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09:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Shelly Chase

Code Name: Batgirl
Real Name: Michelle "Shelly" Chase
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student
Character Model: Kate Winslet

Costumed Identity
Costume Description: In her costumed guise, Shelly wears a hard-shell, but pliable black or sometimes dark blue bodysuit with gold colored boots, gloves, and utility belt.  The suit bares a gold bat symbol on the chest, and the mask allows Shelly's hair to flow freely. Batgirl wears the signature cape, which appears short unless fully extended in times of need.

Powers: None
Skills: Detective work specializing in crime scene investigation, Aikido black belt and  some boxing, Hacking, motorcycle riding, acrobatics and free running.

Equipment: The costume is bulletproof, and contains an impact resistant mesh that cushions against blunt force attacks.
The gloves and boots are reinforced to provide extra damage when punching or kicking, and the forearms and lower legs and shins are reinforced to harm anyone who is blocked.
The utility belt contains several smoke bombs for vanishing, and imitation batarangs used for subduing or disarming opponents.
The cape can billow out fully and be used to glide for moderate distances.
Batgirl uses a bat-grapple to reach high elevations and swing. She is adept at detaching, and reattaching in midswing to travel moderate distances. She also uses this as a means of attack using her momentum to swing into opponents.
Optics can be adapted to see long range and in low light.
A built in police scanner allows her to pick up crime reports and the movement of the local police.
Batgirl employs two very small drones shaped like bats which allow her to hear or see long distances away.
A black Dodge Tomahawk with the bat log in gold on either side.

Description (Civilian)
Height: 5,8
Weight:133 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red
Hair Style: Long and Curly
Body Type: Athletic, yet hourglass shaped
Clothing: Baggy comfortable fitting clothes often with the Gotham U logo
Distinguishing Features/Marks: none

Personality:Shelly is often off in her own little dream world, and this quietness is often mistaken for aloofness. She is friendly, but somewhat cautious about those she does not know well. Once opened up, she can be quite friendly and talkative. Her secrets cause her a great deal of alienation as she is unable to share with others what she faces on a nightly basis. Becoming what she is has taken a great toll on her social life, and she is not very proficient with relationships, often watching things fade as she is unable to detach herself from her alter ego nightly journeys.


Shelly was born the daughter of Donald and Eleanor Chase, and grew up in an affluent neighborhood on the outskirts of Gotham. She and her brother Billy enjoyed private school and a pampered existence among Gotham's well to do. She never questioned how they lived  compared to her father's colleagues until the day he was indicted on corruption charges. Making bail, Donald was freed before his hearing. He swore that he was innocent, and that he had information that would absolve him as well as save the lives of several undercover policemen.

Donald Chase was killed when a yacht he had boarded was detonated by a hitman. Since he had not yet been convicted, Chase was given a policeman's burial, but the legacy of the charges brought against him would not die easily. The Chase family managed for years on the money left by its patriarch, and Shelly grew up with a sense that there were wrongs in the world that someone must right parried with the haunting feeling that her father was wrongly accused. She studied martial arts as soon as she was old enough, and after hearing of the exploits of Nightwing, and other costumed heroes, began to copy thier modus operandi, training in parkour,  freerunning, and acrobatics. Her earliest attempts at imitating Gotham's costumed heroes were disastrous, and almost left her dead on more than one occasion. With scholarships taking care of the brunt of her college education, she used her trust fund to develop the weapons and uniform she would need in her costumed guise. Meanwhile, Eleanor Chase remarried and moved to Florida. Her brother joined the police academy, and became a cop where he faces constant scrutiny due to his father's legacy.

Shelly is currently enrolled in the doctoral program in Criminal Justice/ Forensic Investigation.  With her knowledge of detective work, and a police band radio, she keeps up with trends in crimes often predicting where the next target will be. Shelly has been extremely successful in taking down a number of criminal organizations. She has met and worked with a few of Gotham's heroes including Nightwing. She has never met Batman or the Joker.

Strengths:  Devoted, unrelenting, fearless, A paragon
Weaknesses: Sometimes naïve and short sighted
Fears: Corruption, public shame, following the path of her father

Family, Friends and Enemies:
Detective Donald Chase: Father Deceased
Eleanor Radcliffe:  Mother remarried and lives in Florida
Billy Chase: Brother Active detective
NightWing: Long suffering role model
Robin: Sidekick/partner
Oracle: Font of information and technology contact

Recently, Shelly has been receiving money, and often tips on criminal upstarts, and movement. This has been a great boon to her, and she is unaware of who is behind this support.