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Welcome to Psychic Wars: Rise Of The Metahumans

05:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chad Price

Chad Price

[Note:  Chad is a re-imagining of Alex Shelby from AOH Prequel First Stand Against the Darkness.  Personality wise they are very different men whom, for the purposes of this story, have led nearly parallel lives.  Chad represents in the mind of the author the end result of Alex having served his time with the CAU.  He is seasoned and fully believes that what he is doing is for the greater good.  He knows what goes bump in the night and believes Humanity needs to protect itself if it is to survive.]

CIA agent (theist)
Chad believes he is doing GodÂ’s work.  He believes that psychic abilities will strengthen the United States against her enemies and usher in a new age of peace through the military supremacy of the United States.
As awful as that may sound to the liberal ears of our readers, Chad believes ultimately that he is doing the will of God.  His values are conservative, but he believes in them completely.
Chad is willing to do things that may seem immoral for what he believes to be the greater good.

Born in Illinois, Chad was put up for adoption by parents he never knew.  He shuffled around between foster homes until he was old enough to join the Marines.  He served in Gulf War I & the Bosnian War before being recruited by an old friend of his (A Sniper turned FBI agent named Vincent Garano) for a sub-division of the FBI called the Clandestine Affairs Unit that was being reorganized as an interdepartmental experiment & administered under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security.

After years of service to his country Chad was recruited by the CIA to be their liaison to the CAU.  One of his many duties was the security and oversight of PROJECT STARGATE II.  When Harold Borgia became head of PROJECT NIGHTSHADE (the intellectual successor of STARGATE II), he requested Chad Price by name.

Chad's journey of faith:

Before confronted with the horrors of War (and while living on the streets of Chicago) Chad was an Agnostic.  In the quiet stillness of night after a combat mission in the Marines he was an Athiest, believing that no God would allow the horrors he had witnessed.
However, after serving for years in the CAU, Chad became "born again into the light and love of Jesus Christ".
It was a choice he felt he had to make and has never regretted.
The CAU's area of expertise (before being disbanded in 20??) was the unexplained.  They dealt with demonic possessions, phenomina that would be considered Monsters by any movie going audience, magic, ancient mysteries etc etc etc...

Chad struggled with his lack of faith until he could no longer afford to.  Seeing actual demons and the power they wield, Chad needed a firm footing to deal with a world turned on its ear.

After serving in the 1st gulf war and the Bosnia conflict, Chad was recruited in 2001 by the newly created Department of HomeLand Security.