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Welcome to No More Heroes

17:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Evren's looks are a little different from most people in the village, indicating he has ancestry that lies somewhere else. He doesn't have a clue where that is, and neither did his parents—though both have passed on, leaving he and his sister, Yildiz, on their own. Working for the wealthy landowner Tarlish since he was thirteen, Evren has developed into a strong, tough, and quick-footed fellow, standing at about 180cm, with a narrow frame that seems crafted from iron. He wears his hair long all around, but especially in the back, to keep it out of his face while he works.

The young man has had a colorful past in the village: He's a thug, a bull-rider, a horseman, a gambler, and loves to get into scraps. He has the personality of a bag of doorknobs, but as long as he's treated nicely, and with the respect he assumes you owe him, he can even be friendly and agreeable.

Over the years, he's had a few brushes with death, including getting gored in the chest, trampled, poisoned, slashed, and burnt. Yet he seems to rebound from each even harder than before; considering how his parents both died (his father from a hoof to the head by one of Tarlish's horses, his mother from a deathtail's sting), you'd think he'd suffer a fair amount of trauma, but that's not the case—it's only emboldened him to look death in the face and laugh. He has a sure grip, an infectious bravado, an inexplicable ability to court disaster but avoid it, and stands best when all by himself. He can use either hand with equal capability, and has a penchant for blades and good, hard leather.