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Welcome to Sea Cliff Weyr

15:55, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: R'nak (Renak)
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation/Rank(Holder, Crafter, Rider): Blue Rider, Assistant Weyrlingmaster
Location: Sea Cliff Weyr

R'nak is a character of extremes. On one side, he is authoritarian, utterly devoted to his duty, and almost obsessive about personal appearance, training, and care for the needs of dragons. As Assistant Weyrlingmaster he is known to be an absolute nightmare. Nothing escapes his attention and anyone who is anything less than perfect tends to get the very sharp edge of his tongue. Any number of weyrlings have come to loathe the sessions with their teacher, as they will be rigorous, exhausting, and even slight infractions tend to receive excessive penalisation.

Off duty, he is the opposite. He knows he is very handsome, leans towards both gambling and sexual pleasures rather more than is strictly seemly, and has a reputation for being a notorious seducer of both males and females. He puts as much energy into his romantic life, which is entangled beyond hope of unravelling, as he does into his devotion to his duties. This has resulted in relationships that are mind-bogglingly complicated, and explains why nobody has remained a permanent weyrmate with him, as he is a major headache to live with.

Description: R'nak is around five feet and ten inches tall, and has a good, athletic physique. His hair is a dark, dirty blonde, which he keeps swept back from his forehead but short enough to easily fit beneath his helmet. His clothing tends towards the tight leathers worn by working dragonriders, but when off duty a rather open-shirted style is often seen, showing off his figure to all those he meets. His walk is a confident stride, but the expression on his face is always a somewhat sly, almost seductive, smile.

His eyes are dark blue, and very keen. For all his sensuality, he looks like nothing escapes his notice.

Brief History: This is the younger son of Lord Bitra, who was rather too much of a flirt when younger. At around fourteen he was embroiled in some scandal when it was believed that he had made one of the daughters of Lord Boll pregnant. It turned out that he hadn't, it was all a misunderstanding, but while the Lords were angrily arguing that he should be forced to make her his wife because of the resulting scandal, he got himself searched to Telgar Weyr, throwing a massive spanner into the works.

It was agreed that, if he failed to impress, he would be dragged off and married whether he liked it or not. Fortunately, he did impress to a blue dragon named Orialoth, thereby saving his skin from what would likely have been a pretty miserable life. His lifemate proved to be a very steadying influence, turning a decidedly wild and rebellious young man into a reliable and skilled rider. His lascivious inclinations remained, but were focused into more appropriate behaviour that did not overly interfere with his duties.

Oddly enough, and this is not something that is common knowledge, he has remained close to the daughter of Lord Boll, even since her marriage to someone else, and he visits her regularly, often when her family are elsewhere. It is quite likely that her recently born son may actually not be that of her husband at all - something which could cause no end of problems if anyone realizes what has happened ...

Age When Impressed: 15
Dragon Age: 15
Dragon Description: Orialoth is small for a blue, being little larger than a full-grown green. This does give him a degree of agility that other blues may envy, but his stamina has taken the associated hit. The agility means he has a definite edge in mating flights and he has proudly taken a goodly share of green tails when the race is on.

Orialoth is a wonderful contrast of blues. His throat and belly are the glorious blue of a summer sky but the shade fades across his flanks until his back and ridges are the deep midnight shade of dark blue that one sees at dawn in the high mountain peaks. The contrast is echoed all across his body, so when seen from below in flight he looks very pale for a blue, but viewed solely from above his darkness fades towards a rich, blue-black.

Dragon Personality: Orialoth is undoubtedly well suited to his lifemate. Both have a love of good eating and the carnal life, and the dragon is always flirting with the greens he comes across. A little too fond of bloody meat, basking in the sun, and long, hot baths, Orialoth seems at first to be a lazy sensualist. Nothing could be further from the truth. He has a compulsive obsession with duty, and if he believes anyone (his rider included) to be shirking their work, he will become incensed. He is a nag of the very worst kind, and as such he tends to henpeck the other dragons in the weyr - much to the amusement of the humans, even if the other dragons treat this behaviour with resignation.