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07:28, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


SSgt Hildr Eriksdóttir
Name: Hildr Eriksdóttir, or simply "Hilda" (meaning "Battle")
Race: Primitive Near-Human; Norse Cimmerian
Age: 24
Class: Scout
Rank: Staff Sergeant (honorary)
Position: Mission Specialist


Hilda may be a little on the short and slim side, but her lithe body packs
a lot of power, with compact muscles and sinews like steel cords just below
her soft curves. She is graceful and agile too, and stalks like a predator,
quick to snap into action and violence. Her hands are strong and worn with
manual labour and combat.

Her face has a classically Nordic beauty, blue-eyed and framed by blonde
hair. Though slim and fine, there's a hardness too, and she carries a cocky
grin and wild eyes that glint like stones, rimmed in dark makeup. Two
golden braids fall down on either side, the rest of her hair often hanging

Her body, for those lucky enough to see, carries a few scars of work and
battle: the burn of a nearby Jaffa staff weapon blast on her left leg, a cut
from a sword on her right forearm, and a bracelet of wolf-fang bites around
her left hand. There are also mystical tattoos of ancient Norse art: a
complex, stylised dragon on her upper right arm, a wolf upon her chest, and
lines of runes around her back, belly and legs. Each tells a tale or invokes
mystical protection from the Asgard. Regular jewellery includes an iron
arm-band around her upper left arm, a silver ring, a hammer pendant, and a
necklace of wolf fangs.

When not in standard SG team green BDU and vest, Hilda's traditional
Cimmerian combat gear is just a simple suit of sleeveless leather or hide
armour over a cloth tunic and pants or skirt, with a cloak and fur trimming
for warmth. These are brown and green, providing their own simple camouflage.
As she lives on Earth, she has begun to incorporate Western Earth clothing
into her ensemble.

In addition to SG team weapons, Hilda fights with a long straight-bladed
sword with a cross-guard and heavy pommel, round shield bearing a design
reminiscent of a Stargate, a conical helm with a noseguard. She also carries
a composite longbow of Thracian style with a quiver of arrows. She has more
than a few knives.


Hilda was born in a small village on the planet Cimmeria (P3X-974), the
daughter of Erik and Inga, a farming family. Inga was a loving mother who
doted on Hilda, but Erik was a hard and humourless man who expected his
eldest daughter to do all a man's duties, putting her out to hunt and farm.
Hilda enjoyed hunting and fishing and journeying through the forests and the
mountains alone, but less so the hard and filthy work of farming. But it
made her fit and strong, and at home in the wild. Hilda instead wanted to be
a skald, a poet/singer/storyteller, and spent her expeditions working on her
poetry, composing love poems to a girl she fancied. Her love of women was
not so unusual among the generally free-loving Norsemen, but in her small
village it made her an outsider and drove her more and more into the forest,
and further and further afield.

As a young woman, she worked on her hunting while she studied her poetry.
All this was in an effort to earn enough to get away from home, go a-viking
around Cimmeria, and apprentice with a professional skald. Once, Hilda was
attacked by a wolf that bit her left hand. Thinking fast, she shoved her
hand down its throat until it choked and was forced to let her go. Then she
slew it, making herself a fine wolf-skin jacket and wolf-fang necklace.

She returned from a hunt one day in 1998 to find strange warriors blowing up
her village — Jaffa serving the System Lord Heru'ur. Half the village were
slain, including her father, friends, and the girl she fancied. The rest,
including Hilda and Inga, were enslaved and taken off to build pyramids for
Ha'tak landing sites. Hilda was strong and worked hard, even filling in for
those who could not keep up. But Jaffa brutality awakened a deep anger in
her, and she took up a hammer to bash a Jaffa thug beating Inga. Then, in a
rush, Hilda led an uprising against the Jaffa, fighting through and freeing
her group of slaves. Taking up the family's sword and shield, Hilda became a
warrior, a shield-maiden, and joined the resistance against the Jaffa, soon
leading her own war-band and earning a reputation as a fearless warrior and
good leader. She knew the woods and mountains well, and organised ambushes
and skirmishes against Jaffa patrols. But eventually her luck ran out and
she was staring down the barrel of a staff weapon — when Thor returned to
rain lightning down upon all the Jaffa and liberated the people of Cimmeria.

Wandering toward the Stargate, she learned the truth of what had happened,
of how explorers from Midgard (Earth) had arrived and damaged Thor's Hammer,
paving the way for Heru'ur's invasion. She also learned an Asgard named
Hermod was teaching the most worthy humans. Perhaps she'd found a teacher
at last. Compelled by the deaths of loved ones and a new desire to defend
her people (she wasn't that good a skald anyway), Hilda continued training
as a warrior under the war chief Olaf, and even undertook Thor's Test of
Worthiness. She succeeded and won the right to know the truth of the Asgard
and become a student of Hermod. The Asgard opened her eyes to the cosmos and
taught her how to be more than a brutal warrior, but how to use her mind
rather than just her strength.

But with Cimmeria again protected by the Asgard, Hilda was a warrior without
a war. Learning of the wonders of the galaxy, Hilda decided to take the
fight to the "ettins" (the Jaffa and Goa'uld) by going "a-viking"
(travelling, exploring, and raiding) across the planets. And there was only
one people she could do this with, the warriors of Midgard. So, at the first
opportunity, she found an SG team and made her way to Earth to swear fealty
to their Earl Hammond. But she had to get through basic training and learn
their strange ways first.


Though normally a peaceful, friendly, and introspective young woman, Hilda
flourishes as a warrior, growing courageous, unyielding, and more than a
little cocky. If pushed, she pushes back, and that goes for teammates,
family, and loved ones too. Like many Cimmerians, she can be aggressive and
has a fiery temper, and is just as much a boisterous and fun-loving soul who
loves a good joke. She drinks hard, fights hard, and parties hard, and is no
stranger to psychedelic mushrooms to really liven things up or inspire her
in battle. But her crude, rough edges hide a poet's grace, a romantic side,
a simple wisdom, and a keen wit.

She is a shield-maiden, a warrior-woman, fighting with shield and sword, as
well spear and axe. She be a furious berserker in battle, but it's a tightly
controlled one, preferring the precise application of bloody violence. She
named her sword Serpentslayer, for the Jaffa whose bellies she opened with

Raised a farmer and a hunter, Hilda is at home on the farm and in the wild,
skilled with tracking, hunting, fishing, the care and riding of animals,
wilderness survival, and planning ambushes.

She still practices as a skald, working on epic poetry of her adventurers
and those of fellow heroes. She may even sing in battle or hold readings. If
insulted or mocked, the skald can return in kind with a "flyting", a poetic
battle of insults not unlike a modern rap-battle. But she's not afraid to
admit she's not very good. Her life as a hunter and as a warrior curtailed
her education, but it's something she works on in her off-time.

Hilda worships Thor and the rest of the Asgard, even after knowing them as
little grey aliens. Maybe they were just crafty dwarves all along. She has
a deep respect and devout faith in them. She sees the wormhole network as
the great ash tree Yggdrasil and the rainbow bridge Bifröst, connecting all
worlds. She has little fear of death, believing she will ascend to Valhalla
to fight at Thor's side, but has no desire to hasten that day on either.

To the Cimmerians, the Goa'uld and the Jaffa are "ettins", the giant foe.
Hilda hates Jaffa for the slaughter of her village, and similarly dislikes
Teal'c, whose escape from the Hall of Mjolnir meant the damage of Thor's
Hammer, opening the world up to invasion. Hilda has a particular hatred of
the System Lord Heru'ur, but believes they all Goa'uld are equally evil and
largely interchangeable.

She practices various ancient Norse traditions and newer Cimmerian ones.
She's picked up a few tattoos to record her exploits. She considers herself
an honourable warrior, and an oath sworn on her rings is a solid one. But
a primitive culture has its dark sides, and the Cimmerian accepts slavery as
a normal thing, as well as war against neighbouring tribes.

Since coming to Earth, Hilda had developed a love of some aspects of Earth
culture that she's come across. She likes Earth music and Xena: Warrior
. But other customs and bits of culture remain alien to her,
prompting confusion and misunderstandings galore.