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Welcome to Robotech: The Ranger Chronicles (Freeform)

22:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

2nd Lt. Parker Harvey (deceased)

2nd Lt. Parker A. Harvey
Age: 22
Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 160lbs
Appearance and personality:  Parker is an enthusiastic young man of average build.  He tested to have above average hand eye coordination and reflexes.  He is easily excited and slightly unfocused ADHD case outside of the cockpit.  In the cockpit however he is more focused.  He may be a bit rash at times, but he just wants to help and will do his very best to do just that.  Parker has a full head of shaggy dyed hair and blue eyes.  His hair color varies every few months or so, sometimes it is red, then white, then black, then florescent blue.  The military seems tolerant of this so long as the soldiers are performing as well as they can.
Parker was the son of former soldiers, Nina and Jake Harvey who both fought and died in the global civil war before the crash of the SDF-1 on Macross island.  He bounced around to different foster homes after that, but he was old enough he enlisted in the military.  For kids like Parker that was pretty much the only option other than get a job in the service industry.  Parker wanted to honor his parents and joined up.  At the time he found the mobile artillery and destroid squads interesting and took the training path for those.  He tried several of them and found his niche as the head of a crew on a HWR-00 MAC-II “Monster”.   He and his crew were training hard but then everything changed:  the SDF-1 disappeared taking Macross Island with it.

The United Earth Defense Forces started scrambling to make improvements since no one knew if the alien ship would ever be back.  The destroid Monster program was shut down much to Parker’s dismay.  The monster had a certain appeal to him that he liked very much.  His entire training program was scrapped overnight it seemed and that left him in limbo for a few weeks.  Finally the UEDF allowed the destroid crews to take an alternative training path if they wished.  Rather than just become another ship’s crew, Parker wanted to be a mecha pilot.  He had gotten the taste of it and didn’t want to stop now.  The logical choice was veritech pilot.  He entered the academy and grew to like the variable crafts.  His interest peaked with the announcement of the new VB-6 Konig Monster and the SDP-01 "Stampede" Valkyrie.  The mobile artillery was being fully integrated with the veritechs it seemed.  This renewed his enthusiasm for the military career he had chosen and he soon passed the academy.  Parker’s first assignment was coming soon and he couldn’t wait