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Welcome to The Last Flight (Survival in the Solent waters)

18:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

(MDP) Owen Summers

Name: Owen Summers
Age: 33

Owen stands 6 foot 2 inches and bulks out at 230 pounds..  His black hair sits high and tight and takes away from his ragged cut jeans and work boots. Most people don't look at him twice after seeing his extremely broad shoulders and thick chiseled jaw line.

Owens' personality is mostly average, but has some stand out qualities.  Owen is very smart and grew up a smart child.  This smartness would carry over throughout his life and would aid him in tough situations.  Some other traits Owen possess are, loyalty and toughness.  These are some traits that shaped him as he grew up and when he was training to be an Officer with MOD .  These personality types are pretty important roles for his job.  Owen has a very loving temperament.  He cares greatly for his friends and family.  Until you get to know Owen you may think he is a hard working, serious man with no life, but once you get to know him and become friends you will see his loving and emotional side shine brightly.

Owen Summers was an up and coming gifted student who loved his family very much. He had a normal childhood upbringing in the early years but tragedy struck at the age of 9 when his mother was murdered in a convenience store robbery. He loved his mom very much and he would often relive the event over and over again in his head.  After the family tragedy his two best friends got him involved in soccer which took his mind away from the bad memories and made him a kid again.  Owen desperately wanted to try to prevent incidents like this in the future and vowed to become an officer of some sort in the future.

After Owen completed all his schooling and became eligible he applied and joined the The Ministry of Defense Police division.  The training was nothing like he thought it would be, but it was good for him and it was well worth.  After his initial training he attended some mandatory law classes and then went through a firearms course.  Once he completed all of his required training he enlisted in the armed security and counter terrorism unit.  Years into the position he finally met the woman of his dreams.  Her name was Nicole.  They dated for sometime and finally got married and decided to start a family.  9 months later she gave birth to their daughter Sarah.  Owen at times is gone on special missions and misses his family but overall he could not have asked for a better life and a better family.

Currently Owen has lost track of his family or their whereabouts.

The March Wood posting bought him the Corporal stripes, a course in offshore patrol boats, heavy weapons, and navigation