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Welcome to Risky's Rowdy Roadhens

19:31, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rhuann Mhoor

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Personal Files
What you see is what you get.

Roo is the Wild Child your mother warned you about.  She will do just about anything with anyone as long as there is credits handed over or a thrill involved in the doing. She's figured it out that her life expectancy probably isn't going to be a long one, so she might as well enjoy what little time she can expect to be allotted to her. She might not be the most glamorous or beautiful woman, but there is something about her being so naughty, so bad, that it just attracts men and women to her like moths to a flame.

There's little in life that seemingly hasn't happened to her, or that she hasn't done or tried. She enjoys a good laugh and pulling a prank or two on the few she calls friends, usually accompanied by a terribly foul mouth and dick jokes. Definitely rough around the edges, her bark is mostly worse than her bite... mostly. Rhuann will not suffer assholes or bitches past the point of introductions.  Life is too short to waste letting manipulators ply their craft, and she is quick to put a stop to those that try.

If one finds themselves in her sickbay area, expect two things...
ONE- That you will be all doctored up and good as new.
TWO- You're going to get flirted with. Be a good sport and play along, right? Right.

Rhuann comes from one of the old small towns that still dot Earth's lands, a farming community. She had loving parents, so no Drama there, but her life still sucked as she wanted out of the tiny place to go explore... well... everything.

So, how to do that? Besides going military (crinkled nose at that!), how to do this? She needed a way to earn credits, preferably something that would allow her some travel. She discovered this as a veterinarian. It opened up Earth to her as she joined an organization that allowed her to go all over like the Crocodile Hunter in all those ancient videos. However, this traveling led Rhuann down a bit of the seedier paths of life. Exposed to so many different cultures and societies, she grew somewhat wild and reckless. All those new experiences just waiting to be tried out! She became a bit of a boozer, gambler, and loose with her morals. (Hey! It's okay to like sex, right?!)

Eventually, it got her into a bit of trouble and she had to call upon an old friend to get her off of Earth, fast. Enter Yabin Cornhol. A friend that Rhuann had discovered during their days at college together... or was it at a bar one late night. Rhuann's memories of that are a bit fuzzy from that period of her life. Anyway, it was Yabin that got Rhuann off of Earth safely, albeit with a few tiny lies told that she was a doctor and could manage to be a ship medic. That got the two of them hired onto their first ship together, and they've pretty much been a duo ever since.

As far as being from Earth and anyone having issues with that... well... she usually just lets people be. She's seen what has and is still happening to her home planet. She realizes the slow death that humanity is creating upon the homeworld. As a veterinarian doctor, it disgusts her the things that are allowed to continue on in the name of progress. The little blue pearl isn't just for Earthlings, it's for all of humanity.