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Welcome to Divine Evil (anitaverse)

09:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Sean Reese Hadley

Full Name: Sean Reese Hadley
Nickname: Sean
Profile:  Charlie Hunnam
Age:  32
Age apparent: 26
Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Occupation: convict, former debt collector (horse races, gambling), now dealer
Languages: english, spanish
Species: Lycanthrope-werepanther
Standard: physical prowess, fast healing, acute senses, silver vulnerability, control animals, hybrid form, aura of power, pass as human
alpha: quick shifting, resist master's call, partial change

Overall Appearance:Sean's hard muscular body emanates many days spent in the gym.  Although not a hardcore body builders physique, it still reflects much physical activity and shear strength.  His sapphire blue eyes beam and glisten in the light like a rare gem.  His blonde locks fall into his face and grace his baby-like facial features.  His rough looks and scars only confirm the rough life he's lived and will continue to live.

Height: 6'2
Weight: 220
Eye Color: sapphire blue
Hair color: dirty blonde
Hair Style: barely brushing shoulders, straight, sometimes cut short.
Complexion: olive to mild tan
Body shape: muscular but not overdone
Clothing: sometimes a suit, sometimes t-shirt and jeans and a hoodie

Basic Personality:  Sean was bred and raised to serve others.  He has not ever known of his own freedom.  Not many have seen him for a long period of time rely only on himself.  He has always been a follower, a strong will, but a follower none the less.  He knows what he wants, but never sees a reason to ever try.  Not that he lacks confidence, but his relying on others also comes with a price.  They get him what he wants in return for what they want.  He knows how to work people and has become a very clever and mischievous person.  Even if having to be defiant and ruthless.  He is by all means, the essence of a true Gemini.  He is has two faces, his good side that any one can see at most any time.  Then his dark and evil side that has seen things, done things, that would traumatize anyone.

Sexual Likes: prefers blondes or red-heads.  if not that, he likes a strong woman that knows how to lead and take control, but one who doesn't mind a dominant man at times either.

Sexual Dislikes: hates wimps, someone who can't make their own mind up.  hates relationships with strings attached.  does not want a long term relationship, but has never had the opportunity to be in one due to his job.

Sexual Strengths: knows what he wants and typically gets it accomplished, knows many positions and how to get things done the right way

Sexual Weaknesses: having to please woman and not get anything showing they are enjoying it.  likes an active participant and not a dead fish.

Merits: strong willed, reliable, ruthless, honest, cunning

Flaws: dependent, selfish, ruthless, deviant, defiant, lack of many emotions sometimes at the wrong time.

History:  From a young child, his father was the only dependent person that took care of Sean.  He was a military general in the US Marines.  He expected Sean and his younger sister to make the most out of their life and their travels.  Sean and Shasta were both admitted into the finest of schools and were expected to excel at anything they did.  If either of them failed, they could expect a lashing when they got home.  both of their butts met face to face with his belt many times.  When they were finally stationed back in the states one last time, his father sent them to an academy back in England to finish out their education for the year.  During one of their overnight field trips, Sean and his current girlfriend had decided to run off in the woods.  In the midst of their sexual encounter, Sean felt something furry between his legs and realized he was no longer having sex with her, but a big black cat.  When he tried to escape, she caught him and left a nice long scratch down his left leg.

When he reached camp, she was no where to be found and he was struggling to walk to safety.  They ended the overnight stay and rushed him to the hospital.  Many times they attempted to call his father, but failed.  During one of his patrols, his father was shot and killed during a raid of the base.  Which left them in the custody of their alcoholic mother.  They had never lived with her, except for the short time that they were in the states as toddlers.  Their father fought and won sole custody of them.  When they arrived, their mother did nothing to help them.  They had to get up and go to school on their own.  The only food that was on the menu, was her beer and liquor cabinet.  BEing that Sean was now the man of the house at only 14 years of age, he established an agreement with a local race horse racketeer that he would help him any way he could.  From that point on, the man sent him to different martial art schools and paid the best money to have Sean trained to fight and be beat up.  It was during one of his trainings, that the man saw what 'talent' the boy had.  Sean had been pushed into a corner and was still being pushed by his sensei at the advice of the racketeer.  When Sean had had enough of the bullying he had shifted into his black panther form and pinned the sensei almost mauling him.  The racketeer saw his potential and from that point on, Sean and Shasta had anything they wanted.  They had their own home, vehicles when of age, and a large sum established in a bank account.

Shasta went on to college and became an english professor overseas.  Sean did not hear anything else from her.  Sean kept working for the racketeer.  That is until one day when the FBI came in and after their investigations, learned of all the killing, money laundering, and schemes that Sean and the man had done over the years.  During the raid, they killed the man, but was able to arrest and house Sean.  He served 5 years in the pen.  They couldn't find the full evidence of the murders to use against Sean, but the money laundering did catch up to him as he was an associate.  Now that Sean is out of jail, he's having to learn to be on his own.  Something that he is not use to.  However, he does still have the established trust fund and extra cash that was stowed away for emergency.  When he was released from jail he gathered all his funds and headed to find a new occupation for himself.

Now released from jail, he has once again found his way onto the streets.  Finding a distributor, he’s now marked himself a dealer of sorts, but more or less a businessman with a plan.  Finding an small office/warehouse with an ocean view, he was able to entice the builder to also create a studio apartment off to the side with its own entrance.

Living or dead Family:
Father (dead): Corporal Steven Hadley
Mother (unknown): Neila Warren-Hadley
Sister (alive): Shasta Hadley
The Man (dead): Alijzah Nahim-Rher