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Welcome to Never After (Fin-Archived)

00:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Emilie Blancfour

Name: Emilie Blancfour
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Nationality: French
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 6' 3"
Hair: Black, kept short
Weight: 150 lbs
Skin: Pale white

Emilie used to be a GIGN lieutenant, trained by the best to defuse and neutralize terrorist situations. She was good, damn good at her job, and used to be sent all over the world to teach members of other special forces. During her last mission in Somalia in 2008, however, things went wrong.
There was a pissing contest between the GIGN and the commandos that had been sent on a joint mission to rescue French nationals from a ship that had been taken over by pirates. During the extraction, one of the marines loosened a hawser on purpose and the thick cable whipped across the deck, hitting Emilie low on the hip, shattering it.
Taken off active duty, she spent years in the hospital, first immobilized from the waist down to give her body a chance to knit itself together again, then to learn the use of her legs again. During the long, boring hours where she lay staring at the cracks in the ceiling, biting back tears, she started to think up stories. First, they were about the nurses in the hospital, but soon, they started to evolve and become more convoluted.
She would never be able to walk properly again, let alone run or go back to her old job... but she'd found a new calling.

Emilie used to be a boisterous, friendly and easy-going woman, the life of every party she went to. The accident changed all that. Now she is closed, keeping a wall between herself and the world. Of the many friends she used to have, hardly a handful are left these days, most of the others having given in disgust at what she'd become.
What she would have let slide in her younger days gets her blood up in a flash, causing her to lash out. Where before she dished out the occasional compliment, all that drips out of her mouth these days are sarcastic remarks, usually intent to hurt.
The liaisons she allows herself these days are always short, and she is always the dominant one.

Physical Description:
Emilie is a tall woman with piercing, slightly slanted dark eyes, her lashes surprisingly long and delicate. Her mouth is small and heart-shaped, its beauty marred by an almost permanent scowl. She keeps her hair cropped short and slicked back, both out of habit and out of... a lack of care for how she looks.
Her breasts have never earned her many lingering looks, but they were perfect for her old job, where uniforms and body armor weren't always tailored with the fair sex in mind. While her torso and arms are muscled, when she stands, it's obvious her sense of balance is off. Her thin, slender right leg stands in sharp contrast to the toned athleticism of the rest of her body, giving a lingering hint to her injury.