something she has had a lot of practice at to be honest in all her years of being a vampire. She likes to crack jokes, when it calls for it and sometimes when it doesn’t. She has knowledge of many actual events, so she tends to speak with an air of such knowledge gives one.

Sexual Likes: Light bondage *being tied up, blindfolded* and being bitten during the act
Sexual Dislikes: Anal is a no no

Merits: Very loyal, strong willed, Determined, can keep her temper in check

Flaws: Honest to a fault, even if you don’t want her to be. Headstrong , which is a merit and a flaw depending on the view.

Character Motivations/Goals: To help unite the vampires of Michigan and bring them back under the thumb of a master vampire who can not only bring their community together but make it stronger under their rule. She would be glad for it to be her, but if she is not what the vampires here need, she will help bring the one who is into power.

Player Motivations/Goals: Just to have fun and get to know players I guess. I don’t really have any other goals then that at this moment.

History: Surelia was born on a blustery winter morning of December 12th 1124 in Aquitaine France, the youngest daughter of the Baron Aquitaine and sister to Eleanor Aquitaine. While they grew up, both of them being loved by their father, only one of them would grow to the gain the title of Duchess. Eleanor, being the oldest of the two girls was given this title. Unlike her sister, Eleanor, Surelia was not destined to marry a king, was not destined to become queen and rule England on the arm of Henry the II. But she was destined to hold her own marque on the world. Surelia did marry, a grand duke named Francois Pardieu when she was but fifteen. When she was eighteen, she gave birth to her first child, a boy named Alexander that died shortly after. This was her first experience with heartbreak but it would not be her last.

Two years after the death of her first child, she would give birth to another boy, Lyzander. This one would survive until he was nine years of age and would be joined with a younger sister, Alicia and a younger brother Lucas who all would perish in an attack by the vampire who had seen her in the market with her children. He had been bewitched by her beauty and had gone mad with the desire to make her his. Which he did at the cost of her children’s and husbands lives. It was funny what losing everything in one night would do for a woman. She had slipped into a darkness then, a darkness she had not expected when she had been turned from mere mortal, to vampiress. She was as ruthless as any vampire had been. Feeding carelessly on anyone she came across, causing pain to anyone so she didn’t have to feel the pain.

It ended for her though, when she was about to feed on a young child and it reminded her of the babies she had lost. The young girl in her hands cries making her realize just the monster she was. From that moment on, Surelia found herself determined to change the partnership a human and vampire had. For she didn’t want to be the monster her maker had created inside of her.  While her sire had created her to become his bride, she’d always refused his advances, gifts and anything else he could do to get her to comply with him. All the while, she was looking for a way out of being bound to him.
She had succeeded in doing so when she met Thorton, a master vampire who was even more powerful then her Sire, Savien. Thorton was handsome, handsome enough to bring a plot together in her mind to not only rid herself of Savien, but to enact a revenge of sorts. She had found herself a way to bind to Thornton, that alone enraged Savien, but she’d publically taken him as a lover. Savien flew into a jealous rage and stormed them, looking to kill Thornton and take Suri by force. It had backfired on him and he was killed in the end of the fight, something Suri had not planned on, but it was effective none the less and she was completely free of Savien. A hundred years after her creation, she had learned of a crusade lead by King Louis IX of France against Egypt. Hearing the reasons behind the march, she convinced Thornton to come with her and she followed them to Egypt, fighting only at night and taking lives they didn’t think would be missed. This would be the pattern she began undertaking, taking the lives of murderers, thieves, rapists. She would always play the sweet little victim until she turned the tables on her prey.

The one thing of man that was true was, there was an overabundance of bad men and women who always wanted more than their current lot in life. She traveled many places, seeing so much history take place at night just as much as the day. Marches on castles, war movements, revolutions. She saw, was a part of and even started a few of them. All the while she was honing her skills, learning to become as powerful as she could and on her 250th anniversary of her awakening as she liked to call it, she had finally achieved master vampire status. Bidding farewell to Thornton, though she remained on good terms with him, she went off to make her own way in the world at large. She was powerful in her own right, making her servant Agustus only when she knew she had no other choice.
She had chosen Augustus, an accomplished warrior in his own right when she had found him, facing a foe on the battlefield and laid waste to that opponent with such skill. She had coveted him, befriending him first before beginning to make him her servant, only after she got his permission. This had happened when she was three hundred and sixty years old, spending time in Germany. He’d been easy to chat with, and when she explained who and what she was to him, of course there had been some fear in him. But when she explained she would not hurt him and had offered him the chance to join her but remain human, to protect her, well he’d fallen into the position beautifully. Yes it was strange to see a vampire back in these days who had a conscience, but Suri was one of them. Surelia grew in power and strength with each passing century and with her husbands fortune, she was able to survive without having to find a job or position. Though she did eventually have to abandon her home when she made her way to America when she was five hundred years old.

This was when America was just being founded and she had wanted to see the beginning of the new world as they called it. Of course, there were less people for her to kill here, so she was far more noticeable and the rumors began to swirl about a killer around the colonies that were made. One of those colonies, disappearing altogether, though Surelia wasn’t the one responsible, she had to wonder if another vampire had the same ambitions. She’d set up in what would become Rhode Island, having the servant she’d made in France and brought with her to make a home for them to reside in, building it as quickly using thralls, as humanly possible and soon she began building her own empire within the tiny state.

Any vampire touching down on American soil knew better then to attempt to take over her city, as she ruled it with an Iron fist, not allowing any of them to feed within her vicinity if she could help it. Surelia had lived a very peaceful life in Rhode Island until word came down to her about the unrest in Michigan and hearing that the lower vampires there were running amok without a master vampire to take care of it. Wanting to do all she could, Surelia left her Temoin Keegan in care of her home before making her way by night with her most faithful servant August to Michigan to help bring the city under control and either assist a new master in taking the throne there, or taking it herself. Only time would tell if she would succeed in her endeavor.

Living or dead Family: Baron and Baroness Aquitaine (Mother and father Deceased), Queen Eleanor (Sister Deceased), Francois Pardieu (Husband Deceased), Alexander (Son Deceased), Lyzander (Son Deceased), Alicia (Daughter Deceased), Lucas (Son Deceased)