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13:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Damon Rook

Damon Rook was born... different. When he got mad, lights flickered and burned out. When someone touched him unexpectedly, they got a shock of static electricity. Perhaps this was why his parents abandoned him at an orphanage when he was just a child - or perhaps there was an accident that cost them their lives. He doesn't know, and at the moment, doesn't care to find out. Damon was raised in various orphanages and foster homes, never truly feeling loved or accepted, always keeping his own company, reading voraciously and tinkering with whatever devices he could get his hands on. His intellect grew in leaps and bounds, which helped further isolate him from his peers and guardians.

As he got older he began to be able to control his powers more. He could sense and manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum, giving him remarkable abilities - he could generate lightning, control electrical devices, move metal with his mind. On a more subtle level, he could manipulate his own neuroelectricity, letting him increase his brainpower several times over, making him a bona fide supergenius. And, it must be said... an evil genius at that. He is casually convinced of his intellectual superiority over the rest of humanity, and is certain that he is the one best suited to guide them... to rule them. He'd show them. He'd show them all!

To facilitate his plans, Damon set up CorVus Incorporated, a large company with interests in power generation, computers and cutting-edge research through a number of blind trusts and shell companies. He appointed a figurehead to run it, while he poses as a 'consultant', allowing him to influence its direction and skim off huge fees while avoiding the scrutiny of the government and media. He is the power behind the throne.

In his civilian identity, Damon Rook is a man of about 33 years, standing a little over 6' tall and with a fit, toned, well-maintained physique. He has electric blue eyes and brown hair just long enough to tangle artfully. He prefers expensive but tasteful, light-coloured suits and titanium watches and jewellery, so as not to disrupt his electromagnetic field.