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Welcome to Worldwalker

11:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


An obese man of (normally) average height and build, Brock weighs in at 122 kilos, at a height of 178 cm. He has short, wavy brown hair that is dark enough that it appears almost black in the right lighting. He currently wears a goatee, recently trimmed but it is starting to grow too long. He needs a shave.

His medium length hair tends to stick out wildly in every direction if there is any wind, or when he is upset. This is because he runs his hands through his hair as a nervous habit. It also sticks out near the shoulder, and refuses to lie flat, so he keeps it trimmed above the shoulder to keep it from being a disaster.

He is dressed in ill-fitting and generally untidy clothes, yet he walks with a confident and self assured manner that offsets that appearance. His dress bothers him, but he is too busy to deal with right now.

When in social situations where he does not know the people there and has no reason to speak up, such as to lead people to a decision or to take command, he prefers to maintain silence. He is a good listener that makes it clear when you are speaking to him that he is listening and acknowledges everything you say, and then offers his best advice or comment. He offers his wisdom or insight freely to all who need it. He is usually seen as very courteous, nice, and self-effacing. He is generally well liked.

Brock is an uprightly moral man, and he tends to think his problems through in a very direct and thorough manner. He ruthlessly pursues justice, making any personal sacrifice necessary. He has even been directly reckless and brash in the face of danger, threatening an armed man while facing him unarmed. He will brook no opposition in a tense situation, and will seek the right path in all things. That said, he does not prefer to go to violence first, preferring a nonviolent disarming of the situation if possible. Beware his temper, however.

At home, Brock is a very laid back and relaxed person. It takes years of stress for him to get to the point where he cannot get along with someone. He prefers to be left to his own devices, and engages in many scholarly and geeky pastimes. When there is no danger and no major goals, he can be rather unmotivated, sinking into laziness. Aware of this in himself, he chooses to be optimistic and seek out new things to do at all times. He remembers his teenage years ruefully, and he will not drop back into the misguided mess he was then.

Brock is a philosophical pagan, in a manner of speaking. It is his firm belief that the reason for the existence of other worlds, realms of spirit and indeed the Verse itself, is that the power of the belief of sentient beings makes it so. ALL Gods exist. ALL Gods are valid. All beliefs, all faiths, all creatures imagined or feared, ALL things exist. Magic exists, a force of energy, power and belief that takes form and is directed by expectation.

Indeed, as far as he is concerned, the only reason that he can't hurl magic around as fire and lightning is because the people of his world don't believe that he can, and their collective willpower is far greater than his. One grain of sand can stand against the tide, but that grain of sand will not push back against the entire ocean. He is that grain of sand.

Brock has poor vision, asthma, a weight problem, and somewhat high blood pressure. Despite this, he has good hand/eye coordination, sense of balance, and ability to push on physically.