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10:15, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Darla Lucas

Darla Lucas

Physical description: Stands at 5'8". Because she was pregnant, her weight used to be around 165, but with the mixture of losing the baby and Nate's death, it has gone down to at least 130 pounds. Long, brown hair with curls that could rival Shirley Temple's. Darla simply ties it in a pony tail or lets it down, and has Hazel eyes that sometimes appear green. A set of deep dimples adorn her cheeks. Not much of a wearer of jewelry, except for her engagement and wedding rings, which she didn't have the heart to take them off after the accident. She has a 2 inch scar across her right eye that seems to grab most people's attention nowadays, and has left her partially blind in that eye. Her style mostly consists of jeans and a nice top.

Bio: Darla grew up sheltered. Her parents were overprotective of her, their only daughter. She usually never got into trouble, had very good grades, and could play any instrument. When it came to college, Darla ignored her parents' wishes to stay closer to home and study in the medical field, and instead went out of state to study music. After she graduated college, she went to Red Elephant Records to try and get a job there. At first, Roger denied her, but Darla was persistent and eventually she got a job. She started out at the front desk and after a while began to slowly work her way up as assistant manager.

She first saw Model Citizen when they came into the studio for the first time. She took an instant liking to Nate, the lead singer. To her, he was beautiful, although she had never called him something so feminine like that. He had made her laugh so easily, and after a while of shameless and endless flirting, finally started a relationship that eventually led to a wonderful marriage. On the day of the accident, Nate and Darla were on a date, their last one as a couple before the baby would arrive by the end of the week. Nate was driving on the highway when a semi truck swerved into their lane to catch the exit. Nate tried to move quickly, but caught the back of the truck, which caused the car to spin and hit the guard rail. He was killed instantly, and Darla sustained critical injuries, including losing the baby.

After the accident, Darla went into depression. She had lost the love of her life, and her baby. She sold the mansion and bought a decent sized house by the beach. She didn't eat or talk to anyone, just threw herself into her work. Now years after the accident, the band was ready to go on tour.