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Welcome to DND 3.5 - URTUR - Of Secrets Surrounding Glimmershine

03:00, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name  : Samuel               Gender: Male    MAX HP: 37
Player: Ralf                 Height: 6'3"    CUR HP: ?
Race  : Human                Weight: 160 lbs
Class : Ranger 4; HFE 1      Age   : 19
Level : 5                    Hair  : Blond
Align :                      Eyes  : Blauw
Deity : Source of Nature     Hand  : Right
Size  : Medium               Speed : 30 feet

Born  : 23 Casius, Sterrendag, 1245 Na Val
        Base   Racial   Ability   Wishs     Magic     Final
        Roll    Bonus    Bonus    Bonus     Item     Ability
STR  :   16      --       +1       --        +1       18/+4
DEX  :   16      +2       --       --        --       18/+4
CON  :   14      --       --       --        --       14/+2
INT  :   10      +2       --       --        --       12/+1
WIS  :   14      --       --       --        --       14/+2
CHA  :   10      --       --       --        --       10/+0
AC Total:            20                  MELEE          RANGED
AC when Flat-Footed  15                  Total:  +8     Total:  +8
AC vs Touch Attack   14                  Base:   +4     Base:   +4
Base:                10                  STR:    +4     DEX:    +4
Armor:               03 (Studded)        Misc:   +0     Misc:   +0
Shield:              01 (2 weap def)     Magic:  +0
Nat armor            01
Dexterity:           04
Size:                00 (Medium)
Deflection:          00 (Non)            INITIATIVE
Magical Armor bonus: 00 (Non)            Total:  +8
Natural Armor:       01 (Ring)           DEX:    +4
Dodge bonus:         01 (Dodge           Misc:   +4 Improved Initiatve
       Total    Base   Ability   Misc   Magic
Fort  : +6   =  +4   + +2      +   -  +  -
Refl  : +8   =  +4   + +4      +   -  +  -
Will  : +3   =  +1   + +2      +   -  +  -

+2 save vs Desease
+2 Save vs Poison
Fire resistance 10


Dodge                           Chosen at level 1
Improved Initiative             Chosen at level 1
Weapon Focus: Long Sword        Chosen at level 3

Racial Traits:

Bonus Feat:                     1 Bonus feat at 1st Level

Bonus Skill Points:             4 Bonus Skill Point at 1st Level,
                                1 Bonus Skill Point at every other Level

Class Traits:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:   All simple and martial weapons
                                Light armor and shields (except tower shields).

Favored Enemy (Ex):             +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot,
                                and Survival checks when using these skills
                                against creatures of this type. Likewise, he
                                gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against
                                such creatures.
                                At 5th level and every five levels thereafter
                                (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may
                                select an additional favored enemy from those
                                given on the table. In addition, at each such
                                interval, the bonus against any one favored
                                enemy (including the one just selected, if so
                                desired) increases by 2.

                                Chosen: Giant: +2

Track:                          A ranger gains Track as a bonus feat.

Wild Empathy (Ex):              A ranger can improve the attitude of an animal.

Combat Style (Ex):              Two-weapon combat: Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
                                The benefits of the ranger’s chosen style apply
                                only when he wears light or no armor.

Endurance:                      Endurance as a bonus feat.

Two weapon defense              +1 Shield bonus, +2 shield bonus when fighting


Common, Human, Tormentires, Elven (1 SP)
SKILLS Point Total = 55 ((7+1)x7) (-1 elven)

Mod = Rnk Abl Msc | Skills:               Ability  Untrained?
+0  =  0  +0  +0  | Appraise               (INT)      Yes
+6  =  0  +4  +2! | Balance                (DEX)      Yes
+0  =  0  +0  +0  | Bluff                  (CHA)      Yes
+6  =  3  +3  +0! | Climb                  (STR)*     Yes
+5  =  3  +2  +0  | Concentration          (CON)*     Yes
+1  =  0  +1  +0  | Craft ()               (INT)*     Yes
+1  =  0  +1  +0  | Decipher Script        (INT)      No
+0  =  0  +0  +0  | Diplomacy              (CHA)      Yes
+1  =  0  +1  +0  | Disable Device         (INT)      No
+0  =  0  +0  +0  | Disguise               (CHA)      Yes
+4  =  0  +4  +0! | Escape Artist          (DEX)      Yes
+1  =  0  +1  +0  | Forgery                (INT)      Yes
+0  =  0  +0  +0  | Gather Information     (CHA)      Yes
+3  =  3  +0  +0  | Handle Animal          (CHA)*     No
+6  =  4  +2  +0  | Heal                   (WIS)*     Yes
+10 =  6  +4  +0! | Hide                   (DEX)*     Yes
+0  =  0  +0  +0  | Intimidate             (CHA)      Yes
+7  =  2  +3  +2! | Jump                   (STR)*     Yes
                  | Knowledge              (INT)      No
+1  =  0  +1  +0  |  (Dungeoneering)*
+1  =  0  +1  +0  |  (Geography)*
+3  =  2  +1  +0  |  (Nature)*
+5  =  3  +2  +0  | Listen                 (WIS)*     Yes
+8  =  4  +4  +0! | Move Silently          (DEX)*     Yes
+4  =  0  +4  +0  | Open Lock              (DEX)      No
+0  =  0  +0  +0  | Perform                (CHA)      Yes
+2  =  0  +2  +0  | Profession ()          (WIS)*     No
+5  =  1  +4  +0  | Ride                   (DEX)*     Yes
+8  =  7  +1  +0  | Search                 (INT)*     Yes
+2  =  0  +2  +0  | Sense Motive           (WIS)      Yes
+4  =  0  +4  +0! | Sleight of Hand        (DEX)      No
+0  =  0  +0  +0  | Spellcraft             (INT)      Yes
+9  =  7  +2  +0  | Spot                   (WIS)*     Yes
+6  =  4  +2  +0  | Survival               (WIS)*     Yes
+4  =  1  +3  +0! | Swim                   (STR)*     Yes
+9  =  5  +4  +0! | Tumble                 (DEX)      No
+0  =  0  +0  +0  | Use Magic Device       (CHA)      No
+4  =  1  +3  +0  | Use Rope               (DEX)*     Yes

*= Class Skill
Tumble Synergy: +2 Balance and Jump
NAME : Longsword + Shortsword
ATT  : +6          +5
DMG  : 1d8+4       1d6+2
CRIT : 19-20/x2    19-20/x2
RNG  : -           -
WGHT : 4           2
SIZE : 1 Handed    Light
TYPE : Slashing    Piercing
Masterwork Longsword, Masterwork Shorsword, Weapon Focus Longsword

NAME : Longsword                      NAME : Shorsword
ATT  : +8                             ATT  : +7
DMG  : 1d8+4 (2h: 1d8+4)              DMG  : 1d6+2
CRIT : 19-20/x2                       CRIT : 19-20/x2
RNG  : -                              RNG  : -
WGHT : 4                              WGHT : 2
SIZE : 1 Handed (2 Handed)            SIZE : Light
TYPE : Slashing                       TYPE : Piercing
PROPERTIES :                          PROPERTIES :
Masterowrk & Weapon Focus             Masterwork

NAME : Shorbow                        NAME : Dagger
ATT  : +8                             ATT  : +8 (+8 throwing)
DMG  : 1d6                            DMG  : 1d4+4
CRIT : x3                             CRIT : 19-20/x2
RNG  : 60 feet                        RNG  : 10 feet
WGHT : 2                              WGHT : 1
SIZE : Ranged, Two Handed             SIZE : Light
TYPE : Piercing                       TYPE : Piercing
PROPERTIES :                          PROPERTIES :
                                      Melee or Ranged


- Spell like abilities.
  Caster Level = Class Level
  DC = 10 + 1/2 HD + Wisdom Modifier:

Level  1-  2: Burning Hands  (1 x a day)
Level  3-  4: Produce Flame  (1 x a day)
Level  5-  6: Flaming Sphere (1 x a day)

1 Level 1 Ranger spell

ARMOUR                               SHIELD
NAME          : Studded Leather      NAME          :
TYPE          : Light                TYPE          :
AC BONUS      : +4                   AC BONUS      :
MAX DEX       : +5                   CHECK PENALTY :
CHECK PENALTY : 0                    SPELL FAILURE :
SPELL FAILULE : 15%                  WEIGHT        :
SPEED         : 30 feet              PROPERTIES    :
WGHT          : 20
PROPERTIES    : Masterwork
GP: 76
SP: 6



Light Load:      76       Max dex.   Armor check  Speed   Run
Medium Load:    153          3            –3      20 ft.  x4
Heavy Load:     230          1            –6      20 ft.  x3

Total Weight:    50,00 lbs


Item                             Location     Weight    Cost
Studded Leather Masterwork       Body         20 lbs    25 gp 0 sp 0 cp
Dagger (2)
Short Bow
Arrows (40)
Longsword masterwork
Shortsword masterwork

Fishhook (4)
Flint and steel
Traveler’s outfit

Totals                                        - lbs     - gp - sp - cp

Item (value, weight)

Gauntlets of Power +1