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Welcome to [Fate Core] CAMELOT Trigger

03:05, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Princess Meara La Guin of Chonaill
High Concept: Princess of the People
Trouble: War is BULLSHIT Shattered Innocence
Other Aspects: Heir to a Bit More Than a Duchy Now, (Un)fortunate Reputation, Berserker The Fury

Superb (+5): Zeal
Great (+4): Armour, Household
Good (+3): Mark, Vigor, Intrigue
Fair (+2): Blast, Devotion, Melee
Average (+1): Chivalry, Cunning, Lineage

Long Jumper: +2 to any Zeal rolls to leap.

Cat's Grace: Use Zeal instead of Skulking when moving quickly to infiltrate a secure facility.

Gold Cools the Blood: You may use Household to remove mental consequences, provided the consequence is something that can be dealt with by throwing gobs of money at it.

Home Is Where The Forge Is: You may use Household for rolls to repair armour so long as you are able to get it back to your home base.

See? I was listening!: Your family hired tutors of the highest caliber.  Despite your antics, you paid more attention than you got credit for.  Once per session you may spend a Fate Point to automatically Succeed at a Lore Overcome action, provided that the knowledge is something that you could have learned from a teacher or tutor.

Wigglesworth: Stund pending


Coat of Arms:

Meara's family Armour, Brunhildr, is built for elite pilots, relying on the skill of the pilot to bring out its full potential.  Not for beginners, or even the standard veteran Armour pilot, it relies on its maneuverability, agility, and power being used at its full potential to win engagements of all types.

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Fear of Loss (Mild)



Head: Reflex Enhancer (+2 to Mark when determining initiative order)
Front: Ichaival Blaster (+2 to Blast vs. targets two zones away)
Back: Sleipnir Thrusters (You move two zones for free in a conflict without rolling, instead of one, provided there are no situation aspects restricting movement.)
Arms: Lævateinn Blade (+2 Melee when you go before your Target in initiative order)
Legs: Ellida Boosters (May use Melee instead of Blast against targets one zone away)


Meara's (more accurately House Chonaill's) carrier, crewed by a bevy of badass women.  There might be some token male crew on the ship!